Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2670: Counterattack

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Seeing Xiangyang’s arrow shot and killing a fairy in the heavens of Da Luo’s seven heavens, everyone was shocked, and Sun Chunyu was excited on his face and rushed over to Xiangyang.

"Don't call me a teacher, otherwise, the next arrow is yours." Xiang Yang's old face is black, although he does not mind accepting disciples, not only has a true disciple, but also has three fighters. Three registered disciples, and a formal disciple.

A total of five disciples, although all in stock, are enough.

Of course, if there is a person in Xiangyang’s fancy, he naturally does not mind receiving another disciple, but the key point is that Xiang Yang does not look at anyone, and Sun Chunyu itself is a top-ranking fairy king of the six heavens. The realm is higher than Xiangyang in several levels. How can Xiangyang be willing to accept the other party?


Sun Chunyu saw that Xiang Yang was so determined. He smiled in his heart and sighed helplessly. "Although you are not willing to accept me as a disciple, I will not give up."

While talking, his face has a firm color, and there is a tendency to prevent him from accepting him as a disciple. He will never give up.

"That's your business, but remember, you don't follow me. Otherwise, I will doubt that you are deliberate. In the face of some people who follow me, I will leave my heart, but my sword is definitely not. He will be merciful." Xiang Yang sneered a little, anyway, after leaving the underground black market, Sun Chunyu will definitely not know himself, and he has something to worry about.

"Ah..." After Sun Chunyu listened, it was a bit sluggish. I didn't expect Xiangyang to even leave this road to himself. As a result, he really couldn't follow Xiangyang.

However, he is determined to follow the determination of Xiang Yang. It is hard to see the kendo mountain that traverses in front of him. If he can look up at the moment, it will have a great effect on him. Unfortunately, Xiang Yang does not give him any chance.

Xiang Yang glanced at Sun Chunyu with a warning look, and put the wind and thunder bow away. His body flashed and appeared in the side of the little bald head. He looked at Sun Yuxiu, who was sealed by a small bald head with a bead. He didn’t feel strange. After all, the strength of the small bald head is too strong, even if compared with Wu Wang and other peerless immortals, it is definitely not weak, it is normal to be able to leave Sun Yuxiu.

Of course, Xiang Yang would never have thought that Sun Yuxiu was not surrendered by the small bald head with a powerful strength, but was captured by the small bald head.

"Let her go, let's go."

Xiang Yang said directly to the small bald head.

"Ah..." The little bald head groaned, and looked at Xiang Yang with a disappointing color on his face. "But, this is how much I spent a lot of effort to catch my hand."

"Are you sure you want to take her with you?" Xiang Yang looked strangely at the little bald head.

"This..." After listening to the little bald head, it was a hesitant color on his face. He really wanted to bring Sun Yuxiu, the fairy who made him very excited, although he did not know that he would bring the other person What to do around, but just want to bring, can see the other side seems to be very good feeling.

"Kid, I warn you, my gentleman is good, but I can't use illegitimate means to pursue a woman. Otherwise, I won't let you go." Xiang Yang saw that this guy actually hesitated, suddenly angry. I had to put a palm directly on the head of the little bald head and sighed and said.

"Yes." After listening to the little bald head, he realized that he was caught in a disorder and made a big mistake.

He quickly released Sun Yuxiu and apologized with sincerity on his face. "Amitabha, this sister, is a little wrong..."

"When you left, you thought you were a monk, and Amitabha." After Xiang Yang listened, he was even more dizzy. This **** really did not have enough troubles. In the face of Sun Yu’s rest, he claimed to be Xiaoyan, to the East. In the Tianyu area, it is almost impossible to see the situation of the monk, and when Sun Yuxiu goes back to investigate, he can know the identity of both of them.

"Bastard, don't go." Sun Yuxiu couldn't help but sip and wanted to catch up. However, her brother Sun Chunyu took her and whispered. "Don't chase, you are not an opponent." ”

"But the two bastards..." Sun Yuxiu was fainted, remembering that when the kid left himself, he even pretended to be a monk. In the fairy world, in the eastern Tianyu, I don’t know how much. No monks appeared in the year, even if you want to bully people, you are not bullied like this.

