Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2788: Constrained

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"The elf Lord God, are you coming out on your own or let me ask you to come out?" Xiang Yang’s face looked at Yulia and Yuliqin with a smile. No, it’s accurate to say that they have already occupied the two sisters. The elf Lord God of the flesh.

At this moment, the face of the Elven Lord God is with a triumphant color, because the method of detaining the soul learned from the soul of the seventy-seven is obviously not powerful, and it is impossible to shake the spirit of the elf.

At this moment, after listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the elf Lord God couldn’t help but look at Xiang Yang with a strange look. “Boy, look at you with extraordinary breath and handsome looks, how is it a fool?”

"You said that I am a fool?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he was very angry and laughed. This was the first time he was seen as a fool. Of course, the opposite elf **** in his heart was also a complete ignorant in his heart.

"If not, if you do this, do you dare to speak to the Lord?" The two elves' main gods also spoke at the same time. "The junior, the Western Lord God in your East is equivalent to the Holy Land, even Therefore, the cultivation of the Lord of God is infinitely close to the saints of your east. How can you understand the greatness of this Lord by your junior?"


Xiang Yang sighed, his right hand extended, and he grabbed the elf master with a proud color on his face. Suddenly, between the moments, the two elves of the original gods with their proud colors on their faces At the same time, it changed color. "This, impossible, you can actually..."


When their words were not finished, they were caught by Xiang Yang directly from the body of Yulia and Yuliqin, and they turned into two groups of light suspended in front of Xiangyang.

"No, who are you? You can't be just a small monk in the East. You are definitely a strong person. You are also the awakened person of the seed of the Lord God. You are also proficient in the secret law. Are you a god?"

"No, among the Western gods, those who have such a secret law are definitely not unknown. Who are you?"

Among the two groups of light, two transparent figures are constantly shaking, constantly making a sound of the sound of Gyeonggi, compared with the calmness of the two elf gods in the past, their faces at the moment with fear The color, constantly guessing the identity of Xiang Yang, how to look is not like the high strength of the infinity is close to the saint's main god.

"Is this the Lord God?"

Xiang Yang sighed a bit.

"Yes, she is the main **** of the elves, but maybe it is a little bad luck, and I have met you." Mei Aoxue said at the same time, it was with a quirky color on his face and looked at Xiang Yang.

Although it has long been known that Xiang Yang is very mysterious and eccentric, it is a bit unbelievable to see Xiang Yang lightly and easily take the body of the Elven Lord directly from the body of Yulia and Yuliqin.

You must know that this is the main **** of the elves. It has the supreme strength in the Western realm. Even in the midst of the Eastern fairy world, it is also the strongest of the Yasheng Peak, even though it is only a scorpion, but the Holy Land is strong. Is the avatar that ordinary people can handle?

However, all this seems to have no difficulty for Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang smiled at the avatars of the two elf gods. These two avatars were only the weakest. The elf gods were buried deep in the blood of the elves before the endless years. When the elves were purified, After a certain degree, the avatar of the Elven Lord God can be activated, and the Elven Lord God will appear in the world instead of the Elves.

"Your luck is really bad." Xiang Yang said with a sigh of contempt for the ball of light.

"Boy, you better let us go out, otherwise, in the days when the Western gods will enter the Eastern Fairy, the Lord God will make you die better than death." Among the group of light, the avatar of the Elven Lord is constantly roaring.

"You don't have to wait for your Western gods to invade the Eastern Fairy, I can find out your deity." Xiang Yang rolled his eyes, and then ignored the two squats on the side of hysteria, but instead Looked at Yulia and Yuliqin.

At this moment, after the avatars of the Elf Lord God left, the breath of the two women also became calm, and the power of their blood was boiling, and there was no obstacle at all, directly breaking through the strong who became the body of the incarnation.

"My brother, we just seemed to be locked into the dark room suddenly. What is going on?"

Then the two women opened their eyes and looked at Xiang Yang with an incomprehensible color on her face.

"That's just your illusion. You are almost defeated by the elf Lord God, that is, the ancestors of your elves." Xiang Yang did not conceal the two women, but told all the women who had just happened. .

