Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2830: Xihezhou (five more flowers)

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"Since Xihezhou is a world of physical repair, maybe it will be an opportunity for me to expand my talents."

Xiangyang walked along the road with Donghuang Yuxi. This Xihezhou is special. The transmission array of Xihezhou is not seen by anyone. Moreover, the transmission array is not in the city, but instead is located outside the city. Walking on the road is just a road with few people.

Although the surrounding area is uninhabited, Donghuang Yuxi still happily shakes the fan in his hand, while admiring the scenery on the side of the road, while the tide is ready to go ahead, as if it is coming out of autumn.

"I said Donghuang chick, where are you going to take me?" If it was a normal time, Xiang Yang had already flew away by himself, but in this Xihezhou, he did not know what he should be. Go, you can only follow the East Emperor Yuxi.

Seeing Donghuang Yuxi’s walk is very happy. Xiangyang is a bit unbearable. He is still anxious to go to the central Tianyu to find the women, and then he will come back to participate in the Mega-Islamic War. Walking like Donghuang Yuxi, it is estimated that two or three years have passed since I left Xihezhou.

"I am waiting to see if there are any large chambers of commerce. If there is a chamber of commerce, we can follow the Chamber of Commerce and save the way."

Donghuang Yuxi white said Xiangyang.

"Come here, where are you going, I will take you there."

After Xiang Yang listened, he said that he would directly release the broken moon boat and stand on the broken moon boat to make it float around the East Emperor Yuxi.

"I do not want."

Donghuang Yuxi looked at Xiangyang’s broken moon boat. Although it was very shocking to the moon boat, which was comparable to the sacred level, but shook his head and said, “I will use it slowly, then find A Chamber of Commerce went to the Central Tianyu together, and it was too boring to follow you. How could this girl leave the Wan Yao Tian Chau alone? How can it be wasted?"

"Dare to love you, this is a visit to the mountains." After Xiang Yang listened, he was speechless. His eyes looked at the emperor, and his face was full of serious colors. "Donghuang chick, I am still in a hurry, three In the year, I will definitely return to the Eastern Tianyu to participate in the Battle of the Immortals in the Million. On this road, I definitely don't have much time to accompany you. If you want to swim in the mountains, tell me how you will go. I left myself."

"You can rest assured, follow this girl and make sure you can go to the Central Tianyu within three years." Donghuang Yuxi is a guarantee.

"I mean, I must return to the Eastern Tianyu within three years." Xiang Yang said with a sigh.

"It's too late, rest assured, there are the young masters here, definitely have time." Donghuang Yuxi is guaranteed.

"Now, you have two choices, one is to come with me, the other is to tell me the route, I will go first, you walk slowly here and leave."

Xiang Yang was too lazy to listen to the words of the Eastern Emperor Yuxi. Of course, Donghuang Yuxi was not in a hurry. She just went to the teacher. As long as she could catch up with the entrance examination, she promised that the firefighters would have to come back to participate in the Battle of Million. How can you waste time?

"Hey, you want to go and go by yourself."

Donghuang Yuxi only felt that his good mood was destroyed. He couldn’t help but screamed and ignored the Xiangyang, but walked one by one.

"In this case, then you are careful along the way, I am leaving."

Since Donghuang Yuxi did not go with himself, Xiang Yang was too lazy to talk nonsense with her. His mind was moved, and the broken moon boat directly turned into a streamer from the side of the East Emperor Yuxi, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"This bastard."

Donghuang Yuxi stood on the ground and watched Xiangyang drive away from the moon and disappeared. He suddenly became very angry. She originally felt that she did not tell Xiangyang that Xiangyang would at least say a few good words to herself, or even ask for it. When I asked myself, when I left, I left with Xiang Yang. As a result, Xiang Yang did not say that he was directly driving the magic weapon to leave, but instead she was thrown here.

Donghuang Yuxi wants to beat people. She wanted to catch up. However, she remembered that Xiangyang didn’t know how to go. Moreover, for an exclusive Xihezhou, it’s not easy to ask the route clearly. Her face is a sly color. "This guy, I don't believe that he won't come back to me later."

While thinking about it, she continued to shake the fan in her hand and walked forward. At the same time, she was silently counting the time in her mind, thinking about when she would come back to find her.

However, the waiting of Donghuang Yuxi was destined to be inconclusive. When she was about to go to the town, she found that Xiangyang still did not come back to find her.

"That bastard..."