"Nothing, we will go find them after we go out." Sun Chunyu's face was smiling.

His eyes looked at the direction in which Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou left, whispered. "I can't give up anyway. You are a kendo mountain that traverses me. I don't know if I can surpass you, but As long as I can follow you, it will be enough."

"Brother, what the **** are you doing? Isn't he really a fairy, not a fairy king or a fairy, but a strong sage?" Sun Yuxiu's face looked at Sun Chunyu with an incomprehensible color.

"No, his real realm is just a fairy." Sun Chunyu whispered softly, carrying his hands and said, "If it wasn't for the last time you let go, the little guy said a Buddha number, I still don't know. Their true identity."

"Who is he?" Sun Yuxiu suddenly heard his eyes shining.

"Go back and talk."

Sun Chunyu glanced at the people around him and did not say it on the spot. He knew that although some people had guessed Xiang Yang’s identity, he could never pass it out of his mouth.

Moreover, the identity of Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu has already been exposed. They can't stay here anymore, but they should leave immediately. Otherwise, some Sun family enemies may be secretly preparing to deal with them.

"Well, as long as you know their identity, this time, I will not let go of the bastard." Sun Yuxiu held his fist and bit his teeth while he left with Sun Chunyu.

At this time, the surrounding people who watched the excitement dispersed, but many people blinked and did not disperse directly, but quietly followed Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou.

No matter what the identity of Xiangyang is, no matter how strong Xiangyang’s cultivation is, it is an indisputable fact that he has robbed the entire Wanbaoge. Everyone can see very clearly. Xiangyang will be the treasures among the Wanbaoge. Among them, there are better ones with unlimited value.

The money is moving, even if it is for this purpose, they are worth it.

At this time, Xiang Yang had left the underground black market with a small bald head. When they reappeared on the ground and looked at the unique scenery of the fairy world, the little bald head was relieved and said with a smile. "It's still comfortable outside, in the underground black market, it's too depressed."

"I think you are very comfortable." Xiang Yang said with a sly smile on his face.

"Where is it." Xiaoguangtou turned red and whispered, "Boss, I am not poisoned, or else, when I saw Miss Sun Jia, I had a red face and a feeling of rapid heartbeat. ?"

"You don't know why?" Xiang Yang asked.

"Why?" The little bald head screamed. If he knew why, he needed to ask Xiang Yang.

"Nothing, you will understand it yourself later."

Xiang Yang was too lazy to tell the little bald head, but thought in his heart, if the fat monk knew that his disciples would not break the color ring soon after he followed him, I don’t know if the fat monk would regret the small bald head that gave him this time. Decided?

However, Xiangyang felt very excited when he thought that the little bald head might have something to do with Sun Yuxiu.


At this time, Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou felt at the same time, their eyes glanced at their rear, and the two laughed at the same time.

"Boss, there are some things that don't open their eyes and they dare to deal with us. It seems that you have grabbed the treasures that Wanbaoge got too much." Xiaoguangtou said with a smile.

"Maybe it is because you are too prominent and it is possible." Xiang Yang could not help but sigh.

"Coughing cough..." After listening to the little bald head, he suddenly became speechless. It was clearly the reason of Xiangyang. He even said that he became himself. When his eyes looked at Xiangyang, he saw Xiangyang laughing and said, " Ok, let's get these guys to deal with you later, but we're looking for places where there are few people. The scenery in front of the hills is not bad. Give them a graveyard."

"Well." The small bald head was eager to rush, and Xiang Yang quickly rushed toward a distant mountain.

"They have to run and chase."

Seeing that the two people are running very fast, the four or five people who were carefully hidden in the darkness at the same time showed their physique at the same time. They forgot each other and each other with a vigilant color, while they were flying fast. Going up to Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou.


Then, while these people chased up, there were seven or eight people in the rear. This time, each of these people wore black clothes, and the horrible killings broke out.

"It is him, Xiang Yang."

"Keep him."

