Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2398: Final recognition!

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"It turned out that the blood of the scorpion that was left in the lower bounds of the year was back, and this gimmick did not stop."

"Oh, it’s gone. The things of the year have passed. Since they are back, they will return to their ancestral homes."

"It’s just the man... It’s gone, let her go. The cultivation of this girl has reached a level that is not weaker than us, and can’t stop her, no matter what she wants to do, as long as it does not harm the interests of the family. Just go with her. After all, she is among the most promising in our family. She can break through the seeds of becoming a fairy king. If she scares her away, then the loss of the family is too great."


At the same time, in the backyard of the Zhantai family, there were a few helpless voices coming over. It was the great Luoqiang who lived in the back hills of the Zhantai family. After they discussed it, they once again convinced everything. Go, did not continue to observe what happened at the gate of the city.


At this time, at the gate of the city, there was a roar in the body of Yun Ruoxue, who had closed his eyes. There was a breath that surpassed the fairy, and her cultivation climbed up, and even at this moment, she directly reached the truth. The degree of comparison with the fairy.

Obviously, Yun Ruoxue only repaired as a breakthrough, and it was able to let her break through the realm of true immortals. It can be seen that the blood of the Xianwang owned by the Zhantai family is also very extraordinary.

"The blood of this Zhantai family has reached such an extraordinary level. If Xuexuetou is only awakened by blood, it has already been broken by Tianxian to the real fairyland. It seems that the ancestors of the Zhantai family are not necessarily what you said. The talent is not enough to break through."

After Xiang Yang saw this scene, he looked at Li Huan with a strange look.

At this moment, his general manager understands the extent of the so-called lack of talent in the eyes of people like Li Huan. This is because Li Huan takes others to compare with him.

After all, Li Huan was the Emperor of Heaven, and he was able to fight against Xianzun in the realm of Xianwang. He was known as one of the two great immortals in ancient times. His blood was naturally unmatched.

In contrast, the blood of other people is naturally inferior.

"His blood is indeed normal, but the purity of Yun's blood is not only because of the blood of the Jantai family, but also has another blood force in her body. It should be the brother of the boss. If it is the blood. After the force awakens, the fusion of the two blood vessels is the most powerful." Li Huan said.

"It seems that my brother is not an ordinary person. I just don't know what level my brother has reached. I don't know what it will be like if the blood of the snow is awakened."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself. He always felt that his brother’s blood talent was definitely extraordinary. Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for his master to be a registered disciple. Now even Li Huan said this, it must be extraordinary. .


Just at this time, the blood awakening in Yun Ruoxue has been successful. She slowly opened her eyes. At first glance, she saw that she had a very similar appearance to herself. She could almost be said to have carved out with her own model. The woman is looking at herself with tears.

Whether it is based on the similar appearance of the other party or the **** feeling between the two sides, Yun Ruo Xue is very clear that the other party must be his own biological mother.

The mother who has never seen it since childhood has appeared in front of her. Yun Ruoxue not only has no excitement and excitement, but the whole person is instantly paralyzed.

Then, her eyes looked backwards. After looking for Xiangyang, before Zhantai Hyunyue had no time to open her mouth, she would run to Xiangyang like a frightened deer. The whole person puts in the arms of Xiangyang and tightens her head. Tightly buried in Xiang Yang’s arms no longer dare to carry it up.

Yun Ruoxue did not speak, and the whole person held Xiangyang tightly. However, Xiang Yang could sense that her delicate body was shaking. Obviously, Yun Ruo Xue at the moment is suffering tremendous psychological pressure.

"Okay, it's okay, we are all here."

Xiang Yang gently patted the back of Yun Ruoxue and comforted him. At the same time, he looked up and looked at Zhantai Hyun Moon and found that Zhan Taixuan’s face had a bitter bitterness, but when he looked at himself holding the cloud When it was snow, it was a time when it was very strange.

When I saw the strange look of Zhantai Xunyue, Xiang Yang’s heart was helpless. After all, he was Yun Ruoxue’s uncle, so he was holding Yun Ruoxue in front of everyone, which seems a bit not very good. Look like.

However, at this moment, Yun Ruoxue suddenly saw her biological mother, and it was just when she was unable to feel her own. Xiang Yang knew that if she pushed her away now, she would definitely not be able to show her. Sorry eyes, continue to softly comfort the cloud if snow.

