Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2862: Black magic continent

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The transmission array flashed a glare of light, and in the light, the figure of Xiang Yang and the soul seven seven was gradually manifested.

They walked out of the transmission array side by side and looked around. Xiang Yang whispered. "Where is this, is it coming to the central Tianyu?"

At this moment, they have been away from Xihezhou for ten days. During this time, they have experienced hundreds of transmissions. However, what Xiangyang feels is that until now, there is still no Transfer to the central sky.

Xiang Yang feels that the distance he has transmitted during this time is already the farthest from his childhood to the greatest, and even more than the size of the universe.

However, it still does not go to the central Tianyu.

"Not yet, but it should be faster."

The soul seventy-seven eyes looked around and whispered. "The city seems to look a bit odd, we have to ask first, then go to the central sky."

"It’s really troublesome." Xiang Yang sighed, but unfortunately, the broken moon boat could not be transmitted over a long distance. If the moon boat and the other half were merged together, it would become the legendary treasure. If you want to travel from the Eastern Tianyu to the Central Tianyu, you may only need to arrive in an instant.

"The treasure of the demon statue seems to be in the vicinity of this central Tianyu. Can I find it with the treasure of the demon?"

Xiang Yang’s heart was talking to himself, and his eyes looked around. Suddenly, his heart trembled and exclaimed, “No, there will be such a clever thing?”

"what happened?"

The soul of the seven seven incomprehensible look at Xiang Yang, I do not know why Xiang Yang suddenly exclaimed.

Although sometimes I will see Xiangyang’s fuss, I also know that under normal circumstances, Xiangyang’s fuss will not have any big things.

At this moment, the soul of seven or seven curiously looked at Xiang Yang, I don’t know if Xiang Yang remembered anything.

"Nothing, I just suddenly remembered that there might be a treasure nearby. After I have confirmed it, I will go and see if I can take this treasure directly."

Xiang Yang did not conceal anything from the soul seventy-seven. This time has come with the soul seventy-seven, he has already regarded the soul seven seven as his own.

The soul of the seven seven did not let him down, never had a bad heart for him, and even, Xiang Yang can clearly feel that the soul of seven or seven is getting better and better for himself, and more and more dependent.

"What other treasures?"

After listening to the soul seventy-seven, the eyes were bright, and Xiangyang said, "Let's go, quickly determine where this is, and then hurry to hunt for treasure."

"it is good."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and walked forward with the soul seventy-seven.

At this time, what the two did not notice was that in the transmission array behind them, the same light was shining, and a strong person with a sacred atmosphere appeared in this transmission array.

"It turned out to be this kid, he was looking for a treasure? Or, after you find the treasure, the deity will find you again."

"Before this, because you are worried about being a disciple of the pulse, you are not blatantly shooting at you, but now, it is said that the pulse has not restricted any strong person to shoot you. If so, even the deity will If you are gone, don't worry about the pulse that will find your own account, and there are so many treasures on your body..."

"The kid, came to the territory of the deity, you are dead."

Then, the figure of this sacred strongman disappeared into the void, but he did not leave, but quietly followed Xiang Yang.

Obviously, the other party was one of the group of holy people who were besieging Xiangyang at that time.

He was very clever that he also transmitted from a long distance and saw Xiangyang. However, he did not immediately deal with Xiangyang, but when he heard what Xiangyang was looking for, he was so excited that he planned to wait. After Xiang Yang found the treasure, he then destroyed Xiangyang.

Moreover, this continent is the site of this great sanctuary.

At this moment, Xiang Yang and the soul of the Seven Seventh One are walking in front of him. His true spirit is to practice life and death on one side, in the body, in the sea of ​​knowledge that others cannot see, the black and white fire is burning and turning into The infinite runes are imprinted on his true spirit, making the spirit of the spirit stronger and stronger.

What Xiang Yang didn't know at the moment was that he had been stared at by a great sanctuary.

Xiang Yang and Soul Seven Seven entered the city of some people. Upon inquiry, they knew that the continent was named Black Magic Island. When Xiang Yang heard the name of this continent, it was a ecstasy.

"Sure enough, Tian helped me, and even went to the Black Magic Island, good."

"Is that the continent you said?"

The soul of the seven seven-seven face looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color.

"Yes, Black Magic Island is exactly what I said there is a treasure."

Xiang Yang smiled happily. "Since I have already arrived at the Black Magic Island, I can take the magic secret treasure away, let's go."

While talking, he is directly pulling the soul seven seven seven toward the place where the treasure in the memory of the demon is located.

The Devil's Treasures are three points. The Devil's Three Worlds each have a treasure. The treasures in the human world, which are the realm of comprehension, have been obtained by Xiang Yang. Nowadays, the fairy world and the devil world are not available.

The demon statue was the demon of the top of the peak. Although it was not a holy place, it was already comparable to the strong, and it was a disciple of the first demon. The strength was earth-shattering, even if it was a holy place. It is not easy for a person to want to destroy him.

The strength of the ancient demon statues is earth-shattering, and the two realms of the demon and the devil are invincible. In the end, if it is not the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox, such as the ancestors of the sacred sects, they will suppress it. I am afraid that today’s ancient demon has long been It has become a supreme being.

However, he has left the ancient treasures and left the supreme treasure.

Today, Xiang Yang has more than one million strong people, it is time to equip these treasures.

"Xiang Yang, how do you know what treasures are there?"