"If you kill him, the bounty is enough for me to wait until the real practice of the peak."


These seven or eight people are obviously together. They are talking at the same time, the figure is integrated into the void, and then quickly followed.

Their murderousness and bloodyness surround them, all of which highlight their identity. It is the same atmosphere as the boss of Wanbaoge. Obviously, they are members of the killer organization of the dark world.

Originally, they came over because they got the help of the owner of Wanbaoge. I didn’t expect everyone in Wanbaoge to be destroyed when they came over. The entire Wanbaoge was also razed to the ground. They had to follow behind. At the same time, they also confirmed the identity of Xiang Yang through the means of the dark world.

The killer of the dark world, since the group of people was destroyed by the Xiangyang regiment not long ago, they listed Xiangyang in the scope of the murder, and this time it was not only because of the violent beatings in Xiangyang Tianzhou. And the robbers demanded that the dark world deal with Xiangyang, but because the killers of the dark world lost too many people in the hands of Xiangyang. In order to avenge Xiangyang, they would have to extinguish Xiangyang anyway.

"More than a few small bugs that can't be seen." Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou galloped all the way, stopped on the top of the mountain, looked at the back, and saw the masters of seven or eight dark worlds appearing in the back. At the time, Xiang Yang’s mouth was sneer.

"Boss, give it to me?" said the little bald head.


However, his voice just fell, and he heard a roaring sound, but Xiang Yang had taken out the wind and thunder bow, and directly grasped the big arrow, Zhang bow archery, at this moment, countless arrows from Xiang Yang’s hand spurred out and turned into a ray of light shining toward the front.

"I rely on, boss, you are a lie."

The little bald head suddenly saw an anxious moment, and quickly rushed forward toward the front. His body shape stood in the void and stood at the same time, directly offering a flying sword. This is a superb fairy-level flying sword. I have never seen a small bald head show up. At this moment, in order to hide his identity, he is holding his sword in his hands and swearing. "The Buddha also has anger. This set of swords is made by Buddha, and is called the Buddha Eighteen Sword. ""


The flying sword held the golden light, and the arrows that followed Xiangyang immediately followed up. However, the flying sword of the small bald head obviously could not play a big role. At this moment, Xiang Yangfeng’s arrow was a wave. The masters who rushed to the front and those greedy hunger-like treasures who wanted to rob the Xiangyang were instantly penetrated by countless arrows.

"Wind and thunder burst." Xiang Yang held the wind and thunder bow, and snorted. Suddenly, I saw those arrows running through the masters. They directly broke out the power of infinite wind and thunder, making those masters even screams. Come out, all exploded.

"Try again."

Xiang Yang stood with his hands on his back and killed the five guys who wanted to eat black. He didn’t stop, but screamed. Suddenly, dozens of wind and arrow arrows were once again in the dark world. Those masters rushed away.

"Kid, although you are strong, but you are only really immortal, and your celestial power is exhausted."

Among the seven or eight killers of the dark world, four are the kings of the kings, and the four are the gods. They saw the first move of Xiangyang and killed the masters of the five underground black markets in front of them. They were shocked. When I saw that Xiang Yang had not even taken back those arrows, but directly let those arrows shoot at themselves again, they were even more angry. They couldn’t help but scream and shout. "This time, we must I will be jealous of you."

"It’s not enough for you."

Xiang Yang smiled coldly, and there was a sword in his hand. It was Qing Xuanjian. However, this time, he did not directly rush out with the Qingxuan sword. Instead, he placed the Qingxuan sword as an arrow on the wind and thunder bow. Open the bowstring.


When the Qingxuan sword was placed on the wind and thunder bow, there was an unmatched breath that erupted. The powerful sword air surrounded the Qingxuan sword. At the same time, Xiang Yang’s body had two swords that did not enter it. It was the killing. The sword of the sword and the sword of the sword of the king.

Even at this moment, the rule of killing the Da Luo and the rule of the king Dalu are also immersed in it, making the energy on the sword of Xiang Yang amazing. Although it has not been shot yet, the void of the Qing Xuan sword is It has broken down.

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