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"So many rules of the Da Luo?"

When Guangchengzi met, he was shocked. For the average person, he was able to cultivate to the Daluo Jiuzhongtian or even the Yasheng. The rules of the Dalu are generally nine. However, Xiangyang’s cultivation is only true. It’s just a matter of the peak of the situation, and it’s already a lot of rules.

Moreover, several of the ten rules of the Da Luo are very strong, and they are as strong as a dragon. Even after Guang Chengzi saw it, he was shocked. He never saw someone’s Dalu rule as huge as Xiang Yang. .

However, Xiang Yang is still not satisfied with the appearance of Xiang Yang's master, the legendary figure also thinks that Xiang Yang's Da Luo rule is rubbish, which makes him feel a bit puzzled.

"Cough... there is one more."

Xiang Yang coughed and heard a move, directly exerting the rules of the Dafa Law on the Dafa Law. Suddenly, accompanied by an earth-shattering roar, in this wooden house, there was a horrible atmosphere. The power of the powerful avenue broke out, which made the rhyme that was originally engraved in the course of the practice of Guangchengzi for many years.


With the collapse of the entire wooden house, Xiang Yang quickly pulled Xiner and Zhong Yushuang to rush out. Instead, Guangchengzi’s holy teacher stood in the same place with an incredible look on his face.

Even if the body is covered with wood chips, but the teacher Shi Guangzi is still not feeling the same, he stared at the sky, surrounded by eleven Da Luo rules, especially the eleventh Wanfa Avenue When he was in charge of the rules of Dalu, he only felt that his heart was shaking.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"Who dares to come to my holy sect?"


At the same time, among the saints, countless strong men rushed out, and in a moment they surrounded the three layers of the third floor and surrounded the Xiangyang.

Seeing that there are so many people surrounded by himself, Xiang Yang has no slight tension. The ten complete Da Luo rules seem to be like the ten dragons with millions of feet, surrounded by him, and there is another one. The power of the avenue is floating on the top of his head, and sometimes it turns into a dragon flying, and sometimes it becomes a group of Qingyun is floating, and finally turned into a golden lotus is spinning.

With the understanding and practice of Xiangyang during this period of time, his power of Wanfa Avenue has become more and more perfect. Even in his view, this Da Luo rule should have been completed, but in fact His expectation is that even if it is now, the rule of the Dafa Road is still not brewing success, but it becomes more and more wonderful.

"Elder elders and brothers and sisters, don't be nervous, it's me."

Zhong Yushuang is standing up quickly. If she is afraid that she will not stand up again, these elders and disciples will be rushed to deal with Xiangyang.

It should be known that since the establishment of the Holy Family, these buildings have not changed all the time. Even if the disciples of the Holy Family, they really want to learn from practice, they also go directly into the space world opened up by the Holy Family.

These wooden houses are only the gateway to the Holy Sepulchre, and they are also the main base of the Holy Family. No one dares to let it go here.

This time, after Xiang Yang released the last Da Luo rule, he directly collapsed the lord's wooden house. The movement caused by it was too great, and all the people inside the sage were shocked.

"Jade double, what happened?"

The elders of the saints frowned and looked at Xiang Yang and Zhong Yushuang. He naturally recognized that Xiang Yang was the descendant of the legendary one. However, he saw that Xiang Yang actually collapsed the place where the lord lived, their lord. They were still shocked when they were still watching.

"Retreat, don't be nervous."

At this time, Zhong Yushuang had not answered yet, and he heard the voice of the sage of the saints.

Guang Chengzi’s body shape flashed and appeared in Xiangyang’s side. Although he was somewhat gray-faced, he was still handsome and handsome, and he said with a smile. “It’s just that I’m talking to my friends, and the movement is too big to affect you. Practice, please forgive me."

"It turned out to be."

"In this case, we will leave."

These are the saints who are strong, and then all of them are retired. Since the saints are still good, then they do not have to worry. After all, the strength of the saints is superb, and it is the master of the ancient emperors. It is still a pro-disciple of the saint, no one can harm him.

After all the saints left, the eyes of Guangchengzi looked at the rules of the Dalu around Xiangyang’s body, and they were still shocked, especially when he saw the avenue that was condensed on the top of Xiangyang’s head. When Jin Lian was in the air, he couldn’t help but smile and said, "The path of Xiaoyou’s own has been found. Why bother to ask me?"


After Xiang Yang listened, his heart trembled. First, he was a little confused. Then he followed the eyes of Guangchengzi. When he saw the eyes of Guangchengzi looking at Jinlian on his head, he suddenly understood all of this. .

"It turns out that I would like to thank the Holy Teacher for pointing."

Xiang Yang’s heart trembled and couldn’t help but bowed to the holy teacher.

He finally understood why the cultivation of Guangchengzi was not high. Even in the sub-saint, it was not the strongest fighting force, but he could become the master of the Three Emperors.

