Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2890: Black winged snake

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In the room, Xiang Yang and Mei Rencheng’s master Zhong Yushuang drank and did not know how many monkeys and wines. They deliberately suppressed their own cultivation of alcohol, so that they became like ordinary people, making them drunk and blurred. Look at each other's eyes with a spark.

When their hands are caught together.

Suddenly, I heard a roar coming over, and then the battleship was shaking.

"It's not good. There are foreign enemies attacking the battleships, at least the top of the world."

At this moment, the two men trembled and instantly woke up. The beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang’s eyes were with a cold face, and the alcohol on his body evaporated instantly. The whole person directly restored his image with the overbearing queen. .

"Brother, you are here, my sister is going to see."

Then, after the beauty city owner confessed to Xiangyang, his body shape flashed and disappeared instantly.

"it's a pity."

Xiang Yang shook his head and woke up from the drunkenness. He remembered the heartbeat of the two people at that moment. If it wasn’t for the sound of this collision, perhaps they were not sitting here, but in bed. Up...


Thinking about it, Xiang Yang couldn't help but slap himself and whisper. "What do you think? If I am in danger at this time, it would be too much. The beauty city sister is not the kind of woman. Fortunately, With this roar, otherwise, if you really do something drunk, it may become a matter of regret for my whole life."

He knows that if the two of them really have something to happen, the beauty city may not be like how they are, but in this case, the relationship between the two will only go further and further, and may become a stranger. .

"Fortunately, I should thank the guy who came to attack the battleship."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself.


Suddenly, another huge roar came over, which made his face change again. He couldn’t help but sigh. "What happened? It is reasonable to say that after the beauty city owner’s sister went out, she used her path. Strength, even if the Holy Power can compete against one or two, is the other party too strong."

"No, I have to go see."

While talking, he directly opened the door and rushed out.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a strong person to attack this warship. I will say, if we go on the road, maybe the target is relatively small, so we don't have to worry about any danger. Now with this huge battleship, we must affirm the goal. It’s too big, it’s finished.”

"Walk, go out, can't stay in the room, and if something goes wrong, we can't escape."

"Go away."

"Damn, I suspect that the city owner deliberately wants to kill us."


At this moment, when Xiang Yang rushed out of the door, he saw that Tianjiao also rushed out of their respective rooms. They were all awkward. When the warship was in danger, they turned their faces and did not recognize people.

"Xiang Yang, something went wrong."

At this time, Zhong Ling also came out of the room, her face with a nervous color, but not panic, but said to Xiang Yang, "Nothing, although there are strong to attack, but my mother is in There is definitely no danger."

"I know that the beauty city sister will definitely protect us."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.


Just as his words were just finished, he heard a sneer coming over. Then, I saw the only celestial celestial celestial sneer and looked at Xiang Yang. "The danger of this warship is at least The attack of the great sanctuary, although the power of the urban master is strong, but can it resist the attack of the strong people of the Holy Land?"

"My mother can't stop it, can't you stop it?" Zhong Ling said coldly.

"Oh, you still have reason. I just sensed it. It is a supreme sacred demon. Its body is much stronger than our warship. After that, the big demon will defeat the city owner." It’s your turn.

Laozi didn't have much time to accompany you to play, and Laozi had to go to Shengzong to go to the teacher. ”

At the same time as the celestial arrogance of the fairy king, the figure flashed and rushed straight out.


However, when he just rushed out, he heard a roaring sound. There was a powerful force in the front that broke out instantly. An invisible wall blocked him. After he ran into it, the whole person broke his blood and almost blew it up.


This guy just wanted to make a big noise, only to see that Xiang Yang had appeared silently in front of him.

"What are you doing... oh..."

When he was about to anger Xiangyang, Xiang Yang directly slaps the palm of his hand and instantly flies his entire body, causing him to hit the wall with a **** mouth.


This guy is stunned, and then he is furious. "Bastard, you are a little daring to dare to shoot at me, do you want to die?"

"You want to die, I will fulfill you."

Xiang Yang sneered, stepping out, and immediately came to the front of this guy, his right hand punched out, in this guy's desperate eyes, directly blast this guy.

Then, his eyes were dignified, and said to Zhong Ling, who had already seen it on one side, "Go with me."

"You, you, you... you are a real fairy, even bursting a fairy king, and the other party has no power to resist?" Zhong Ling was pulled out by Xiang Yang and rushed out, she still looked at the item Yang, did not return from the shock.

"It’s just a fairy king. What's so weird."

Xiang Yang said faintly, his figure flickered, and finally came to the deck with Zhong Ling. At this moment, when he saw the situation outside, he suddenly took a breath.


I saw that the sky outside was dark at the moment. At that time, I could see that there was a body that didn’t know how long it was, huge and incomparable, and a black snake that was bigger than a continuous mountain range was flying in the air.

This black snake has two wings and three heads. Each head has a different face. It is like a black scale, like a dragon scale, with a strong breath, and the body is filled with the breath of the Holy Land. Its body moved, the void instantly collapsed, and the wings behind it suddenly appeared, and the blade of infinite space suddenly smashed toward the maids of the Da Luo who besieged it.

"Kill, squad, Wan Xian 诛 诛."

The tens of thousands of Luo Luo strong people are forming a huge array of resistance against this black snake attack, although they are infinitely powerful after forming a formation, but they also suffered heavy casualties.

This is because the beauty city owner is positively confronted with this big guy. If it is not the beauty city owner is battling the war, I am afraid that the martial arts of the tens of thousands of people in the Da Luo situation will be formed in an instant. After being broken, they will be slaughtered in an instant.

"This is the Black Winged Snake. It turned out to be this old devil. It was originally a grievance with the mother. I didn't expect to attack us on the road this time."