Donghuang Yuxi was so angry that it had been a few hours. Xiang Yang had not returned to her again. It proved that Xiang Yang had already found his way and could never come back to find her.

"I am mad at me, don't let me see you, and if you encounter something on the road, don't think that this girl will help you."

Dong Huangyu’s whispered thoughts, he could only continue to move forward.

"This official, our Chamber of Commerce wants to go to the Central Tianyu, I wonder if the guest officer is on the way?"

Fortunately, soon after, there will be a group of chambers of commerce passing by. Coincidentally, this caravan is going to the central Tianyu. They will meet some people who are waiting for the Chamber of Commerce on the road. On the one hand, some of the tolls can be charged. On the other hand, there are some high-powered people who are encountered on the road. If there is danger on the road, they can also help the Chamber of Commerce to cope with them.


Donghuang Yuxi responded directly to the caravan. This caravan is a team of ten star turtles. The star turtle is a common mount in the fairy world. Its size is huge, and it can even be placed. The next small city, but also endless, able to cross the void, meek and tamed.

There are a small city on the ten starry turtles on this team, each of which can hold a million people.

This is a caravan across the celestial domain. It will purchase some treasures along the way, and even trade what. Under normal circumstances, it will take thousands of years to go back and forth between the two worlds. It may take thousands of years.

However, after Donghuang Yuxi got on the starry turtle, she asked about the formation of this caravan. She took a sigh of relief and paid some Xianjing, which directly became one of the passengers of this caravan. .

This caravan has already overfulfilled the procurement task. Their next purpose is to return to the central Tianyu with the fastest speed. Moreover, there are some guests on the starry turtle who are also going to attend the Shengzong school. Assessment.

As a result, Donghuang Yuxi is also relieved. Of course, she still misses Xiangyang a bit, and she is looking forward to seeing if she can meet Xiangyang on the road.

It is a pity that after several days have passed, the starry turtle has been on the way, even to the West River in Xihezhou, and still did not see Xiangyang.

At this time, is Xiangyang lost?

No, he not only did not get lost, but he also entered the city of Xihezhou and found the physical repairs of the several Luo Luos he had sent to Xihezhou to explore Xihezhou.

It is too simple to find them by the connection between Xiang Yang and the physical exercises of the great Luo who were born into the magic species.

When Xiang Yang found the group of guys, he found that the days of several guys were more ‘moisturizing’ than they thought, and they even became the boss in Xihezhou.

Of course, the so-called boss is just the boss of the gang.

When Xiang Yang saw that his men were actually in the Broken Temple, he was shocked when he helped the boss.

"you guys..."

Xiang Yang saw the scene of his body's physical training in the world of Da Luo, he will never forget, when he is looking for those under the influence of the magic species, it is in a remote place in the suburbs. They were found in a broken grass temple. At that time, they only saw the bodybuilders of the group of Da Luo who were under their own hands. They sat on the ground and sat directly on the grass. The whole group was wearing a tattered real fairy. The physical correction of the situation is in a meeting.

"Boss, recently the soul family is a little bit eager to move, want to catch people, do we let the brothers hide?" Just listen to a dress that is tattered and looks really like a sly Xiang Yang’s men’s physical training in the land of Da Luo said.

"Well, let them hide. There are a lot of things that we bring, especially those foods, should it be enough for them to eat for a while?" said a body practitioner in the context of Da Luo.


The physical repair of the true fairy peak was answered quickly.


When Xiang Yang saw this scene, he was shocked. What is special, this Xihezhou physical training should all have not yet entered the threshold of the practice world, or why do you need any food?

Xiang Yang, who was originally planning to jump out directly, after hearing the conversations of these people, continued to hide in the void and continued to watch their meetings.

"How many souls of the true fairy peak have been gathered together?" At this time, another body repair of the Da Luo was asked about the physical repair of these true fairy peaks.

"There have been nearly 30,000 people convened, but only about half of them are willing to leave with the boss. As for others, they are more or less family members in this Xihezhou, although the days are Bitter, but as long as you serve the soul, you are not without hope of living."

Someone immediately replied.

"Only 30,000 people, and half of them are not willing to leave?" There are more than a dozen physical repairs in the Da Luo situation that Xiangyang sent to Xihezhou. They heard the words of these real fairy peaks. Then I frowned.

The main purpose of this time they came to Xihezhou was to find out the situation of Xihezhou on the one hand, and to think about the physical training of the real fairyland in the west of Xihezhou. However, it was found that Xihezhou was controlled by the Souls. Even if they secretly developed their forces, it was very difficult. Even during this time, they were already stared by the Souls.