"This kid is clearly the little uncle of my granddaughter, but it looks like my granddaughter is a couple, can you say that this kid is the uncle who actually got my granddaughter, my God..."

Zhan Taixuan’s biological father, the middle-aged man, still dared not speak, but his heart was active. After his eyes turned for a while, he continued to stare at Xiangyang. It seems that I want to see what is the relationship between Xiangyang and Yun Ruoxue.

Not only that, all the people in the Zhantai family are staring at Xiangyang, only that the relationship between Xiangyang and Yun Ruoxue is a bit confusing.

However, at this time, no one said anything, because the eyes of Zhan Taixuan’s moon were cold, swept over everyone’s body, and shouted. “Everyone is rolling back, watching what is lively here, one by one has practiced. Going to the state of Da Luo? No... I won’t roll it.”



With the screaming of Zhantai Hyunyue, the people of these Zhantai families all spread out, and there was no shadow in the blink of an eye.

Ever since, the original bustling city gate, there is only Zhantai Xuanyue and the middle-aged man, that is, the biological father of Zhantai Xuanyue, the owner of the Zhantai family is standing there watching Xiangyang.

All the other people in Zhantai City were all screamed and sipped by Zhan Taixuan, and no one dared to stay.

"What are you still doing here?"

Zhantai Xuanyue looked at everyone and found that his father, the middle-aged man, still kept a sneer, and shouted, "Is not going back?"

"I want to stay and see my grandson."

The middle-aged man muttered, with a reluctant look on his face.

"Ha ha..."

When Zhan Taixuan listened to the moon, he suddenly didn't hit a place, and he screamed with anger. "Fart, if you want to see your granddaughter, when I just gave birth to Cher, I wouldn’t send someone to catch me. Thousands of years, and forced me to pledge not to take the initiative to find my daughter and husband, unless they come to me, otherwise, if I dare to find them, let my daughter and husband form a god. You count What father? What grandfather is it, don't let my daughter see you, she doesn't have a grandfather like you, give me a roll..."

While squatting, Zhan Taixuan’s body has a strong breath looming, and most middle-aged men will not leave, she will start to work hard with each other.

With the strength of Zhantai Hyunyue, I want to deal with middle-aged men without having to work hard, and it is easy to crush each other. After all, Da Luo’s triple heaven has an absolute advantage over Shangluo.

"Moon, the things of the year, it is really a last resort for the father."

The middle-aged man, the father of Zhantai Hyunyue, couldn’t help but sigh with a sigh of color.


Zhan Taixuan screamed and screamed, and her breath was more powerful than her father. If the other party really did not leave, she might have started.

"But it’s gone, it’s boring to stay, then I will leave."

The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly, knowing that his daughter’s resentment against himself was too deep, and that the strength of her daughter has grown by leaps and bounds over the years, and she has already surpassed herself too much. If she stays, she will only let She was even more angry. At that time, she might stage a plot of being beaten up by her daughter, so she had to turn and leave.

Just when he left, he gave Xiang Yang a voice. "If you have time, you can come to the Zhantai family to have a cup of tea with the old man. The door of the Zhantai family is open for small friends at any time."

Xiang Yang looked at the direction of the middle-aged man with a strange color. Through Zhantai Hyun Yue, he could not easily think of what happened in the past, knowing that things may be hidden in the past.

Moreover, the reason why the other party wants to go to the Zhantai family to drink tea is that after knowing that he is Yunfeiyang’s younger brother, he wants to know something from himself. However, now his own teacher has already found it, and Zhantai’s family goes. It doesn't seem to matter if you don't go.

"Snow, the irrelevant people have already driven them away. You, look up and look at your mother?"

At this time, after Zhan Taixuan’s evacuation of all the people, he carefully shook his voice and said to Yun Ruoxue.

Her voice is very small, very soft, and even trembles constantly, for fear that if the voice is louder, she will be scared to the cloud, which is like the prevailing style when she left the Zhantai family. In comparison, there is a difference in the nature of the sac.


However, Yun Ruoxue still trembled and hid in the arms of Xiangyang and dared not come out. However, Xiang Yang could obviously feel that after she heard the words of Zhantai Xuanyue, her head moved a little. I seem to think of it, but I don’t dare to be the same.

