Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2682: Sword rain

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When Hu Xinyu looked at Xiang Yang with a sneer, he felt that only Zhang Jianyu could defeat Tian Yilin, and he heard a roaring sound. In the sky, Zhang Jianyu, who was experiencing an inexhaustible sword, was blasted out. The sword in the hands did not know when it had been cut off. The whole person was **** and the right hand was also exploding into a **** fog, which was extremely miserable.

"Yu Lang..."

Seeing this scene, Hu Xinyu's face suddenly changed, and his body shape flew out quickly, he was going to rescue Zhang Jianyu.

"With the heart as a sword, a blood is angry, kill me."

At this time, Zhang Jianyu’s eyes flew out with a crazy color, and his anger screamed at the same time. He saw his heart’s mouth slamming open, and a hot heart spurted out. Instead of spreading it out, he gathered in front of him to become a three-footed blood sword, and instantly went down to Tian Yilin.

"Zhang Jianyu, this is just a little interest recovered by the palace. Next, the palace will annihilate you a little bit, then take away your soul and let you be enslaved by the palace in the infinite years." ""

Tian Yilin sneered, holding a **** sneaky hand in her right hand, accompanied by her voice falling, just as Zhang Jianyu’s **** sword slid toward her, she sneered and waved the sneaky The blood sword rolls in the past.


However, this sword is the counterattack of Zhang Jianyu who was seriously injured. The swordsmanship that broke out with his own life and blood as a primer is powerful. At this moment, the sword broke out and the horrible atmosphere circulated. The powerful power is so powerful that when the bombardment is on the sneaky, the ghosts are shaking. Although the sword is blocked, the powerful force of the sword will fly Tian Yilin to the rear.

"Yu Lang."

Hu Xinyu caught Zhang Jianyu who was unable to fall from the air. I saw that Zhang Jianyu was too miserable at the moment. Not only the right hand was broken, but the stars were burning and burning, and even his body was covered with scars. The sword marks are not stab wounds, but they do not know the scars caught by what claws.

Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou also went to Zhang Jianyu's side. Looking at Zhang Jianyu's injury, Xiang Yang's eyes shrank and couldn't help but reveal the shocking color. "This is caught by ghosts. The woman really inherits the ghost. The road to school."

"The method of ghost practice is a system that can be compared with the fairy magic in ancient times. However, I didn't know what happened afterwards. With the disappearance of the six reincarnations and the disappearance of the nine secluded hell, the practice of ghosts also Like the body repair, it disappeared all night, and she was able to get the treasures of the ghosts, and it was very extraordinary to practice the method of ghosts to such a degree."

The small bald head is also said to be dignified.

"The things you know are quite a lot." Xiang Yang couldn't help but smile.

"Haha, that's of course." The little bald head was laughing and laughing, with a smug look on his face.


At this time, Zhang Jianyu was vomiting a large mouthful of blood. What is strange is that although his blood is still bright red, as soon as he squirts out, there is a green flame burning up, and he will immediately take this mouth. The blood burned and evaporated.

"The wildfire has invaded my body and even entangled my god, and I can't take it anymore. Let's go."

Zhang Jianyu spit out blood constantly, and grabbed Hu Xinyu’s hand with one hand and said quickly.

"it is good."

Hu Xinyu's face changed greatly. She knew that the most powerful Zhang Jianyu was injured so badly that if she stayed again, everyone would be killed by Tian Yilin, and they would only leave at the fastest speed.


Then, Hu Xinyu supported Zhang Jianyu and said directly to Xiang Yang, “Go with Mei’s sister.”

"No, I can already go by myself."

At this time, Mei Aoxue was a calm-faced opening. I saw that there were seven Da Luo rules around her body, and there was an endless Jinlian bloom. The whole person rushed over and stepped into the void every step of the way. It makes the void tremble, as if she is the king's return at this moment, the surrounding aura is shaking, cheering for her.

"Sister Mei, have you broken through?"

Hu Xinyu saw this scene and suddenly showed the color of surprise.

"I have succeeded."

Mei Aoxue nodded lightly, then looked at Xiangyang and whispered, "Xiang Yang, let's go, although I broke through, but it is in Tianxinzhou, Tian Yilin is Tianxin. The daughter of the destiny of the continent, we can't be her opponent."

"You go first, I have stayed here and married her."

Xiang Yang chuckled softly, with a firm color on his face. "She dared to hurt you, I must kill her and go."

"No, you are not her opponent." After Mei Aoxue listened, her face changed greatly. Even if she had already broken through to the big Luo Qiu Tian Xian Zun, she did not have the slightest grasp to resist Tian Yilin, let alone repair. It is Xiangyang who just reached the real fairyland.

"Trust me."

Xiang Yang’s face has a firm color. “You go to the Central Fairy City and wait for me. I will go to you after killing this crazy woman.”


After all, he did not wait for Mei Aoxue and others to resist. His figure disappeared instantly in the same place. When he reappeared, he appeared in the sky in front of Tian Yilin.

"It is impossible for you to go."

At this time, Tian Yilin turned around in the ghostly air, with a sneer on her face. "The kid, there are two foxes and foxes, and Zhang Jianyu. You don't have to think about it. This is Tianxinzhou, the place of the palace." The office has closed the transmission array. How can you leave?"


As her voice fell, her whole body was vainly flowing, and the **** flag behind her was overwhelming, and countless **** ghosts and ghosts blocked all the millions.

At this moment, the sky was dim and dark, and a breath of horror exploded.

