Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2800: The opening of the battle of destiny (five more flowers)

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The Suzaku woman came fast, and went quickly. It disappeared in the blink of an eye. This made Yang Wanjian, who was still nervous for a long time, finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It’s really amazing. It’s really a latecomer. Shang, the strength of this woman in black is definitely able to rank in the name of Yasheng. Maybe the fighting power is not much weaker than me. If she has a decent magic weapon, I am afraid in the world. Only the Chaos Saint is her opponent."

"That is of course, she is Sister Suzaku, the strength is the strongest." Bai Yu could not help but proudly said.

"Go and go, don't mess, my words haven't finished yet." Yang Wanjian glanced at Bai Yu and continued, "However, your master is the strongest, we are practicing the "Sword Mystery", here Among the heavens and the realm, the martial arts strong who can really compare with us, there are only a few of them. So, the gangsters practice well, waiting for you to break the law and break the barriers of the saints. When the sword is sanctified, it will surely make a name."

"Ha ha..."

White feathers are sneering, and my heart is secret, do you know that I don’t understand anything? Although I don't know what sanctification is, but even the realm that you have not reached, is it so good to achieve it?

Of course, Bai Yu is proud of himself. He does not lack confidence in himself. He is still very confident. He said with a light face, "The teacher is assured, the disciple will certainly live up to expectations."

Well, after all, this old man is his own master, and when he wants to please each other, he should not be too casual.

Bai Yu used to be in the official for more than ten years. He is very clear about how to behave. Even if the other person is his own master, he should not be too easygoing.

"Haha, well, walk away, take you to the fairyland for the teacher, no, there is nothing fun in the fairy world. Let the teacher take you to the heavens and the world to play and take you to practice the martial arts."

Yang Wanjian laughed happily, with white feathers and Yiyi far away, in the void, he could still hear his voice.

"Gangster, you must practice well. Your boss, Xiangyang, he is incredible. A avatar has been cultivated to the level of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, but you don't have to be nervous. You are younger than him. You won't be able to catch up with him for a long time."

"Master, my age is about half a year older than my boss..." Bai Yu.


"It's okay, he is the descendant of that one, but he is a stocking model. If you have the help of my master, you will be able to surpass him."

Yang Wanjian comforted.

"But I don't want to go beyond my boss, as long as I can catch up with him."

"Oh, what's going on with you, don't want to go beyond, you are too ambition, no, I must help you outperform each other..."


"Yang Wanjian, the old man found a little white."

Among the immortals, Xiang Yang, who was waiting for Mei Aoxue’s practice, also heard Yang Wanjian’s words. Although Yang Wanjian’s laughter was deliberately spread out, only the holy people could hear it. However, Xiang Yang had the power of the soul of the Holy Land. I can completely hear the words of Yang Wanjian.

At the moment, he had a smile on his face and he was really happy with Bai Yu.

No matter how many people he encountered on the road, Bai Yu is the most important brother in his heart, his only true brother of life and death.

Nowadays, Bai Yu’s kendo road is finally someone who can practice with him. With the talent of Bai Yu, as long as someone leads, it will be able to make rapid progress in the shortest time, even to become a holy place.

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s face could not help but smile. However, this smile just solidified at once. He suddenly remembered that Xiao Bai was taken away by Yang Wanjian. He wanted to find white feathers and let the other party enter the body. If the repair tower is practiced and the body is tempered, it seems that the other side cannot be found.

"But it, luck and loss are luck, Xiaobai practice does not destroy the sword body, the body is equally powerful, coupled with the existence of Yang Wanjian, even if it does not enter the tower of physical repair, there is no relationship, let him purely practice kendo In the future, you can achieve true chaos swords."

Xiang Yang whispered, Bai Yu was the purest "Sword Mystery" from childhood, and his energy is Jianqi. It can be said that it is the purest sword repair. If Bai Yu enters the tower of physical repair, although it can make the body of Bai Yu reach The big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak, but for Bai Yu’s kendo road, it is not a good thing.

