Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2812: I surrender...

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"The little guy really doesn't suffer at all. I know that my nephew will give him the Thunder armor and don't want anything to exchange. There is absolutely nothing good, so in order not to owe this person, he would rather not be a Raytheon armor. I know that if you are an ordinary person, the chance to get the Raytheon suit is right in front of you, and you will definitely agree to it immediately, and he can hold it. This kind of heart is indeed very extraordinary."

The void cracked a crack, and the two old men came out with the Donghuang Yuxi. They saw Xiangyang, who was sitting on the broken moon boat and drinking a small wine with Mei Aoxue at a glance. The two people lamented.

"Go, let's go for a drink."

Donghuang Yuxi said with great interest, and also stepped out in the same step, and instantly went to the broken moon boat, her eyes looked at Xiang Yang, with a faint smile on her face.

"Don't? Don't persuade me, I don't want it, Raytheon armor, I won't give you a Thor hammer, I will keep the Thor hammer, and wait for my baby to play later." Xiang Yang sees the east. When Huang Yuxi appeared in front of her face with a smile, she smiled.

"Oh, good idea."

The East Emperor Yuxi has not yet opened, the two old men are eyes shining, the one on the left slaps and says, "Xiang Yang, I think you can be the Hummer of our Wantian Tianzhou, when you are born with the children. The child can inherit the Raytheon suit. Hey, at that time, a little boy with bare bottoms, wearing a Raytheon suit, can hit the invincible hands in the world, how exciting it is."

"It makes sense, this is a really good idea." The old man on the right also said with excitement.

"What do you say indiscriminately?" After listening to the East Emperor Yuxi, it was a blushing look at the two old guys. If you don’t know the high scores of these two old guys, plus these two old guys. When I was young, I saw that when I grew up, Donghuang Yuxi had already placed the identity of the Emperor of the East in front of these two unruly old guys.

"Ha ha ha... This is really a very good idea. Xiang Xiaozi, don't you think that my family is very perfect and very beautiful?" The old man on the left did not pay attention to the emperor, but instead looked at Xiangyang.

"It is really beautiful."

Xiang Yang’s face was smiling and he said with a serious head.

"Oh..." After his voice fell, he clearly felt that Mei Ao Xue, who was sitting opposite, snorted and his face showed an unpleasant color.

The East Emperor Yuxi is a pretty face, her lips are slightly raised, showing that her mood is very good, her eyes look at Xiang Yang, the heart secretly said, "This guy is a bit rogue, but still quite honest."

Which beauty does not like others to say that she looks good?

Among the heavens and the world, from ordinary people to female saints, they are essentially women, all of them are for their own pleasing, although the East Emperor Yuxi is the young master of Wanxue Tianzhou, usually not lacking. Others’ touts, but in the face of Xiangyang, when she heard that Xiangyang was serious and said that she was good-looking, she still felt very happy. She only felt that from childhood to large, countless words that were touted by her own people were more than Don't go up to Xiang Yang's phrase 'big truth'.

"However, my Mei Xiaoniu looks better."

However, when Donghuang Yuxi felt very comfortable, watching Xiangyang feel more and more pleasing to the eye, but see Xiangyang turned his head and looked at Mei Aoxue with a gentle smile on his face.


At this moment, Donghuang Yuxi felt that he had climbed the peak of a million feet, and then he was dragged down from the sky with Xiang Yang’s hand in the hands of Xiang Yang. She could not help but frowned and snorted. Unhappy looking at Xiang Yang.

And Mei Ao Xue, opposite Xiangyang, turned from the original unhappiness to a pretty face with a smile. For a time, around them, the fairy sounds burst, and the avenue Jinlian appeared out of thin air, as if someone had to The road is sanctified.

"this is..."

Seeing this scene, whether it is Donghuang Yuxi or the two old men all look at each other, they just stare at Mei Aoxue, with an incredible color on his face.

"This is the real daughter of destiny."

The two old men spit out such a sentence at the same time. They looked at Mei Aoxue’s eyes and they were truly full of shocking colors.

Xiang Yang has long been accustomed to the emotional changes of Mei Aoxue will lead to changes in the surrounding world, do not feel anything, at this moment after listening to the words of the two old men, he smiled, "That is, of course, my home proud snow is definitely The first person of the Wanzhou Destiny's Women's War, which was destined for life, will gather Qi Wanzhou in one, and who can compare?"

