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"Wait a minute." However, when they were about to leave, they heard a scream and heard it.

At this time, the small bald head still holding the black cloth wrapped in the things, has not been inserted into the magic of storage, he is looking at Xiang Yang with a look of excitement, I did not expect someone to call them.

"There are people who know the goods, but unfortunately, they are late."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and looked at the little bald head. The latter also had a smile on his face. The two did not hurry to go, but turned their heads to look to the rear and saw them behind. Position, there are three men and two women are walking quickly, these three are actually masters of the king, especially the man in front, the blood of the body is smashing, the rules of heaven are pervasive, and at first glance, it is known that it is a top The strong man on the top, this is a strong person who is no less than the title of the king.

"Two good, I don't know what kind of price the two bought at these prices, we are willing to buy ten times the price." After the three people came to Xiangyang and Xiaoguangtou, this face was a smile, that The young man said directly.

They didn't arrogant as soon as they came up, and they also knew how to ask a good one. This made Xiang Yang's impression on this guy feel good. He said softly, "Do you have a fancy in the hands of our hands?"

The young man and the two women suddenly turned black when they heard it. The day after tomorrow, the treasure, especially, who will really sell the day after tomorrow?

They are just because they have a treasure hunt, they can sense that there are treasures in the pile of things in the hands of the little bald head, plus they don’t need money, so they want to buy it and see it. Xiang Yangyi said that this is the day after tomorrow, not to mention whether this is the day after tomorrow, if so, who can afford it?

"I said buddy, don't tease, we just saw it. You bought this pile with ten pieces of the best stone. I think you just want to sell it, so let's give you a Hundreds of pieces of the best stone, these things have been given to us, how, very good, a hand to earn 90 pieces of the best stone."

This young object Xiang Yang said.

In his view, Xiang Yang used ten pieces of the best stone to buy, it is intended to be sold all the way, and he gave ten times the price to Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou must be very happy to directly give themselves.

"One hundred pieces of the best fairy stone, huh, huh, really high price." Xiang Yang could not help but smile with a smile.

"Ha ha..."

The little bald head around Xiang Yang also looked at the two women and a man with a sly color. He felt that these three people were absolutely in trouble with their brains. They dared to say in front of their boss that they would buy these treasures in their hands with a hundred pieces of the best stone. I don’t see you, even the nine avenues of the Daomen are killed by the old man’s pit?

"What do you mean?"

After the young man and the two women behind him heard it, they finally realized that Xiang Yang did not seem to be the kind of person who bought and sold in the underground black market all the year round. Instead, he really recognized the treasures among these things, so he will directly Everything was packaged and bought. As a result, even if he wanted to buy these things again from Xiang Yang, it seemed a bit difficult.

When he thought of it, he shook his head. "I thought you were doing business here. I didn't expect to meet someone who understands it. If that's the case, I won't bother."

This young man was also an interesting person. When he spoke, he shook his head and turned to leave. The two women around him were a little unwilling, but they still wanted to leave.


However, at this time, the youth suddenly jumped out of a cockroach. The cockroach was only the size of a slap, the whole body was golden, and there were all kinds of light flowing around the skin lines. After it jumped up, it was very Anxiously yelling, it is necessary to skip towards Xiangyang.

"do not move."

The young man quickly grabbed this golden cockroach and then looked at Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou, and said with a helpless color on his face, "Even my treasure hunt can not help, it seems that this is indeed There is a super baby, so that we can't leave so happily."


At the same time, the two women behind him were already flashing, appearing directly behind the Xiangyang and Xiaoguangtou, blocking the back of the two, and the three formed a triangle to encircle Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou. .

"Boss, it looks like we are going to be robbed."

The little bald head turned to look at Xiang Yang, his face showing excitement.

"You are so excited when you are robbed?" Xiang Yang glanced at the little bald head, and his heart was secret, this kid is not brain-destroyed, but he is still so happy.

"In this underground black market, the strength is the rule. Under normal circumstances, it is very normal to fight and kill." Xiaoguangtou was very excited to see Xiangyang said, "Maybe in the outside world, we grab The other side, but also worried that there will be strong forces behind the other side to retaliate against us, but in this underground black market, everyone is not coming in with the original face, even if the other party is killed, there is no need to worry about any problems. ”

"You see this guy, the two chicks around him are the realm of the fairy king, he must be a super big local tyrant, as long as he grabs him, I can go to the casino for a long time."

