Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2530: Flying knife

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"This...this is...the power of Xianzun?"

Whether it is the fire forest and the fire, or the other kings are all staring at Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang Ming Ming is a real fairy, it is impossible to be wrong, but there is a terrible horror in the body. The power of the immortality of the environment, where did this come from?

"It was the power of the former sage who remained in the master."

The fire screamed and suddenly let the singer of the fire forest and the other six Vulcans know how the power of Xiang Yang came. It was just before this that Mingxinxian stayed in Xiangyang. A force in the body, Xiang Yang can burst out of the peak strength of Mingxin Xianzun, but the time of persistence will not last long, only three hours.

The three hours is not long, but it is enough for Xiang Yang. Anyway, he didn't think about going to the fire, just try it with the 飞仙飞刀.

"After trying the 斩仙飞刀一脉的斩仙飞刀 can 斩仙尊."

Xiang Yang chuckled softly, holding his hands in the law, pointing out the green gourd in his hand.


Suddenly the lid on the green gourd was opened, and a knife light appeared from the mouth of the sacred gourd, and then disappeared instantly.


At the same time, Xiang Yu and Xiang Tianzheng were madly attacking the fire. Although the fire was unable to attack the two because of the Vulcan reincarnation, the injury on his body became more and more serious, but his breath became stronger and stronger. Even, there is already a tendency to transcend the Da Luo Eight Heavens and reach the realm of Da Luo Jiuzhongtian.

Although the fire is faltering, everyone knows that as long as the fire can complete the Vulcan reincarnation before being killed, he can transform himself into a small Vulcan, and he will have the power of the sacred sacred peak of the Great Luo At that time, within an hour, the fire is invincible.

An invincible madman, at that time, I am afraid not to mention these people, even those in other secrets of the family in the fairy world will be unlucky. It is conceivable that after the fire will kill these people, it will definitely open. Killing, as long as let him know the other secrets of the family, he will kill, when will, who can be enemies?

"Be sure to marry him, fast, fast."

Xiang Yu was crazy and roaring, and all the power broke out. However, even if he is so strong, it is not so easy to kill a fairy who is in a big time in such a short time. For a time, he could only watch the fire on his body getting stronger and stronger. The body burned more and more terrible flames. It was the fire of Vulcan. It was the flame of Chaos Devil Vulcan. It has the ability to burn the days. The terrible power.

Although the secret law has not yet been fully implemented, the power of the fire is getting stronger and stronger, and there is already a tendency to become a Vulcan.

"Ha ha ha, the secret of the deity is about to be completed, and you are dead."

"Xiang Yu, Xiang Tian, ​​and Xiang Yang, after turning into Vulcan itself, will have the power of earth-shattering. It is definitely not something you can resist. You are finished."

"Even if you die, the deity will destroy you and let you be buried with the deity."


The fire is excited and laughs. His law has been finished. Just wait for the last moment, wait for the whole body to transform, you can directly become a little Vulcan. At that time, even if he has only a short time, he can have the most The terrible power is enough, and it is dead anyway. He must really kill everyone.

However, his laughter has not yet fallen. Suddenly, there is a knife flashing through the void, and instantly cut into his neck. In the next moment, the fire suddenly found that his body was flying upwards.

"No, how can I see my body is flying up, no, impossible, this is my neck, my neck has been cut off..."

Suddenly, the fire realized that his current situation was not right. He was not a **** god. How can he see that his body is flying upwards? Then he immediately understood that this is not a flesh fly. It is an illusion that his head falls down.

However, his head actually fell, what is going on?

"Do not..."

There was a lot of blood in the neck of the fire, and his head made a squeak. As a fairy in the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens, even if his head was cut off, he naturally made no sound. .

"Who dares to lick my head, who is it?"

"Yes, that is the knives flying knife, is it land and air? Or Lu Tian?"


The fire puts his head in a mess, and in his mind, he recalls the famous Xianzun, a famous pulse of the celestial flying knife. He thought that it was the fairy sage of the celestial celestial being, and he used the 斩仙飞刀 to deal with him.

In his view, in the veins of Zhu Xianfei, only a few Xianzun were able to marry him.

"Even if it is the fairy goddess of the sacred knives? I am a fire, I am a fairy of Vulcan, and now I have become a small Vulcan, I am invincible, no one can Kill the deity and give me up."