"No matter, even if only 10,000 people want to follow us, they must leave. We are almost stared at by the soul. If you don't leave, you may not be able to leave. When you go back to see the master, you will The situation here tells the owner, what to do next, please ask the owner to decide."

Ever since, after the discussion of the body repairs of the dozens of Da Luo’s realities, he said directly, “Passing the order and letting those who are willing to follow us are ready. After three days, we left in batches according to the original plan. Xihezhou, at the time, meet in the transmission."


There are hundreds of people who have participated in the meeting. There are hundreds of people in the body. At this moment, all of them are full of serious responses. At the same time, their eyes are full of excitement. When they think of it, it will take a long time to leave Xihezhou to find a modern body. When they were the originator of the pulse, they were very excited.

"There are millions of physical trainings in Xihezhou, but only 10,000 people are willing to follow them. It is really a little less, but they are also a bit bitter and not easy. what."

Xiang Yang looked at this scene in secret and couldn't help but sigh.

"Everyone left to go and prepare." Then, this meeting is over, and hundreds of real-life martial arts are ready to leave.


Just then, I heard a roaring sound. There were dozens of black warships coming from afar. I immediately went outside the temple and broke the entire grass-breaking temple.

"The low-lying physical repairs, even dare to gather together for rebellion, when they kill, all are annihilated."

Then, I saw a young man with a look of pride on one of the black warships. The other waved, and suddenly, a powerful atmosphere broke out. This young man turned out to be the fairy of the soul family.

Moreover, the other party’s cultivation has already reached the level of Da Luo’s nine heavens. In the face of this group, only a dozen of the physical exercises that have just reached the Da Luo’s realm, the soul group has actually dispatched a fairyland of the Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. Respect, this scene is not powerful.

"The soul family."

Xiang Yang’s face was strangely seen in this scene, and he sighed in his heart. “I just wanted to take a trip to the Central Tianyu. I didn’t expect to be with the Soul.”

"Not good, it is the soul, we are eyeing the soul."

"Boss, what should I do?"

"The soul of the strong is coming, are we going to give up resistance? What to do, boss..."

The body of these hundreds of real fairy peaks is the native body of Xihezhou. They have a space for the souls to be inseparable. They see the dozens of warships of the soul family surrounded them, scared one by one. No one is color, it is not as good as ordinary people.

And a dozen of Xiangyang's men are suffering a face, they did not expect that they will come to the soul of the people at this moment, with their strength, how to resist the strong soul of the soul?

"This is impossible to complete the task of the owner."

They sighed in their hearts, but they did not fear as much as Xihezhou’s physical training, but more than a dozen people stood side by side. One of them said, "You surrender."

"Boss, what about you?"

The bodies of these hundreds of real fairy tales are watching the physical repairs of more than a dozen Da Luo’s realms. They are going out to the outside and rushing out of the volley.

"Small body repairs also dare to resist, all killed, not right, their strength has surpassed the true fairy peak, they are the physical training of the Da Luo, do not kill, oysters go back and study them well, haha, great, can't think of It is really good to be able to grasp the physical training of a group of Da Luo. This time, the prince will make meritorious deeds."

When the soul of the soul-stricken youth saw that these dozens of physical repairs were actually in the realm of Da Luo, they suddenly burst into laughter, and then he stopped the other strong souls and stepped out one step at a time. In an instant, in the face of the physical training of these dozens of Da Luo, one palm shot out, countless black chains of soul locks emerged from his hands, and instantly went to the body of a dozen or so Bundle past.

With the cultivation of this soul sage, don't say that these dozens of physical repairs have just become the realm of Da Luo, even if they are not the opponents of the realm of the Da Luo Xian Wang realm, they all attacked by all the bombings. The soul chain is broken, and then the chain of soul locks will be tied to them.

"It's over..."

"We have the expectations of the owner, and they have been caught by the soul."

"Master, I am guilty."

This group of repairs are pale, they are not worried about their own life and death. At this last moment, they feel that they have failed the expectations of Xiangyang.

"There are masters? No matter what, first grab it, no matter what the owner can ask." The soul of the Xianzun youth sneered, the chain of soul locks did not hesitate directly toward the dozens of Da Luo The body is wrapped around.


Author Meng Yu said: Today is updated, five more than 20,000 words, seeking flowers...

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