"After the end of the Wanzhou Destiny Women's War, I will find the women, and I will be in the lower bounds."

Xiang Yang’s heart is thinking about the beauty of the United States. When he thinks that he has found the women, he will be able to take the women’s lower bounds and come to a big reunion. He feels very comfortable.

At this time, Mei Aoxue finally completed the quenching of the armor. She opened her eyes and looked at Xiang Yang. Her eyes were soft and soft. "Xiang Yang, I have already refined." The battle armor."

"Well, then we can go to the battle of the woman of Wanzhou."

Xiang Yang came to Mei Aoxue with a soft smile, and took the small hand of Mei Aoxue with a smile. He said with a smile, "Mei Xiaoniu, let's go."

While talking, he looked at Sun Chunyu and Xiaoguangtou, especially the small bald head was blinded by his focus. "Remember, look at the Imperial Palace, don't let the Imperial Palace have an accident, otherwise, I will take it. You open the knife."

"Of course, if you can be optimistic about the Imperial Palace, I will reward you when I return."

Give them a stick, and then promise some of the benefits, so that the little bald head that was a little bit boring after listening to it suddenly blinked, could not help but ask, "Boss, what reward? Or you give me first."

"It's too late to give you, but what I can tell you is that after you get my benefits, you can unscrupulously practice all your strengths and don't worry about exploding."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

The so-called benefits, naturally, are to let Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu enter the tower of physical repair, as long as the small bald head can practice the physical body to the existence of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, at that time, even the practice of the small bald practice. No matter how many times, when the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak is not reached, it is impossible to let all the power in the body disorder and blew itself.

After all, at that time, his body was too strong, like an oven made up of chaotic fine gold, even if the energy in the body was so chaotic, it was impossible to explode the flesh.

"Wow, that's great. I can finally let go of my practice. Boss, I am so touched. Don't worry, as long as I don't die, I will defend the Imperial Palace."

The little bald head has an excited color. He can't wait for Xiang Yang to leave quickly, and then he will finish the matter and come back. At that time, he can truly solve the scourge in the body.

You must know that the small bald head is because the energy in the body is too much and too complicated. It has not been practiced for a long time. Moreover, with his talents and skills, if he truly solves the danger of self-destruction, he can definitely be in the shortest time. In the meantime, he will be cultivated for ascension. At that time, no one will be afraid of him except the sub-Sacred strong.

"Although the Imperial Palace is important, your life is the most important."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and patted the shoulders of the two men, then left the Emperor Palace with Mei Aoxue, and they went straight outside the city.

Outside the city of the Central Fairy City, it is lively and extraordinary at the moment. The former twelve emperors blew themselves up. The reason why they only destroyed many buildings, but did not hurt much life, mainly because of the Mongol and the Wanzhou. The gambling battle between the goddess of the goddess is being carried out outside the city. Almost half of the people in the Central Fairy City have gone outside the city to watch the war.

When Xiang Yang and Mei Aoxue came together, they saw that they were divided into two parts in the outside of the city. The east side is the battlefield of the Million Island, and the west is the battle for the Wanzhou Destiny. Start.

However, due to the influence of the previous twelve emperors' self-destruction, and the opening of the Devil's Channel, it affected the unfolding of the Wanzhou Destiny Women's War. At this moment, it is the real battle to start the Wanzhou destiny.

When Xiang Yang and Mei Aoxue came together, they saw huge huge platforms suspended in the air. In all directions, countless kinds of Xianfu, Hanging Xiandao, etc. were floating, each bursting out a powerful atmosphere. Both the House and the Fairy Island have a powerful and unrestrained atmosphere that erupts. Obviously, it is the people brought by the goddess of destiny within their respective continents.

Compared with the big squad of these destined women, Mei Aoxue and Xiang Yang are only two people coming, it seems too shabby.

"It seems that we are really too shabby."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but say to Mei Aoxue.

Mei Aoxue whispered, "No matter, the real focus is on the outcome of the war. As for how to play, everything is just superficial."