Donghuang Yuxi was also shocked, and her eyes looked at Mei Aoxue, whispering, "Heavenly life, every move, all along the road, this is the real goddess of life, can also be called The woman of the avenue, such a person did not show any advantage at the beginning, but when she can gather enough powerful gas, her advantage will be reflected in this moment, at that time, the avenue At your fingertips."

"what did you say?"

Xiang Yang and Mei Ao Xue frowned at the same time and looked at the emperor's jade. They felt a bit puzzled by the words of the emperor.

What the little girl said, it seems a bit abnormal.

According to Xiang Yang’s knowledge, Mei Aoxue should be a way of practicing and pursuing from an early age, so it will be a vision of heaven and earth in one move. However, in the eyes of the two emperors and the two old men, they feel that Everything is the reason why Mei Aoxue is the true daughter of the destiny.

"Sister Mei, can I call you my sister?" Donghuang Yuxi did not pay attention to Xiangyang, but sat down beside Mei Aoxue, and his face showed a happy smile.

"Of course, but the younger one is the young master of the Wan Yao Tian Chau. How can Ao Xue He De let the younger master call it like this?" Mei Ao Xue smiled softly, not humbled, not because Donghuang Yuxi is a young master of Wanxue Tianzhou and has shown too much respect, and there is no such thing as the other party wants to have a relationship with himself.

"Sister is a true child of the destiny. As long as I get the first place in the battle of Wanzhou Tiandeng, this time, after the gathering of heaven and earth, the saint is at your fingertips. Compared with you, the identity of the nephew is not counted. what."

Donghuang Yuxi had a smile on her face. She grabbed the hand of Mei Aoxue and whispered. "Sister, I have a long thought before, I want to have a good sister, but my father is only a nephew." A daughter, in addition, there are no other children. If my sister doesn't give up, would you want my sister to be my sister?"


At this moment, not only Mei Aoxue was stunned, but even Xiang Yang was equally shocked to see Donghuang Yuxi.

"Donghuang chick, I have not found out how your skin will be so thick." Xiang Yang could not help but sigh.

Donghuang Yuxi first said the identity of Mei Aoxue, telling Mei Aoxue that she is the real goddess of destiny, and that as long as she got the first place in Wanzhou’s destiny, she gathered Qi Wanzhou’s qi in one, that is the true saint. Period, it can be said that the chaos of the future is not an exaggeration. Then, she said that she should recognize Mei Aoxue as her sister and express her purpose directly. I don’t have to think about it because she is because of Mei’s talent. To be the sister of Mei Aoxue.

The two old men were very happy to pat the tambourine. "It’s so good, the demon Lord once said that the nephew also has the sage posture. If you worship the sisters with Mei Xianzi, you can achieve a pair of demon people in the future. The holy love is also very good."

Xiang Yang turned his eyes and said, "Where are you from the mysterious so-called saints, why didn't I see them?"

"This kind of thing can only be said to be unspeakable, you can't see it." The two old men smiled and looked at Xiangyang.

"Oh, to put it bluntly, these are all what you said." Xiang Yang finally understood that the so-called saints and the like are all these so-called masters. Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many talented people, Their cultivation is earth-shattering, and the speed of practice is also far beyond that of their peers. It is known as a saint's posture. It seems to be sanctified, but in the end, is there any sanctification?

There is nothing at all.

Xiang Yang looked at the emperor's face with a sly look, and sighed and said, "Donghuang chick, don't say anything about worshipping sisters. You and my family, Ao Xue, don't even know each other, just met. I have to recognize someone as my sister. How do you make your family agree?"

"I understand."

Donghuang Yuxi also knows that she is too reckless. She sighed and looked at Xiangyang. "Xiang Yang, although your words make sense, but one thing you said is wrong. My sister and I are not the first. I met once, and I met with Sister Mei at a very young age."

"You talk about it, if you have seen it before, why does Mei Xiaoyan have no impression at all?" Xiang Yang looked at Donghuang Yuxi strangely.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Mei Aoxue. Sure enough, Mei Aoxue’s face also had a confused color. Obviously, he did not remember that he had met with Donghuang Yuxi when he was a child.

"May Sister can remember, five thousand years ago, among the lower source stars, have you ever met a little girl, and have been with the little girl for several days?"

Donghuang Yuxi turned his head to look at Mei Aoxue, with a faint smile on his face.

