Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2839: Face the soul

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"You don't have to talk nonsense, just go to the virtual battlefield and fight for the soul."

When the eighteen candidates were all screaming, the 18th elders could not see it. When the elders screamed, they pointed to the front of the void, and they saw the void. There was a huge platform to appear out of thin air. It is the emptiness of the soul family.

After the fall of the ring, the eighteen Emperor's candidates almost flew directly to the ring at the same time, and all eighteen people dispersed, and looked at each other with dignity.

Although among the eighteen people, there is a good relationship in peacetime. However, in the face of the Battle of the Emperor, they are very clear that even if they are brothers, it is impossible to let the other party at this time.

At this time, the eighteen elders looked at the audience with a smile on their faces. For them, this competition was just an entertainment project.

The eighteen elders were in the same breath, and there was no infighting. The 18 people lived for too long. Although they were not the sub-sacred strong, they were very clear and wanted to make eighteen people. Being able to control the souls forever must be very harmonious with each other to ensure the stability of their status.

As for the one or two descendants of any family, they don't care. Their descendants are too many, and the numbers are not counted. The death of a few has no effect.


After the eighteen candidates flew up, there was a strong breath in all of them, and they started to work directly.

The soul of the soul family, the magic weapon necessary for everyone is the chain of soul locks, to the extent of the eighteen selected people, it has reached the level of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, they one by one All of them broke out with a very horrible atmosphere. When they were shot, there was no trace of mercy. In the roar, there was a rush of weather.

For a time, the eighteen chains of soul locks carried their powerful opponents directly to their opponents, and at this moment, these guys formed a temporary team, or three, together in twos and threes. Two of them simultaneously killed one, or four or five at the same time, in order to remove the strongest of them.



At this moment, after confronting each other, three candidates directly screamed and fell down. Their bodies were penetrated by more than three chains of soul locks. Their souls and flesh and blood were absorbed by the chain of soul locks. It disappeared for nothing.


Then, countless chains of soul-breaking chains broke out and began a crazy melee. Not only that, these candidates were prepared, and when they shot one by one, their strongest magic weapons broke out. Various magical weapons of the fairy level are flying, making the voids tremble.

If this is not a powerful platform, I am afraid that the entire platform has already exploded directly.

"The 18 small scorpions are not bad. They have already reached the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. If they encounter the immortality of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak in the same realm, they will win."

The two elders among the eighteen elders smiled and looked at this war.

"Oh, they can't be considered to be the strongest of my souls. They can only be said to be reluctant to see the past. If they really let those strongest come out, they are enough to fight against the realm of the realm of the Tao."

The seven elders said with a smile.

"Yeah, my souls are really talented, but because of the orders of the ancient ancestors, they could not leave Xihezhou. If they can spread the territory toward other continents, maybe our souls have become emperors, what the East Heavenly Emperor must be a vassal of my soul."

The twelve elders also said.

"Yeah, the Souls are too strong, so that all the heavens and the world are scared, and even the All Saints have a sense of fear for our souls."

"The soul family, it is really the first strong family in the fairy world."

"We are so powerful."


The other elders all sighed, and they did not say that the soul group was the strongest race in the heavens and the earth.


The battle was still in the battle, but after the elders’ sighs fell, they heard an unbearable laughter, which made the eighteen elders angry at the same time.

"who is it?"

The eighteen elders looked at the source of the sound with anger, and with their strength, they were completely able to judge. This laughter was not from the crowd gathered to watch the lively souls, but Passed from the void.

"get out."

The eighteen elders roared, and suddenly, the souls of the Souls in the world of Da Luo Xianzun rushed into the void. When they were moving, they had already erupted powerful forces to bombard the void, making the void Instantly bursting, there is a powerful chaotic airflow rolling.


However, when the void was broken, they did not find anyone in this chaotic void, all of them were a bit stunned.


The elders snorted and he took out a magic weapon. It was an elliptical small stone. As he injected the soul into it, suddenly a golden light was directly injected into the void, and the emptiness was transparent. Get up so that everyone can see the situation in the void.

The next moment, everyone will see the void, a man and a woman are smiling at the crowd.

"It’s the Seven Princesses. How can she be here? Aren’t the descendants of the Old Emperor King already arrested?”

The eighteenth elders frowned and looked at the soul seventy-seven. Every time the soul group produced a new soul emperor, in order to fear the artificial rebellion of the old soul emperor, the eighteen elders would order those who are related to the old soul emperor. All of them are caught, although they will not be destroyed, but they will wait for the new soul emperor to be free after the new soul emperor.

"The fish that slipped through the net is really going to be messy."

The elders snorted. "And it’s still with the immortals. It’s just a real fairy. It’s getting no more and more.”

At this time, Xiang Yang and Soul Seven Seven came out of the void. The eyes of the soul seven and seven glanced at the few people who were still killing the position of the soul emperor. The heart sighed, she knew that the soul emperor was just a It’s just awkward, but there are still people who are desperately trying to be the soul emperor.

"Is this the 18th elders who control the greatest rights of the souls? How do they blow each other here, I am dizzy..."

Xiang Yang and Soul Seven Seven came out side by side from the void. He looked at the Eighteen Elders of the Soul without a word. When the eighteen elders were blowing against each other, Xiang Yang couldn’t help but laugh. When they came out, they let them know that the two were hidden in the void.

However, this can't blame him. After listening to these people's words, he really couldn't help it. Although he was used to shameless people, he first saw such a shameless person.

It is really that these eighteen elders are not very good at their own merits. The repairs of one by one are only equivalent to the seventy-sevenths of the soul, and they reach the half-step sacred level. Although in the realm of Xianzun, they are comparable to the Tao of the human race. The immortality of the realm, no, should be said to be less than the immortality of the realm of the path of the Tao, but they are also too shameless, too bragging.