Then, there was a roar in the head of the fire. Although his head was cut off along with the gods, at this moment, he broke out with an unparalleled breath and controlled his head. When flying, it is necessary to blend with his body.

If it is possible to make his head and the body together, perhaps, it is really possible to repair his god. At that time, Xiangyang’s sword, which was displayed by Xiang Yang, did not have his head. Any use.

"God, how can this kid have a sinister gourd with a knives?" Where did this come from?"

Xiang Yu and Xiang Tian were originally deadlocked with the fire. I didn’t expect Xiang Yang to suddenly display the 斩仙飞刀, and cut the head of the fire directly with a knife. What they obviously can feel is that Xiang Yang A knife and a flying knife, not only cut off the head of the fire, but even the head of the **** of fire even was directly smashed.

This is the most terrible place for Zhu Xianfei knife, not only against the flesh, but even the Yuanshen will be directly smashed.

Otherwise, as a fairy, it is impossible to fear what the body is being shackled. The body of the body is smashed. If it is not destroyed, it can be directly connected. Even some people with strong refining power, The blood can be turned into flesh and blood, and there is no need to fear that the head will be desecrated, mainly the gods. If the gods are desecrated, it is possible that the true form and spirit are destroyed.

However, Xiangyang, the sacred gourd, has not yet reached the level of the gods that can annihilate the sacred heavens. It is only the annihilation of the **** of the fire and the head of the flesh. I also want to connect my head and the gods at the same time.

Moreover, the guy roared, his head flew upwards, and he was going to be with the flesh. If he let his head and body stick together, even if he didn't need more time, he could directly turn it into a small one. Vulcan has invincible strength.

"If you want to connect again, you have to ask us to disagree."

Seeing a great opportunity is really rare. Xiang Yu sneered a sneak peek, and directly smashed a tyrant's blade. He must go straight to the front and plan to put the fire directly.

With Xiang Yu as the sacred sacred place of Da Luo's seven heavens, coupled with the powerful strength he possesses, if the fire is really smashed by this knife, it is sure to fall to the end.

After all, the head and the **** of the fire at the moment have been smashed. Although they have not been killed, both the attacking power and the defensive power have been greatly restricted. With the power of the project, they want to marry him. It is not impossible.

"Great, I finally got rid of this bastard."

When Xiang Tian saw this scene, his face was full of excitement. However, he did not really start to grab the head with Xiang Yu, but stood quietly and wanted to see the item with his own eyes. The fire was killed.

In his view, the knife is enough to really kill the fire.


However, at this time, when the squadron of the tyrannical squadron went down, suddenly he heard a roar, and then there was a burst of **** blood bursting out. This **** The light is divided into two, and it instantly turns into two **** small tripods. It quickly forms a solid shape in the void, and instantly swallows the head and body of the fire.

Just at this time, Xiang Xiao’s knife slammed down directly, with the power of horror to open the body and head of the fire, but the **** little Ding just benefited from the bottom, so it’s even if it’s The knife was too late to go down, and the two little tripods were broken up in an instant.


In the distance, when Xiangyang, who was holding a squash in her hand, looked at her magical power, the 'Heavenly Oven' was stunned by the smashing of the scorpion, and suddenly she couldn’t help but scream, "Xiang 霆, your special robbing head Don't you have to be so aggressive? I have already put him into my 'Heaven and Earth Oven' and you have smashed my treasure. Is this to show that your strength is strong?"

Xiang Yang is really mad, and he was very excited to think that he would soon be able to refine a small vulcan who already has a big heaven and a big heaven. At that time, whether it is his own body or the body of the Eucharist The nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods in the acupoint space can also grow up quickly, but they did not expect to be smashed by the knife.

Although 'Tiandi Oven' is just a **** talent, even if it is smashed, it does not hurt much to Xiangyang, but Xiangyang still feels a pity, and can’t wait to push the 斩 葫 葫 将 将 , The **** is really too much.


In the distance, the overlord's battle blade manifested the adult shape and became the appearance of Xiang Yu. He looked at Xiang Yang with a look of embarrassed on his face and said quickly, "I can't help it, I didn't expect you to." I will sacrifice these two stoves and put the fire on the bastard. What should I do now?"

At the same time, Xiang Hao was a bit overwhelmed.