At the same time, the little bald head seemed to remember that after he robbed the other party, he took the money and entered the casino to play. The whole person was excited.


Xiang Yangyi shot on the head of Xiaoguangtou. He felt that his hand was a little bit wrong. He realized that after the boy became a teenager, his hair grew. It’s no wonder that the pat was not quite right.

He was a bit uncomfortable in his heart. He even photographed the hair of this little bald head. At the same time, he shouted. "If you dare to go to the gambling house, I will cut you."

"Ah... yes." The little bald head groaned and felt a little wronged, but he had to agree.

When the young man met, he suddenly narrowed his eyes. When he saw that Xiangyang was only a real fairyland, he thought that Xiangyang was a follower of the young boy’s small bald head. Now it seems that it is not the same, a true fairy. It’s a bit interesting to follow a strong man at the level of the fairy king.

"Cough, in fact, I don't want to do it with you." Green young coughed a few times, one hand gently touched the golden beak standing on his shoulder, sighed and said, "But can let My little sister is fancy, and the treasures that are so excited are definitely very extraordinary. I am really curious about what is inside of these things, or else, let me know what is there, will I leave?"

He said this very sincerely, even with the powerful soul of Xiang Yang, there is no doubt that the other party is false.

"How many treasures are there on you?"

Xiang Yang smiled and asked.

"What?" The young man looked at Xiang Yang with vigilance.

"Let me see too, I will let you go." Xiang Yang said.

"You two, one is just a true fairy, another immortal king is still, can you still fight against my three immortals, you still want to rob me?" After listening to Xiang Yang's words, the face is It was a surprise color. He felt that if he didn't get it wrong, then Xiang Yang had a problem with his head. Otherwise, how can he be so arrogant that he can deal with his three kings with a fairy king.

The small bald head handed the black cloth in his hand to Xiang Yang, and then looked at the youth with excitement on his face, he said with a smirk, "

I am so happy. I used to see the robbery of the boss. Now it is my turn, boss, this time you must not rob me. ”


The young man was still stunned. He suddenly felt that the two men were a little special. Can you say that this fairy is the boss, and is it a fairy?

Xiang Yang said to Xiaoguangtou with a smile. "Reassure, I won't grab you. But you should understand that you can't expose yourself. Otherwise, after you go out, don't follow me."

"Do not worry, I will not reveal my original practice."

The little bald head said excitedly, the body of Xuan Gong was running, only listening to the sound of 'Boom' bursting out, and his whole body burst into golden light. At this moment, even the skin of the small bald head seemed to become The golden one is general.

"What is this practice?" The youth has never encountered such a small bald head, and instantly turned himself into a little golden man. Moreover, what he felt from this golden man was a very powerful atmosphere, as if standing In front of himself is a chaotic ancient god, who can destroy himself at will.

"At last I can have a good time to play." The little bald head sighed, all the skin and hair all turned into gold, and the whole person looked like he had just been poured over the golden water. He sighed at the same time, he was going to the youth. Rushing over.

"and many more..."

The young man quickly shouted, "Don't do it, I don't want it, I don't want everything in your black package."

"Don't do it anymore. Now it's all I want from you, and the golden culprit of that culprit." The little bald head screamed, as if the ancient **** had come, and took a straight palm toward the front.


The two women who had been behind them were all screaming, one of them turned into a sword light and smashed toward the small bald head, and the other one directly touched Xiangyang.

A sword swept across the sky, as if flying outside the sky, even after Xiang Yang saw it, he couldn't help but admire. "It's a beautiful sword dance. You must be the sword of this kid. Usually there is no sword for this guy." Dancing, unfortunately, not very practical."

Say, he suddenly remembered what it looked like, and said uncomfortably, "And, you are dealing with me is wrong, I am not doing anything to you, you should go to the golden person."

At the same time, he released a little sword of the king's sword, and suddenly the woman who attacked him turned into a sword of the heavenly flying fairy, and when he sensed the sword of the king's sword, Suddenly, there was a trembling expression that showed the body shape. The woman looked at Xiang Yang with a look of fear. "Impossible, why I will feel a very fearful feeling on your body."

