Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2528: The danger of Xianzun (four more flowers)

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"Okay, anyway, you can't kill you, then let's go."

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and waved his hand directly. His heart was a bit messy. I don’t know what kind of ghosts this is. It’s my own teacher’s command to make all the powers, so that all powerful forces can’t make Da Luo’s eight. Do you have a master of the day to deal with yourself?

He felt that it was necessary to find his own master, in order to really understand what this is all about.

However, since the fire seems to really not want to deal with himself, then there is no way for him to lie to the traps in his own chaos. If you want to kill this guy, you need to use the Suzaku female. It seems to be a bit Not worth it, then forget it.

When the fire saw Xiang Yang's casual look, he couldn't help but see a raging anger in his eyes, but when he remembered what the patriarch said before he set off, he calmed down and said faintly, "Farewell."

After that, I am ready to turn and leave.

He really did not dare to deal with Xiang Yang, because Xiang Yang is the descendant of that pulse, he can let the fire forest shoot, but also let the fire start, but he can not do it as a strong man.

He is very clear that if there is a strong man who is a big man, he will not be touched by Xiang Yang, he will be killed, although no one knows what kind of power the pulse has. However, it can be passed down from the ancient times, so that all the strong men of the heavens and the patriarchs of the Vulcan, who have already entered the holy world, are so jealous and prudently told themselves that they must not do it.


After Xiang Yang met, he was relieved and the fire was let go. Although he was very confident about his trap, but who knows if the formation can withstand the fire of Da Luo Put the attack?

In the unlikely event that this guy has a day after tomorrow, or even a congenital treasure, the formation will collapse and it will not be able to stop it.

Fortunately, the fire master of this big Luo Ba Tiantian has already left, so that he does not have to take risks.

When Xiang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, he was more relaxed than him. When the fire found himself and others’ schemes were discovered by fire, his whole person was scared and pale, almost directly soft on the ground. .

Fortunately, the origin of Xiang Yang is really mysterious, and even the singer of the sacred sacred sacred **** of the fire **** is also jealous.

"the host."

The fire whispered Xiang Yang, although the fire left, but he felt that he should hurry to run, otherwise, if the fire suddenly suddenly did not want to let go of himself and others, I am afraid that it is time to wait for someone to be really dangerous. It's time.

"Go, go and collect the law, then go out."

Xiang Yang sipped a low voice and turned to chaos. The array that he had arranged was washed away. The array method was successfully assembled with more than two thousand pieces of the best fairy and the magical battle blade. In any case, he can't give up the more than two thousand pieces of the best fairy and the magical battle blade. If you don't hurry to take back the trap of the battle, if you are fired, or if you pass by accidentally, you will see it. If that, then it is really a big loss.


However, just as Xiang Yang took the fire to rush into chaos, the fire that was turning away from the room suddenly changed his face. Then, before he returned, he heard a roar, a violent The overbearing forces bombarded.


The fire was set to retreat at a very high speed. At the same time, while offering a superb weapon-level defensive magic weapon to block Xiang Hao’s overbearing attack, his eyes fixed on the broken void.

Just now, the power of that horror almost shredded his entire person. If he did not show a defensive magic weapon in time to block all of this, I am afraid it will be hurt.

However, what shocked him was that the previous item was only the realm of Xianwang, and the power was not so strong. Could it be said that Xiang Yu broke through in such a short time?

When I think of it, the fire is in my heart, and there is a bad feeling brewing in my heart.


In front of the fire, Xiang Xing’s body roared out, and the whole person burst into a horrible atmosphere. He surrounded him with a full of tens of thousands of feet of blood, like a scabbard, to chaos They are all in two halves.

Xiang Yu took Xiang Tian and others into the chaos. Xiang Yan stared at the fire and watched the fire just be his own. His face changed greatly. "What about Xiang Yang?"

The fire is followed by Xiang Yang into the chaotic void, but now, only the fire puts himself alone, Xiang Yang is not by his side, does it mean that Xiang Yang was killed?

Thinking of this possibility, Xiang Yan broke out with the horror of the horror, this breath is earth-shattering, with terrible anger and murder.

"Are you breaking into the realm of Xianzun?"

The heart of the fire trembled, feeling the horror of the eruption of the scorpion, and his heart was constantly beating. After the breakthrough, even though it was only the realm of the big seven heavens, he was Xiang Yu realized the threat of death. He knew that the project after the breakthrough had enough strength to deal with him.