"It's you, you are the little girl at the time?" Mei Aoxue was shocked after listening. She stared at the emperor's jade, with a pleasant color on her face. "You are the joy of the time." ?"

"Yeah, I didn't have long before I was born, I traveled to the heavens. It was just in the secular world. I heard that the young lady with the nine-tailed fox is suppressing the demon, and I went to see the small My sister, I was thinking about leaving with my sister at the time. But at that time, my sister was very good for my nephew. If my nephew would not leave, I would spend all my time at the source with my sister. At that time, even the world of the source star did not have a good look."

Donghuang Yuyu said crisply.

"Hey, hi, this is the case, it turns out to be you."

Mei Aoxue’s face was happy, and he grasped the small hand of Donghuang Yuxi’s hand. Xiang Yang understood this when he saw it. Donghuang Yuxi and Mei Aoxue had no need to worship sisters. They The relationship is now better than anyone else.

"This is really a very **** story." Xiang Yang did not bother the two, but turned his head to look elsewhere, and he was deeply impressed.

Originally thought that the two emperors between Donghuang Yuxi and Mei Aoxue had never met before, and there was no intersection. Who ever thought that the two were not ignorant, nor did they have any intersection. The two were five thousand years ago. I already know it.

Five thousand years ago, Donghuang Yuxi was still a small child. Although Mei Aoxue has grown up, she is a super-beast of Jiuwei Tianhu. It is just an adult, and Xiangyang .

Thinking about myself, Xiang Yang suddenly felt that he was so young in front of these two women.

"Hey, I am so young..."

Xiang Yang sighed in his heart, and by his side, the two old men were thieves laughing, their eyes looked at Xiang Yang, hehe smiled and said, "The brothers, since the nephew and the Meixianzi have already As a sister, how can we worship a brother?"

"Ha ha..."

Xiang Yang didn't want to talk to these two old guys. These two old guys, one by one, are very tyrannical. They should be Yasheng strong. Undoubtedly, if they only look at their cultivation, they are fully qualified to worship with Xiangyang. However, these two old guys are too shameless. Xiang Yang feels that this kind of person who is so mean, there should be no such shameless person to be a brother.

"What do you mean by this, look down on our brothers?" When the two old guys saw the expression of Xiang Yang's sneer, they showed dissatisfaction.

"Fortunately, you finally have a little self-knowledge." After Xiang Yang listened, he said with a sigh.

When the two old men heard it, they were half-dead, and they almost didn’t fight with Xiangyang. However, at this time, Xiang Yang felt that there was a pulling force on his own body, and he suddenly smiled. Come out and wave to the two old men, "Two, goodbye."


At the same time, Xiang Yang appeared directly on the ring platform, and his opponent had already flew to the ring. The other party was a young man. He looked at the audience with a look of arrogance, as if he was the oldest, his second child. However, when the guy saw Xiang Yangfei coming up and standing opposite, he was scared and almost fell to the ground.


"You are my opponent?"

The young man’s heart was bitter, but he did not expect that his enemies this time turned out to be Xiangyang.

Not long ago, Xiang Yang killed the middle-aged man and directly entered the chaos with the purple thunder. But many people saw it. The young man was very close at the time, and he was able to feel the outbreak of Xiangyang. The strong breath that came out, especially, also knows that Xiang Yang’s hand has the highest level of the celestial flying knife, which makes his heart tremble, and always prays not to let himself run into Xiangyang.

As a result, he was afraid of what he was, and Xiang Yang really came.

"Do we know?" Xiang Yang looked at each other with a smile, and when he saw the other party's frightened look, he was happy. It seems that this time, he could not fight.

"I don't know, but you saw me in the chaos with the guy in the chaos. You have the sacred gourd in the hands of the treasure?"

The voices of young people are shaking, especially, although he is also the cultivation of Da Luo’s nine heavens, but the masters of this level are also strong and weak. The most important thing is that Xiang Yang has the level of the treasure. Fairy gourd, and he has no defensive magic weapon to defend against the knives.

"Yeah." Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the young man. He felt that the other party was particularly interesting. However, he was not in a hurry anyway. Since the other party was afraid to talk to himself and did not start, he was not in a hurry.

"You have the sacred knives of the sacred level, but I don't have the magic weapon to defend the knives." The young man looked at Xiangyang with a look, and then he looked up very flatly to the top three. The sacred strong man shouted, "I admit defeat."


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