"Ah, it, that ray of light is the avatar of our ancestors. Did it create an elf family, just to win it?" After the two girls heard it, they were stunned. They should have been awed by the elf god. However, this moment is full of horror in my heart. In their hearts, the elf Lord God has become a demon-like existence.

"My descendants, obeying the command of the Lord, killing them all, letting the Lord go out and blending with the Lord, and will give you eternal life at the moment when the Lord's deity comes."

At this time, the avatar of the elf Lord God in the ray of light still does not give up, but began to seduce the two sisters Yulia and Yuliqin.


The two women were originally kind-hearted. After hearing the words of the elf Lord God, they were hesitant on the face, because they were originally created by the elf Lord God, and the avatars of the two elves were still produced by their blood. It can be said that it is not too much to be with them. It is too easy to seduce them.

However, if the Elf Lord God tempted the two women to do other things, it may still be very simple, but it is actually tempting the two women to deal with Xiang Yang and others, obviously it is impossible.

"We can't hurt Xiangyang's brother and a few sisters. No matter who you are, you can't just order us to hurt them, and you can't hurt them."

The two sisters, Yulia and Yuliqin, also had a firm color on their faces.

"Waste, garbage, you low-key elves, just the waste created by the Lord God, you also dare to disobey the words of the Lord, you are looking for death..."

The two avatars of the Elven Lord God are roaring, their voices are hoarse, and people can't hear whether they are male or female, but they are full of anger.

"You have too many words."

At this time, Xiang Yang did not look past, and directly reached out, a burst of energy fire broke out in the palm of his hand, and instantly lit the group of light.

"Oh... hateful, bastard, humble human, you dare to be rude to the great elf Lord God, are you looking for death?"

"Let us go, let us go, don't..."

"you dare..."

The fire of energy erupted in Xiang Yang’s palm is the fire of his life, which is the essence of his life. It contains the power of creation, and the power is endless. Even the avatar of the elf **** cannot resist. After all, this The two avatars only appear in the blood of the two women, and it is impossible to have much power.

In the blink of an eye, the elf Lord God in the group of light is instantly refining into a mass of energy. Xiang Yang’s mind is moving and directly splits the two energy into two, respectively, into the bodies of the two women.

"Let's practice and see if you can get anything from it."

Xiang Yang told the two women.

After listening to the two women, they quickly and carefully realized the energy in the two groups of light groups they got. After a while, they looked up and looked at Xiang Yang with a surprise color on their faces. We really got a practice, which is the practice of the natural way of the spiritual practice of the elves."

"Oh, this is not bad. I don't think that the elf Lord God has finally made a small contribution." After Xiang Yang listened, it was the color of surprise on his face. Originally, he did not think about refining the main **** of the elves. What would be the reward for giving the energy to the two women, I did not expect that the two women actually got a lot of money in this.

The two women were originally members of the elves. Their origins were already doomed. The best practice of their cultivation is the practice of the main **** who practiced the elves. Now, after the two women have obtained the practice of the elf god, they will be good in the future. Practice, perhaps there is hope that can be cultivated to the realm of the elf god, if it is to go to the Western gods, or even replace the elf god, become a new elf **** is also possible.

However, it is obviously not so easy to replace the Elven Lord God.

"I didn't expect that we could get the supreme practice of the legendary elves, brother, thank you." The two women had excitement on their faces, even though Xiang Yang told them that they were among the light. What is contained is the avatar of the elf's elf main god, but after all, what they see is only the other side's consciousness, but not as straight as the present.

The two women excitedly came to Xiangyang's side, holding Xiangyang's arm on one left and one right, and kissed the cheeks on both sides of Xiangyang.


However, they have forgotten that their physical strength has just broken through to the state of Da Luo. Their own realm is low and poor. Now, under the motion, they cannot control their own strength. So, they are pro On the face of Xiang Yang’s cheeks, the strength can be said to be the equivalent of a physical body, and the strong man pinches his fist to Xiang Yang’s face. If it is not Xiang Yang’s physical strength has reached a very strong To the extent of it, it is estimated that he will be directly kissed by the two women.