The feeling of his bad feelings is getting more and more serious. I know that I am going to encounter the troubles of the big day. I am thinking about it. I should hurry to leave. Otherwise, maybe I really have to explain it here.

"What about Xiangyang?"

The anger of the item screamed, and there was a horrible murderousness in the body. Xiang Yang followed the fire and entered the chaotic void. The fire puts the singer alone and walks alone in the chaotic void, Xiang Yang disappears. Missing, what does this mean?

As soon as I thought of the possible consequences, both Xiang and Xiang Tian’s face changed a lot, and they had a sad atmosphere.

"I can't think of it. I have to wait for my life to get the life of my descendants in exchange. Hahaha, what is the use of the overlord, fire, and the **** of fire? From today, my project will be Walking in the heavens and the world, to destroy the Vulcan family as their own duty, not to destroy the Vulcan pulse, swear not to rest."


Under the sorrow of the heart, Xiang Xun couldn't help but scream, his black hair fluttering, and the horror of the horror burst into the air, as if he had become a chaotic demon god, it was a powerful, even the paradise around him. And the fire forest and others can not help but reveal the color of horror toward the rear.

However, all the people in the family are filled with grief and indignation. They are very clear that they can kill the strong enemy of the outside world. Xiang Yang is indispensable. If there is no Xiangyang, maybe Xiang Yu and Xiang Tian are two. The strong can survive, but the other kings must be dead.


"I, I have not dealt with Xiangyang. He is still alive. Are you so sad to destroy my Vulcan family?"

When the fire saw the horror of the eruption of the item, he only felt that the whole person was paralyzed. He knew very well that the reason why the item was so violent was obviously that he had killed Xiangyang, but where is he? Dare to kill Xiang Yang, did you not see that kid is watching the fun in the distance?

"Xiang Yang, I will avenge you."

The screams of anger screamed, the black hair fluttered, and the whole person became an invincible **** of war, and the horrible atmosphere burned, stepping away toward the fire.

"Cough, then, brothers, I am here."

At this time, Xiang Yang in the distance couldn’t stand. He rushed over and smiled on his face. He said hello to Xiang Yu and Xiang Tian. “We haven’t seen you for a long time.”

He saw that Xiang Yu thought that he was so sad and angry when he died. He was moved by his heart, and he was afraid that he couldn’t help but succumb to the fire, so he quickly appeared.

"Xiang Yang, haha, well, you are still alive, great."

When I saw Xiangyang, Xiang Xiang and Xiang Tian and other people all showed surprises, especially Xiang Yu, but he laughed and said, "I know, your kid is not so easy to accident, too. All right."

"That is of course, how can I have an accident, this old boy simply can't dare to do it to me."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at Xiang Yu’s anger for himself. It was like a crazy look. He was also very moved in his heart. He did not risk himself to introduce the fire into the depths of chaos.

"Well, after we have killed this old boy, let's talk about the wine again."

Xiang Hao haha ​​laughed and was in a very good mood. However, his movements did not stop, but he quickly rushed toward the fire, and at the same time he rushed over, he had already become a fighter blade and opened his sword. Chaos, with an unparalleled edge, squats forward.

"What am I special..."

The fire was smashed, and Xiangyang had already appeared. It proved that he did not have any problems with Xiangyang. How do you kill me again?

Seeing that Xiang Xiang was killing himself, he only felt that he was too wronged. He clearly did not kill Xiang Yang, and Xiang Yang still appeared. Xiang Hao still did not let himself go.

"A good boy is not my descendant. I can escape in the hands of the old guy. It’s not bad. You must be scared. After the old ancestors have killed the old boy, come and drink with you."

Xiang Tian also laughed and said.

At the same time, he did not stop at all, and there was a strong breath on his body. The power of Xianzun in the heavens of Da Luo’s seven heavens broke out with all his strength, and he held a defensive magic weapon on his head. At the same time, he held the warlord’s blade directly. Join forces with Xiang Hao to kill the fire.


A big battle is going on in this chaos, although both Xiang and Xiangtian are just the sacred sacred places of Da Luo’s seven heavens, and their opponents have already reached the sacred sacred heaven, but not It is said that after the breakthrough, the power is unmatched, but it is only a matter of oneself that the fire can be threatened by the fire, let alone one more item.