Then, Xiang Yang directly drove the broken moon boat, took the soul seventy-one roads, and went to the most famous Jedi in the Black Magic Island. In the dark magic desert, the two stood on the broken moon and felt the black magic desert. In the middle of the magic and the extinction of the soul, Xiang Yang with a smile, the soul of seven seven is with an incomprehensible color.

"This is the treasure of the ancient demon, I got everything from the ancient demon, naturally very clear." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"The ancient demon statue? Is it the legendary ancestor of the nine ancestors of the ancestors and other sacred sects who joined forces to suppress the demon statue?" Soul seven seven frowned.

"You know this as well?"

This time it was Xiangyang’s turn to be shocked. I thought that the devil’s things should not be so famous. I didn’t expect that the soul seventy-seven actually knew these things.

"That demon statue was only suppressed hundreds of thousands of years ago. At that time, the other side was rampant in the world, and almost no one could be enemies. Even the sacred place would dare to challenge. It can be described as overbearing, just, Later, he was provoked with the genius of Tianhu. The ancestors of the nine-tailed fox ancestors united several strong sacred people, engulfed him in the lower bound, and killed him. However, due to the strangeness of the demon, Even if there is a body that is almost immortal, Rao is a strong sacred person who can't completely destroy all of him. Therefore, he just suppresses it to the lower bound. Later, even the descendants of Jiuwei Tianhu, the sister Mei, personally suppressed The other party."

The soul seventy-seven faces said with a proud color.


Xiang Yang didn't think that there was so much secret in the fairy world that the soul knew. He widened his eyes and looked at each other, and couldn't help but raise his thumb.

"Hey." The soul seven and seven smiled, looking at the black magic continent, with a curiosity color, "But this black magic continent is called the black magic, mainly because of this black magic desert. There are black magic fires burning all the year round. Even if the big Luo Xianzun comes, they will not be able to bear these magic fires. Only the strong people of the Holy Land can enter and exit here. Is it true that these magic fires are the secret treasures? ”

"What do you say?"

Xianyang smiled softly, put away the broken moon boat, and landed on the Dark Devils with the soul seventy-seven. Then, between the waves, a light shone on the soul of the seventy-seven, it is the defensive power of the tens of thousands of robbers. Covering the soul seventy-seven, so that the soul will encounter any damage.

At the same time, his mind was moved, and the dark road said, "It is time to return to the most peak state."

Yes, the complete state of the broken moon boat is a supreme treasure, able to break through the boundaries, wear through chaos, and even, can penetrate time and space, but later divided into two, part of it in the hands of the silver plaque, I gave it to myself, and the other part was in the treasured treasure, and I was hidden in the fairy world by the demon.

This time, after getting these treasures, you can restore this treasure to the full state of the peak. At that time, if you want to leave, no matter where you are, no one can stop yourself.

"All the worlds, let me do it."

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang only felt awkward and the whole person was excited.

"Xiang Yang, you are really amazing." The soul of seven or seven can not help but look at Xiang Yang with a color of worship.

"Haha, that is of course, don't look at who I am." Xiang Yang looked proudly and walked the soul seventy-seven toward the front, and the other hand appeared a sword, which is the battle of the devil.

"Is this kid found the deity?"

At the same time, when the sacred strongman who followed the Xiangyang in the hidden void, when Xiang Yang actually took out the magical sword, he changed his face and thought he was discovered by Xiangyang.

"It shouldn't be. Although this boy is of good strength, he mainly relies on the reason of his treasure. Otherwise, how can he compete with the deity without relying on him?"

The sacred strong man whispered to himself, as if he was comforting himself, so that he did not have to worry about the intrigues of Xiangyang to deal with himself.

Then, he remembered that Xiang Yang and the soul seventy-seven said that when he was looking for the treasure of the treasure, he couldn’t help but groan and whisper, "The original disciple, that is, the first demon Although the guy is only a demon, but even the sacred strongman is not necessarily his opponent. As a disciple of the first demon, there are countless treasures in the world, and the legendary treasures are left behind. I thought it was within the scope of my Black Magic Island."

"Hey, kid, if it's not you, the deity doesn't know that the original demon lord still left such a treasure in the black magic continent. Since you invaded my black magic continent, you have to steal the treasures on this holy land. Then you can't blame this holy. At that time, even those who are good friends with you will have nothing to say."

Then, this sacred master only felt that he had a reason to deal with Xiangyang. He was very excited. He only felt that he could immediately take away all the treasures of Xiangyang and also fall down on the demon. Treasures, from then on, can embark on the peak of life.

While quietly following in the void behind Xiangyang, he tried his best to hide his figure. In order to prevent Xiang Yang from discovering, he used several kinds of laws and magic weapons to hide his own breath.

In fact, this guy is more concerned. Although Xiang Yang is very powerful, on the one hand, his true spirit is practicing in the 'life and death', there is no such thing as a singularity to see if anyone follows, and on the other hand In the dark magic desert of the Black Magic Island, the black magic fire spreads over the desert, shielding his part and the senses, so that if he does not specifically explode the power of the real spirit, he wants to find someone behind him is very difficult.

Moreover, Xiang Yang feels that his journey to the central Tianyu is very casual, and he has not taken the lead in planning. No one knows that he will go through the Black Magic Island, even if he does not know that he will come to the Black Magic Island before. In this way, it is impossible for someone to wait for themselves in the middle.

Ever since, he was very relieved to walk with the soul seventy-seven toward the Dark Magic Island. While walking, while relying on the magical blade, he sensed the place where the treasure left by the demon was.

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