This is not the kind of fear she wants in her heart, but when she uses her sword, she can feel as if she is shooting a high emperor.

However, when she showed her body, she felt that Xiang Yang at the moment looked normal. She suddenly showed a hesitant color and snorted, and once again came to Xiangyang.


However, her sword has just been shot, Xiang Yang is a smile, a finger, a sword of the king's sword spurt out, and instantly hit the other sword, the woman's hand A sword of the best fairy-class level turned out to be powerless at this moment as if it were frosted with eggplant. It seems that this sword is no longer a fairy, but an ordinary branch.


When the woman holds the sword in her hand, she can still sense the fear of rising from the bottom of her heart. It is the warning of her swordsman who has been practicing the sword for many years, so she dare not touch Xiangyang. At this moment, her gaze looks at the item. Yang, I only feel that the whole person is shaking.

"What kind of magic is you doing, why is this?"

The woman looked at Xiang Yang in a foolish way, and the fear in her heart made her never dare to shoot Xiang Yang.

Of course, this is mainly because the woman’s cultivation is piled up by various resources, and she has not really experienced any life-and-death war. Otherwise, even if the sword of the king’s sword is perfect, it is impossible to achieve such a horror. Degree.

At this moment, Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the woman, and shook his head helplessly. "I didn't show any magic, but because you don't think you can shoot me. Do you want to follow your own heart?" ?"


This woman did not carefully listen to Xiang Yang's words, but looked at Xiang Yang with a vigilant color on her face, and wanted to do it, but did not dare to do it.


At this time, with a huge roar, the little bald head had already played against the young man and another woman. The sword in the woman’s hand broke out with a sword, and the sword was graceful, as if dancing, but Every sword contains a very terrifying force.

The young man also shot, the youth's face with a serious color, a sword appeared behind the sword, a sword smashed toward the small bald head, as if the earth is open, the entire underground black market must be opened.

The young man’s sword is indeed powerful and unmatched, and it’s just invincible. Even a small bald head has a serious color on his face.

The small bald head showed out the boxing method. There was an infinite thunder in his whole body, and there were golden thunders walking around the whole body.

Moreover, the small bald face is serious, in order not to expose his origins, he is only playing this set of boxing magical powers, even the magic weapon is not used, **** and heavenly, the golden light seems to be the entire underground black market Illumination ignited in general.

He used an enemy two, and it was easy and easy. It seems that there is still room for the same effort. He said, "The kid, he will hand over all the treasures on his body. Otherwise, today, he will cough, and the young man will punch." Killed you, you know, Xiaoye is absolutely murdered regardless of the burial."

The strength of the small bald head is indeed too strong. Even the young man on the opposite side is equally savage. However, when both sides do not want to use their best practice, the little bald head is still only using the boxing method, it is still earth-shattering, roaring. In the middle, you can smash the heavens and the earth.

Although the underground black market can often see some people playing big shots, but the momentum between the two sides is so amazing, and each is an earth-shattering strongman's case, it is really rare, countless people gathered around, very shocked to watch The shots of these three people.

"Where the strongmen come from, the exercises that are displayed are a bit like the big Leiyin boxing method of the Western Buddhism, but they are not the same, and they become a golden person, like the Kim of the Five Elements. However, this guy obviously does not seem to be a Jin guy, rely on, how can I get into this guy."

At the moment, the opponent of the small bald head, the young man was very upset, watching his own sword continually squatting, but was smashed out by a small bald head, let him have a feeling of doubting life.

"Mad, what do I do with him to fight martial arts, my magic weapon is so much, direct usage treasure bombed him."

Then, the youth suddenly realized that they were led by the other party in the wrong direction.

I am obviously carrying a lot of treasures, just take out a few pieces of the best fairy, you can kill each other, but because I saw the other side directly unarmed, I also did not use any magic weapon, at this moment, he suddenly felt I am really stupid, and I am ready to use the treasure.

However, when he had not started to use the treasure, he suddenly realized that Xiangyang’s side was very calm. He looked up and suddenly looked angry. His other little maid did not even shoot for Xiangyang, but two. People stand together to watch the fun?

"I rely, what do you do?"

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