"Oh, this younger sister looks so young, it is so shabby, but I have to find a reason for myself. It seems that my sister’s continent does not pay much attention to the gambling battle between the goddess of the gods?"

Just when Mei Aoxue’s voice fell, he heard a chuckle coming over, and then, above their heads, there was a rush of horses. This is the true tens of thousands of wings of the Marathon. Xianfu walked through the air. In this fairy temple, there was a flame robe made of Feng Yu, with a proud color on his face, sneering at Xiang Yang and Mei Ao Xue.

"Feng Yuzhou's daughter of the destiny, Feng Changxiu." Mei Ao Xue frowned and looked at Ange's destiny, she even knew each other.

"This woman is not a human being, but has the blood of the phoenix. It is powerful and unmatched. It has already reached the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. However, her age is also among the fateful women of this group. The strongest person."

Then Mei Aoxue explained to Xiang Yang.

"It turned out to be the daughter of the fate of the Phoenix blood, interesting." Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled, looking at the woman standing on the fairy phoenix, wearing a feather robes, with a proud atmosphere.

Seeing the robes of the phoenix feathers worn on the other side, even after Xiang Yang saw it, he couldn’t help but reveal a strange color. He said, "The feather of the phoenix, if I can get some, I can refine it. Being a better-looking robes is definitely not comparable to the garbage that she made as crude."

Xiang Yang’s words are not loud, only Mei Aoxue can hear, Mei Ao Xue’s mouth is with a smile, and the woman named Feng Changxiu at the top is seeing Xiang Yang staring at himself, suddenly Proud, twisted his proud figure, with a proud attitude, white Xiangyang glance, "Little man, is not tired of the little fox around you, like a sister?"

At the same time, she was very proud of the opening. "Little fox, I haven't seen it for a long time. I remember that when I saw you last time, you haven't changed shape yet. I didn't expect to see you this time. You are already big. Luo Zhouzhong’s fairyland is revered, and he also took a little man to participate in the Wanzhou Destiny’s Women’s War. However, what I want to tell you is that although your cultivation is a shortcut, you follow You can't bear the power of Wanzhou's destiny in such cultivation. I don't think you are crazy about it. After you come on stage, you will directly admit defeat."

"Feng Changxiu, I have not offended you?" Mei Aoxue frowned and looked at the arrogant woman above. The other said that there was nothing wrong with it, although the two had seen each other before, but it was tens of thousands of years ago. It was not long before Mei Aoxue was born, because I saw Feng Changxiu by chance.

In her memory, Feng Changxiu at that time was already a strong man, but he was very caring and saw that he still wanted to hold his own.

Nowadays, although this woman has been upgraded to the heights of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, but the temper has become more popular, and he is not familiar with the other side. When he meets, he has to work with himself. What is the situation?

"Yeah, there is no sin for this girl, but this girl is watching you unhappy, a fox fox only, isn't the enchanting technique more powerful? Can you seduce the legendary singer? You can see that you are already very famous among the goddess of today’s destiny?"

Feng Changxiu sneered and said.

After Xiang Yang listened, he couldn’t help but blink. What happened? It’s still related to myself. God, I’m really lying down and shooting. However, it seems that my big name has spread among the fateful women. I don’t know if these fate girls are all one by one. I feel very sorry, crying for not being able to get myself?

"Sure enough, good people, no matter where they go, can't be ignored."

Xiang Yang’s heart was thinking about it, and he felt that he was too good. He couldn’t help but stand tall and said to the little Phoenix bird named Feng Changxiu. “This sister has a vision and knows that I am so Uncommon."

"what are you?"

Xiang Yang originally thought that after the other party knew that he had opened his mouth, he would definitely be very happy to say hello to himself, or even find a way to hook himself up. What he did not expect was that Feng Changxiu sneered and said after he heard his own words. It’s just the servant of the descendant of that pulse. Although you helped Mei Ao Xue to participate in the war, are you qualified to compare with that one? Although you are a master of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, you are fundamentally Even the qualifications to enter the girl's eyes are not."


Author Meng Yu said: Today, five chapters and more than 20,000 words have been updated, seeking flowers...

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