Zhong Ling exclaimed.

"Black Winged Snake?"

Xiang Yang frowned and looked at the black snake. He felt a powerful atmosphere from this black snake. Moreover, this sigh of breath is still the atmosphere of the devil. Obviously, this black snake is the creature of the devil world.

The other side is powerful and unparalleled. It is also an absolute strongman in Yasheng. It is no wonder that even if the beauty city owner is watching hard, it is also at a disadvantage.

"The place we are in now is in the Black Forest. The Black Forest is wrapped in the Holy Family. However, the Black Forest is huge. In addition to the ultimate black king, there are countless devils in the devil world. Among them, this black-winged snake is a hegemony, its strength is unmatched, it is an invincible body, and there are three heads equal to three lives, as long as it can not knock off its three heads at the same time, it The head will be reborn without limit, and it will not be able to kill, and my mother's strength can only kill one head at a time, and can't kill three of its heads at the same time."

What Zhong Ling knows is obviously quite a lot. Her face is full of horror. At the same time, Shen Shen said, "And this guy is very vengeful. Once, because the girl was kissed by a girl, she always hated it. I went to attack our city, because in the city, the mother was the owner of the city. With the formation, she could get rid of the other two heads. Later, she did not dare to attack the city. Unexpectedly, this time I will encounter it on the road, and this is a big problem."

"It seems to be an old rival."

After Xiang Yang met, it was a smile on his face, whispered. "Since I am here, help my sister to save him."

"What do you say?"

Zhong Ling was staring at Xiangyang on the side. "Xiang Yang, don't mess around. After the mother-in-law has repelled it, I should take it away with us. We should leave at any time. ready."


However, just at this time, I heard a roaring sound. The three heads of the Black Winged snake also erupted with the power of terror. The power of the three heads condensed together and instantly turned into a powerful and unrivalled magical power. This is the wind and thunder. Condensed with the three kinds of energy in space, and suddenly appeared in front of the beauty city owner, even if the beauty city owner has tried his best to resist, but it can not block the power of these three kinds of energy and bombard the horror.

For a time, the beauty city owner was blasted out, and the whole person squatted on the deck.


Zhong Ling's face changed greatly, and he exclaimed, and quickly rushed to help Zhong Yushuang.

"I'm fine, you are going back, don't come out."

The face of the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang changed greatly.

"Mother, let's run, this **** snake seems to have become even more powerful." Zhong Ling said quickly.

"You let Xiang Yang take you to the saints first, and then join in the holy sect." The beauty city owner said in a deep voice, although she was bombed, but the injury was not very serious.

However, she did not run away immediately, because her tens of thousands of men still blocked the black-winged snake in front, and without her shot, her men would be instantly destroyed.

Although she knew that this black-winged snake had recently been repaired, she was not an opponent, but she could not retreat.

"Go away."

When the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang sipped, he shouted, "Brother, help me take care of Linger..."

"Linger Shantou is the daughter of my sister. Naturally, it should be your own care. The sister is watching and waiting for the younger brother to kill this long worm."

However, the answer to her is Xiang Yang’s voice with a light smile.

When Xiang Yang’s voice came out, his man had appeared in front of the black-winged snake, and just at this time, after the black-winged snake blew the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang, he would pursue the victory and want to rush. Yang is just blocking the route it rushed over.

"The ants, even the big Luo is not the same, and dare to block this holy, you are looking for death."


The three heads of the Black Wings also sneered with disdain. One of the heads spurted a flame directly toward Xiangyang, and at the same time, it rushed in the direction of the beauty city owner.

Obviously, it really looks down on Xiangyang. For it, Xiangyang is just a small ant that blocks it. It is easy to destroy Xiangyang, and then attack and destroy the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang.

"Don't go up."

At this moment, the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang saw that Xiang Yang actually rushed to the front, she was scared and her face changed greatly. While shouting, her body shape flashed and she rushed forward.


However, at this time, when the black-winged snake spit out a flame and attacked Xiangyang, I saw that there was no strong breath on the original Xiangyang suddenly burst into the sky, and his whole person seemed to be calm by the moment. The incomparable rivers and seas have become a raging river.

A majestic blood gas mixed with powerful and unmistakable murderous rushing into the void, in this dark forest, it is very dazzling, and Xiangyang, who was originally very indifferent, burst into such a terrible murderous and **** atmosphere. The whole person has changed. At this moment, he seems to have become a superb chaotic saint.

"Long snake, eat me a punch."

Xiang Yang sipped a sigh of relief, and there was a boxing rule in the whole body, which was directly punched out. At this moment, blood gasification was used as a punch, running through the heavens and the earth, directly crushing the flame, and then directly Bombardment on one of the heads of the Black Winged Snake.


No one thought that Xiang Yang’s fist actually bombarded the head of the black-winged snake in the mouth of the flame, and the fist with it instantly bombarded the head of the black-winged snake, and the boxing power Undiminished, even bombarded on the body of the Black Winged Snake, played it in a scales and danced, bloody.

"Hey...oh...the ants, how do you have this power?"

"Oh, ah..."

The black-winged snake is constantly struggling, and the two surviving heads make a painful snoring sound. At the same time, the energy in it is constantly gathering on the head, making the head shine brightly and instantly grow again. A head is out.


The face on this head roared, and the resentment looked at Xiang Yang with great anger. "You scream, you dare to blow the head of this holy, you are looking for death, ah..."

"Black Wings, not very good."

Xiang Yang was standing in the air, and the blood of the horror of the whole body was pervasive. He smiled softly and turned to look at the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang. At this moment, Zhong Yushuang and Zhong Ling both opened their eyes with incredible colors.

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