Although Xiang Tian can't compare with the fairy sacred fire of Da Luo's eight heavens, but it has just been persisted under the attack of fire, it is not the ordinary sacred heaven of the fire. Comparable, nowadays, the two masters of the Xiang family have teamed up to the extent that they can kill the fire.

"I didn't move him, why should I deal with me?"

The fire sighed in the heart, and he could only scream with anger. "Xiang, Xiang Tian, ​​you two are too deceiving."

"Tear too much?"

After Xiang Yu and Xiang Tian listened, they were furious. "Let your shit, especially, you bring people to deal with this mystery of my family, killing my family's people, even I dare to say that we are deceiving too much, fire, and today you are dead, and Lao Tzu wants you to die."



With a roaring sound, Xiang Yu and Xiang Tian broke out with the most powerful force to start the fire. When they joined forces, they even had the effect of a combined attack. The power that broke out was stronger than the difference.

"They are not good brothers, the power that broke out is really strong."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but exclaimed a voice.

"Before Xiang Tianxian did not achieve Xianzun, it was the fairy king who had terrible strength. At that time, he was juxtaposed with Xiang Yuxian Wang. It was called the singular arrogance among the immortals. Although Xiang Tianxian Zun was weaker than the item, but They are definitely not too weak. Moreover, the two of them often work together to destroy the enemy. Although the two have not formed a formation, the power that broke out under the cooperation has surpassed themselves too much."

Xiangyang, next to Xiangyang, said with a faint smile on the face of Xian Wang.

"Oh, I am relieved now."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"You are really a good man in my family." After the songs of Xiangyang, a few of the family members, listened to Xiangyang’s words, they showed the color of appreciation, thinking that Xiangyang was worried about the safety of Xiang Tian and Xiang Yu. .

However, they will not think of it anyway. In fact, Xiang Yang is not worried that Xiang Tian and Xiang Yu are not opponents of fire. Because he has already seen it, Xiang Yu is overbearing and has broken through to the fairyland. , already has a very terrible fighting power, even if it is a fire, it is pale, not dare to fight with the project.

He just let go of the fire.

Although the fire of this Xianzun very politely told Xiang Yang not to deal with Xiangyang, it is because of the reason of Xiangyang that, but Xiang Yang always feels weird, this kind of being sacrificed, and the other party is also very For his good looks, Xiang Yang is really uncomfortable.

In addition, the fire brought people to break the secret of the Xiang family. Although Xiang Yang just knew the existence of the Xiang family, he also did not forget the enemy, and he could extinguish the fire. Xiang Yang would not be the slightest soft hand.

"Go, let's go back and get the line up."

Then, Xiang Yang directly greeted the fire and the fire forest. Suddenly, both the fire forest and the fire and the remaining six kings all followed Xiang Yang and entered the depths of chaos.

After a short time, they were already standing outside the trap. Xiang Yang waved his hands and directly collected all the arrays. More than two thousand pieces of the best fairy and the demon sword were once again in his hands. He only felt like himself. When you get rich overnight, you will have a very terrible treasure in an instant. The mood is so refreshing, and there is no big bang.

"It seems that I should find a way to dig out the other two secrets left by the demon, and the treasures of the blood ancestor."

Xiang Yang’s eyes are full of light. Whether it is the demon or the ancestor of the blood family, they are famous in the ancient times. They also left a lot of backhands, especially the three treasures left by the demon. In the fairy world, the devil world and the comprehension world, the treasure in the realm of the realm has been obtained by him, including a million swords, all of which are handed over to Tu Shenwei and Xuediwei, and those swords are all top grades. At the level of the instrument, although Xiangyang is sore, it knows that it is used.

As for the other treasures in the Devil's Treasure, all of them were consumed by the ruined family, which made Xiang Yang now a poor ghost. He could only find a way to find other treasures again.

If you can give all the strong players all the best with the magic weapon level, then when the blood emperor and the Tuowei can break through the situation of Da Luo, hundreds of thousands of strong people, Da Luoqiang, together, I am afraid that even When Xianzun came, he would retreat.

With a triumph in his heart, he turned his head and said to the fire and the firewood. "Go, look at what the bastard's end is like. If he is not dead, let's add a knife to him." ”

At the same time as he said, there was a thing in his hand, which was the sacred gourd.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is updated, four chapters around 18,000, ask flowers, brothers and sisters, give me flowers, I love flowers...

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