A huge snoring sound came out, so that all the people around him looked at Xiangyang and the two women with strange colors on their faces, especially when they saw that Xiang Yang’s face was clearly recessed on both sides. Lived and laughed.

"Ha ha ha, see if you guys will not be romantic, this is almost a pro-problem." Huo Mei could not help but smile.

"Ah, brother, are you okay?"

"Sorry, my brother, we are not deliberate. We don't know why. Suddenly we can't control our strength. But how can our power become so powerful?"

Yulia and Yuliqin’s little faces looked at Xiang Yang with a nervous color, and almost eagerly fell in tears. They really did not expect that they were very excited and wanted to kiss Xiangyang. Thanks to Xiang Yang, the result turned out to be two people at the same time, both sides left and right, and almost squashed the two sides of Xiang Yang's entire face.

"It's okay, you guys, this is because after the force of the flesh suddenly broke through to the state of Tarot, your realm is too weak, and you can't control the power of the flesh in a short time, so it will be like this."

Xiang Yang’s face was stiff, his mouth swelled, and the gas was blown up on both sides. This made the place where the two women had fallen down. He smiled and looked at the two women. “Congratulations, now you It has already broken through to the realm of Da Luo."

"Ah, have we become a great Luo Jinxian among the immortals?" The two women looked at Xiangyang with excitement, even though they were in the fairy world, and the people around them, whether it was Xiangyang or a few Miss Sisters are already very strong immortals, but they never thought that one day they could become the great Luo Jinxian among the immortals. This is the legendary existence, even in the history of the elves. There have been no such powerful immortals.

"Yeah, you are already a big Luo Jinxian." Xiang Yang's face looked at the two women with a smile, although the two women's practice is very low, that is, they have indeed become a new body repair Da Luo strong.

Why is it that the new body is the great Luo Luoqiang, because this is the first Da Luo of the pioneering body of Xiang Yang, which is different from the great Luoqiang in ancient times.

In ancient times, the great master of the Luo Luo also had to first understand the rules of the Da Luo, and then engraved the rules of the Da Luo into the flesh, so that he could break through the Da Luo situation.

In modern times, it was different. When Xiangyang took the first step, when he did not describe the rules of the Da Luo in the body, he had already made himself break through the realm of the body, and the new path of physical training has been Open up, everyone only follows the method of Xiang Yang to practice, and it is also possible to describe the rules of the Da Luo in the flesh, and also can break through the Da Luo situation and become the real Da Luo strong.

At this moment, everyone present has already broken through to the body of the body, but other people are not weak because of their own cultivation, and the realm has also been achieved. Although they may not be able to adapt to the power of the body, they may not be able to adapt to the power of the body. It can also be controlled. Only the repair of two women is too weak, and it is impossible to control the power of the flesh.

"It seems that we must adjust the two women so that they can achieve the perfect control of the physical strength of the Da Luo situation in order to allow them to enter the tower of physical training."

Xiang Yang only felt a little headache. Although he did not officially enter the practice tower, he did not know what the inside of the tower was. However, there was no way for the two women to control their physical strength. Underneath, even if he does not dare to let the two women easily enter.

"I will teach the two sisters how to control the power of the flesh."

At this time, Mei Aoxue came over with a smile on his face and took the initiative to teach the two women.

"Okay." After Xiang Yang met, naturally he was very happy to let Mei Aoxue teach the two women. In the same way, this day, the outside world is equivalent to 10,000 days. He has time to let Mei Ao After the snow taught the two women, they took the girls into the tower of the body repair.

"My brother, people also feel that they can't control the power." At this time, the fire is the eyeballs turning, and the same face with a charming color.

After Xiang Yang met, he suddenly turned black and whited his eyes. "Then you go to find Mei Xiaoniu to help you."

"But I want you to help me..." Huo Mei came over and leaned on Xiangyang. However, at this time, Xiang Yang did not feel the fire, but his body shape flashed. It disappeared directly.

"Then you are waiting there, I will go and get back first..."


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