This is really because the reason why this time can put the fire on, because it is the reason of Xiangyang’s Zhu Xianfei knife, if there is no Xiangyang to display the Zhu Xianfei knife, even Xiang Yu and Xiang Tian eventually The strongest force that erupts does not necessarily prevent the fire from spreading the Vulcan reincarnation to complete the transformation into Vulcan.

After Xiang Yang used the 斩仙飞刀 to put the fire on, Xiang Xiang went to grab the head, and even after Xiang Yang used the 'Heavenly Oven' to swallow the flesh and head of the fire, Xiang Yang The 'Fabao' was smashed, although the speed of the project was already very fast, but it was a bit slower than Xiangyang. He was just unintentional, but it also made Xiang Yan feel very embarrassed. Even, he did not care carefully. Seeing Xiangyang’s 'Heaven and Earth Oven' is just a supernatural power.

"If you forget it, you can fix it anyway, even if it is."

Xiang Yang waved his hand very generously, and then he looked at the front, and immediately saw the two smashed blood-colored 'Heavenly Oven' re-formed at this time and became two A **** stove, suspended in the air in good condition.


After seeing Xiang Xiang, he was wide-eyed. His knife was prepared to put the fire of Da Luo’s eight heavens into a fly ash. The power is strong, even if it is the best fairy, it must be crushed directly. .

And he also saw with his own eyes that the two blood-colored stoves were directly smashed after swallowing the head and body of the fire, and even the body and the **** of the fire inside did not escape, even Although the **** did not stay, he apologized, but he was very reassured. After all, there was nothing more fun than the temptation to kill the fire. However, what he did not expect was that Xiang Yang could still The two **** little tripods were again agglomerated.


However, this is not only the case. When the stunned eyes of the fire looked at the two **** little tripods, they saw that the two **** little tripods began to merge together in front of his eyes. A **** little tripod, this little tripod has nothing to change with the previous two, even after the fusion, even the size is exactly the same as the previous two, making everyone feel very weird after seeing it.

Xiang Yang laughed and didn't talk much, but his heart was moving, and the **** ‘Heavenly Oven’ was directly integrated into his body.


When the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' was integrated into the body, Xiang Yang discovered that there is a force that is stronger than ever before, which emerged from the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'. This power is as strong as the endless sea. The same moment did not enter his body, so that the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods in his acupoint space all madly absorbed the power of this spirit and grew up.

He originally thought that although the fire was swallowed into the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', but it was smashed by the project, then even if he could re-agglomerate the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' with the power of magical power, the fire of the yuan God and the flesh are also smashed, and it is impossible to be refining into the power of all spirits.

However, what he did not expect was that Xiang Xiao’s knife did not have the power of imagination. The body and the **** of the fire that was swallowed into the 'Heaven and Earth Oven’ were actually refining and being saved as the power of all spirits. In this magical power of his own, nowadays, after returning to the body, the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' will bring all the powers of this powerful and difficult phenomenon to Xiang Yang's body.

Moreover, the power of this spirit is so powerful that the gods in the nine thousand ninety-nine acupoint spaces in his body grow at the fastest speed. In this blink of an eye, his In the sense, those gods have the same horrible power as the peak of the true fairy.

You must know that even Xiang Yang’s deity and the first demon avatar are only the realm of the true fairy peak. The nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods in his body have all reached such a degree, that is, after Xiang Yangyi The punching of the fist is not only the strength of one of his deities, but also the strength of the fusion of the powerful and powerful peaks of 9,999, which is a terrible force.

“Do you all have to break through to the state of Da Luo?”

However, Xiang Yang feels that this has not yet come to an end. He is shaking in his heart. If these gods in his body can all break through to the state of Da Luo, then what strength will it be after his true physical body bursts out? Even if he thought about it himself, he felt the heart tremble and the whole person was excited.

It is a pity that the energy of the reverification of a sacred and sacred heavenly sect is powerful, but it is far from reaching the level that can make all of his 9,999 sacred gods break through the state of Dalu. .


Xiang Yang sighed, although the strength of the body has increased, but after all, it is still limited. He even thought that if he could refine a true chaotic demon, he might have nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods in his body. The strength will grow to a very terrible degree.

However, the Chaos Demon is too strong, even if the fire is only the display of Vulcan reincarnation, it can already make the project helpless, if you can reach the level of refining Chaos Devil, I am afraid that it does not care about that energy.

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