Zhan Taixuan’s face with a sullen color, whispered, "Daughter, I know that you hate the mother. In these years, my mother is forced to swear and can’t find you in the lower bounds. I really miss you very much, but I I really don't dare to go find you..."

"In that year, I met with your father because of the lower bounds. After I got you, I was discovered by the family. The family sent Da Luoqiang to catch me back. Your father was also seriously injured, and the mother died. Your father and you will survive.

However, when I was arrested and returned to the fairyland, I was locked in the family. I was forced by the family to take the life of your father and daughter and I vowed not to look for you. Over the years, I have been practicing hard, just to be able to go early. When I broke through to the king of the fairy king, I was able to find your father and daughter like a broken oath. Unfortunately, the mother is still stuck in the realm of Da Luo’s triple heaven. Now, my baby daughter is a mother. Good snow, you finally came to me, promised me, you can hate me, but don't ignore me, okay..."

Zhan Taixuan said in a low voice, tears continued to roll down, and the sadness reached the extreme. Xiang Yang also felt that the shape of Yun Ruo Xue in his arms was constantly shaking, even the clothes on his chest were already Was soaked.

Obviously, Yun Ruo Xue was also infected and was crying, but she did not dare to look up.

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Okay, gimmick, you are so brave, how can you not look up at your mother now? Don't get my clothes wet, yeah, it's yours." Tears and snot, slimy disgusting death..."

"Which nose?"

Yun Ruo Xue looked up and turned into a little cat, but he habitually slammed Xiang Yang and said it.

"Look, my chest is wet, and I said no." Xiang Yang said, pointing at the clothes on his chest.

"You, you hate it." When Yun Ruoxue looked at Xiangyang's white clothes and was wet by himself, he suddenly showed shyness.

"You have to compensate me." Xiang Yang is a serious saying.

"Ah..." Yun Ruoxue stayed, then asked, "How to compensate?"

Xiang Yang glanced at Zhantai Hyun Moon, who was crying on one side, whispering, "Gather your courage. In the past, I called a 'mother-in-law'. My brother asked me to bring you to the fairyland to find your mother. Now I found it. After that, you have made your mother sad. If the brother knows, it will definitely be very difficult. At that time, maybe the brothers still have to blame me. You can't let me be the bad guy."

"Taro, go, your mother is waiting for you, she has waited too long for you to call her a mother."

When Xiang Yang said, he turned the face of Yun Ruoxue and let her face Zhantai Hyun Moon. Then he took his hands back and stepped back two steps, looking at the face with a smile. A mother and daughter.

Yun Ruoxue didn’t think that Xiangyang had to compensate for this. After she stayed, she looked up and saw the face of Zhantai Xunyue, which was full of tears but had a similarity to her. She then I couldn’t help but open my mouth and shivered and shouted, "Mother..."

"Hey, my daughter, my mother is here, here... my baby daughter, my mother finally heard you call me, great, great..."

When Yun Ruo Xue shouted out 'Mother', the eyes of Zhan Taixuan’s eyes glowed, and the whole person was exposed to excitement, as if she had become the happiest person among the heavens in this moment, she I couldn't help but come forward and hold my daughter in my arms.

"Mother, mother... I miss you, I finally saw you..."

Yun Ruo Xue was held by Zhan Taixuan. At the beginning, his body trembled and he was a bit stiff. However, he gradually softened and whispered.

"My father told me that I don't have a mother, I don't believe, I cry, I am trouble, I want to find a mother, but I have always spoiled me, no matter what I am used to, when I talk about my mother, He will fierce me. Later, I will not dare to mention my mother... But I have never forgotten, I want to know where my mother is."

"This time, before the father retired, he quietly confessed Xiang Yang, so that when he had the ability to come to the fairy world, he would take me to find the mother, but both of them were glaring at me. I knew him when I was halfway. I was actually looking to bring you to me. I was very excited at the time, but when I saw you, I was afraid..."

"My heart has called countless mothers, but when I really saw my mother, I didn't dare to scream because I was afraid that it was a dream. After I was afraid of calling it, my dream woke up. ."

"Mother... Mother, I miss you so much, I miss you..."

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