Even Zhang Jianyu’s face changed a lot, and he whispered in a low voice. “No, she arranged the next hundred ghosts and gods to block the world. This is to prepare for all of us.”

"so what should I do now?"

Hu Xinyu's face has also changed. Although she is also a master of Da Luo's seven heavens, her fighting power is not strong, let alone compared with Zhang Jianyu, even if it is after the breakthrough, Mei Ao Xue Can't compare.

Hu Xinyu looked up and looked at the ghosts who were blocking the world, and the energy of the blood. At this moment, her voice was a little trembling.

"If I was in the heyday, I could naturally open this battle with a sword, but now my strength is not one, and it can't be broken."

Zhang Jianyu has a bitter color on his face.

"Yu Lang..."

Hu Xinyu is whispering at the same time, holding Zhang Jianyu tightly, whispering, "Yelang, it doesn't matter, I will always be with you, whether it is life or death, we are all together."

At this moment, she held Zhang Jianyu tightly, with desperate colors in her eyes. Zhang Jianyu was her biggest reliance. Even Zhang Jianyu was not the opponent of the other party. How could she leave safely?

She knows that she and others are dead.

As for Mei Aoxue and Xiang Yang, she does not think that the two will have any ability to break any attack.

Even if Mei Ao Xue has been activated by the blood of the nine-tailed fox, it has broken through to the big seven heavens, but it is still too much difference with the big eight.

"No, maybe we still have hope."

Zhang Jianyu whispered, "Don't worry, I see that the kid is so confident, there must be a backhand."

At the same time, his eyes looked at Xiang Yang, who was squatting with Tian Yilin, and saw that Xiang Yang was so calm. He always felt that Xiang Yang seemed to be in the chest, and there should be a way to deal with each other.

"He..." After Hu Xinyu listened, her face was unbelievable. Her eyes looked at Xiangyang, who was facing Tian Yilin. She felt sad and felt that she was affected by the wildfire and had already affected her judgment. She held Zhang Jianyu tightly, whispering, "Yu Lang, no matter what, I will be with you."

If Zhang Jianyu knows that he has become a stupid person in the heart of Hu Xinyu, he does not know what he thinks in his heart.

At this moment, Zhang Jianyu sat on the ground and whispered. "Since I can't leave, I can only try my best to heal the wounds. After the injury is cured as soon as possible, even if Xiangyang can't stop the other side, we can at least fight hard."

At the same time, he quickly took out some of the medicinal herbs into the entrance, and then began to heal with such closed eyes.

At this time, Mei Ao Xue has been fluttering, and instantly reached the front of Xiang Yang, whispered, "Xiang Yang, let me come."

"Are you her opponent?"

Xiang Yang asked the small hand of Mei Aoxue.

"Not her opponent." Mei Ao Xue shook his head and looked honestly. "I just just broke through to the big seven heavens, although I can confidently cope with any of the big seven-day-level masters, but in In Tianxinzhou, Tian Yilin, who is on the top of Da Luo’s eight heavens, I am not her opponent."

"In this case, just give her to me, believe me, if I am there, it will be fine."

Xiang Yang said softly.

"But..." Mei Aoxue hesitated to look at Xiang Yang. She wanted to tell Xiang Yang that Xiang Yang was just a real fairy. But, looking at Xiang Yang’s face with such a firm color, she I am a bit convinced that Xiang Yang really has such strength to deal with Tian Yilin's appearance.

However, even if Mei Aoxue is more confident about Xiang Yang, she can’t imagine that Xiang Yang’s “weak man” who is only trying to reach the peak of true fairy can deal with the situation of Da Luo’s eight heavens, even Zhang Jianyu Such a big Luo Bazhong Tianjian is not the opponent of the opponent's Tian Yilin.

"Trust me."

Mei Aoxue’s voice just fell, and she saw Xiang Yang’s face looking at her with a firm color, which made her involuntarily nod and whispered. “Then you be careful.”

"Do not worry, she dared to hurt you, I will definitely let her die."

Xiang Yang smirked and patted the hand of Mei Aoxue. "You can give me a side on the side. I won't let you do it before I let you do it."


Mei Aoxue saw Cheng Yang so confident, but also had to give up, whispered, "Be careful, if you can't do anything, tell her your identity. At that time, even if Irene doesn't know you, she The people behind know that you can't be like you, and will definitely send you away with respect."

When Mei Aoxue was in the lower bound, he recognized the identity of Xiang Yang as the descendant of 'that pulse'. She knew very well that if Xiang Yang exposed his identity, then, those in Tianxinzhou stood in the sky. The old monster behind Irene will certainly not be able to sit, even if Tian Yilin is so strong to deal with Xiangyang, they can't let Tian Yilin shoot for Xiangyang.

"Do not worry, the person who really needs to worry is not me, but her."

Xiang Yang’s face was full of self-confidence. After waving and letting Mei Ao Xue leave, he turned his head and looked at the little bald head that was also following him to face Tian Yilin. He said faintly, “Little bald head, help I protect them."


Although the little bald head followed Xiang Yang, but in his heart, he secretly complained. After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, his face quickly showed his happy color, and he turned and left without turning back.


Xiang Yang is speechless. In his opinion, the strength of this kid is strong enough. If it is really willing to endorse it, after the war with Tian Yilin, even if it is impossible to kill Tian Yilin, it is estimated that it will eventually block the other party. However, this guy obviously does not work hard, and he can run faster than anything.

"Kid, let's die."

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