"I have seen the elders."

The soul seventy-seven face looked at the eighteen elders without any expression. If she saw the 18th elders before, she would very cleverly call the 'elder,' but since I knew that the eighteen elders control the whole The souls, and seeing the life of these candidates of the Eighteen Elders, are like grass and mustard, the soul seventy-seven has been completely disgusted with the eighteen souls of the elders.

The soul seventy-seven has already made up his mind. This time, after the transaction of Xiangyang and the soul family is completed, he will leave the soul family with Xiangyang and will not come back later.

Before this, the reason why Soul Seven Seven wants to return to the soul family is because her father is in the soul family. She just wants to come back and wait for her father to come back from the holy land of the soul. As a result, when she returns After the soul, she found that her father had an accident.

As for the other brothers and sisters of the soul seventy-seven, there is actually no family relationship. She does not want to pay attention to those brothers and sisters.

"Soul seventy-seven, you are bold, not right. Why did your repairs reach this level?"

The elders had a serious color on their faces, and they wanted to drink the soul seventy-seven. However, when he saw that the repair of the soul seventy-seven had reached a level that was not weak compared with him, he was shocked. It is.

"What? Soul seven seven, the seven princesses of the soul family, isn't it just a soul king? When has it reached the realm of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak soul? This, how is this possible?"

"What surprise did the Seven Princesses get?"

"From the Da Luo Six-Heavenly Spiritual King, the direct breakthrough to the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, wrong, not only, even reached the level of comparison with the elders, how did she do it?"


The 18 elders of the Soul and others all stared at the soul seventy-seven. When they discovered that the repair of the soul seventy-seven had reached the same level as the eighteen elders, how shocking an individual was. It is.

Especially the eighteen elders, but even staring at the soul seventy-seven.

The eighteen elders were quite familiar with the soul seventy-seven before. It is very clear that the talent of the soul seventy-seven is good, but the repair does not reach the level of the soul, and this is not seen for a while, the soul seventy-seven actually reached There are definitely other reasons for this achievement.

"Soul seventy-seven, how did your cultivation come?"

At this time, the soul elders looked serious at the soul seventy-seven.

"Nature is cultivated by myself."

The soul seventy-seven has not answered yet, Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Who are you? The elders asked the seven souls of the souls before the seven souls, not you, the human race is really immortal, are you looking for death? Even dare to appear in the territory of my soul, you know, the human race What kind of punishment should the immortal behave in the soul family?"

At the same time, the soul elder elders looked at Xiangyang with a majestic face, but there was a powerful force to suppress Xiangyang.

He sneered and made up his mind. This time, he would directly break the Xiangyang shatter. In his view, Xiang Yang is only the cultivation of the real fairy, but he is a half-step sacred strong, wanting It is too simple to suppress Xiangyang by the momentum. Although the people around Xiangyang are the soul seventy-seven, and the repair of the soul seventy-seven is also a half-step sacred place, but the great elders are not worried about the soul seventy-seven. Be right with him.

All along, the soul seventy-seven in the soul group are very clever and cute and well-behaved representatives, seeing the eighteen elders are very respectful, it is impossible to be against their eighteen elders.

Moreover, even if the soul seventy-seven dare to resist, the eighteen elders are here, the soul seventy-seven is just a person, can stop them?


Sure enough, when the momentum of the elders was pressed against Xiangyang, the soul did not stop, but let the elders of the elders fall on Xiangyang.

"The seven or seven gimmicks are quite sensible."

The elders have a smile on their faces. They feel that although the soul has been repaired to the same level as him, it is far from being able to compare with him. If the soul is shot, it is tantamount to looking for a dead end. The soul of the seven seven did not shoot, but quietly watching him with an imposing manner to suppress Xiangyang.

Even the elders are still thinking, with the strength of the soul seventy-seven, it is enough to become the new soul emperor of the soul family. If the eighteen little guys all end up with the same, then it can make the soul seventy-seven become a new soul. Emperor, after all, the soul family has a powerful soul emperor sitting in the town, still very good, at least do not have anything to let them these old guys shot.


However, at this time, I heard a roaring sound, and I saw that a powerful momentum was exerted on Xiang Yang’s body. I imagined that Xiang Xiao’s small fairy was not crushed. Moreover, this momentum is like a heavy hammer bombarded on heavy steel, and it has been bounced back.


At this moment, the elders are embarrassed, and the momentum can be bounced back. What is the situation?

However, he actually felt that his momentum was rebounded by Xiang Yang, and even his entire man was almost bombarded.

"This kid is weird, just a little real fairy. It is impossible to rebound the momentum of the elders. This is simply impossible."

"Destroy him."

"Absolutely not let him have any chance to shoot."

Seeing that the elders suffered in Xiangyang, the other elders all changed their faces, and the seventeen elders shot at the same time, bursting out their powerful forces and rushing toward Xiangyang.

This is the strongest of the seventeenth half-steps of the holy world. Even the soul of the seventy-seventh, who has reached the same half-step of the holy realm, cannot follow.

"Xiang Yang, we are going back." Soul Seven Seven will pull Xiangyang away. Although she knows that Xiangyang’s soul power has reached a very terrible level, she does not feel that Xiangyang can block the attacks of these powerful people.

"Now want to retire? It’s too late, the soul is seventy-seven, you dare to eat inside and outside, and join outsiders to come to the soul to make trouble, you are looking for death."

"Kill him, who dares to stop, all killed."


The elders also reacted at this time. He was screaming and screaming. The same strong force erupted toward Xiangyang. At this moment, he was furious and felt that his momentum was bounced back by Xiangyang. The biggest shame of himself, no matter who can stop him from killing Xiang Yang, who is the real immortal, who will stop, who will kill him.

"Be careful."

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