Because he knows how to teach people.

Yes, the power of your own method has already contained everything. Why has it been impossible to integrate it and it has not been able to really show it?

All of this is not because my own understanding is not enough, but because I have not really seen my own right path.

In fact, my own path, I have already found it, and it is still a road of accidental natural success, but I have been confused, I have not understood it.

The power of Wanfa Avenue, since there is such a rule of the Da Luo, or even the power of the road, has already included the law, then why do you have to separately understand the other rules of the Da Luo?

"Ha ha ha..."


Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled at the same time, I saw that the ten rules of the Da Luo surrounded by him all turned into a strip of dragons and generally rushed toward the golden lotus on the top of the head.


At this moment, the roaring sound continued, and with the integration of these rules, the golden lotus on his head was fully manifested, and the atmosphere of a boulevard spread, making the whole person of Xiangyang seem to be the embodiment of the avenue at this moment. general.


Then, after the force of Wanfa Avenue on the top of Xiangyang’s head was actually formed, it was directly transformed into a real dragon hovering over his head, and then turned into a vanity avenue to spread out, and then changed into a Sword, a knife, or even a grass...

As long as it is any tangible thing that exists in the world, it is all manifested at this moment.

The other Da Luo rules of Xiang Yang disappeared and disappeared into the power of this Dafa Avenue. This is his only way. It can be said that it is the Da Luo rule, or it can be said that it is not the Da Luo rule, but The power of a boulevard, but it contains the law.

Of course, this method is not comprehensive. It also requires Xiangyang to comprehend other laws and then really add it into it to make its avenue perfect.

Xiang Yang has no more atmosphere of the rules of the Da Luo, as if he had become a true true immortal after he realized this, and he still did not comprehend any of the rules of the Da Luo rule. general.

On one side, Guangchengzi smiled and looked at Xiangyang. He saw that Xiangyang had found his own way in the real fairyland. However, look at himself again. From the ancient times to the present, it still hasn't really found it. When he was in his own way, he couldn't help but sigh, and he only felt that he was really out of date.

"My way, when will it be made?"

His gaze looked at Xiang Yang, and looked at himself again. His heart was a little depressed. He couldn’t help but give Xiang Yang a token. "Little friend, this is my token. You can use this token to make Yushuang takes you to any place in the Shengzong Pavilion of the Holy Family. Everything in the Holy Family can be used as long as you need it."

"Thank you for your predecessors."

Xiang Yang took over, his heart trembled, his face was shocked, and he did not expect that Guangchengzi would give himself such a large authority. He could go to watch the Tibetan scriptures of the Holy Family, etc. This is the beginning of many holy sects. Disciples are not necessarily qualified to see.

It is incredible that Guang Chengzi gave himself such authority.

After Zhong Yushuang met on the side, it also showed the shocking color. The Tibetan scriptures of the saints were the most secret places of the saints. There were even many things about the chaos of the saints, even the disciples of the saints, unless they passed through the layers. Layer test, otherwise, it is impossible to see those practice notes.

The chaos of the chaos saints, what kind of treasure is this, it is not too much to say that it is the best, if it is circulated, even if people use the day after tomorrow to exchange, they will be robbed of the existence.

However, the sect of the saints, Guangcheng, directly gave Xiangyang a token, which allowed Xiangyang to freely enter and exit the Shengzong Pavilion of the Holy Family. This treatment is even better than that of her sect.

"Next, let's go shopping, I have to rest and rest."

Guang Chengzi didn't feel that he had wronged the lord's token to Xiang Yang. After he saw Xiang Yang find his own way, he felt so tired.

He was already a mighty man from the ancient times, and he always thought about finding his own way. He hoped that he could break through and become a chaotic saint. However, his three disciples, the Three Emperors, have become true chaos saints. He still did not find his own way.

Nowadays, Xiang Yang, who has come out of the secular world and has been practicing for less than a hundred years, has already found his own way, and he has not found his own way.

The long road to practice is really too bitter.

Rao is a character like Guangchengzi. He also feels that he should take a good rest and rest. He feels that he wants to cry a little...


Xiang Yang did not know what kind of mental influence he had caused on the sacred teacher, and he was very respectful when he saw all the rules of Dalu into the power of Wanfa Avenue. ceremony.

As a pro-disciple of Guang Chengzi, Zhong Yushuang discovered that his master was a little bit wrong, but she was only confused. She did not say anything, but after a ceremony, she watched Guang Chengzi leave.

"Xiang Yang, Shizun will give you the sovereign token. Then you can go through the holy sect. You have to go to the Tibetan Classic to see it? There are the hands of the chaos of the heavens." Zhong Yushuang Asked softly.

"What, is there a true holy hand?"

Xiang Yang’s face was full of shocking colors. I didn’t expect that there would be such a treasure in the holy sect. Even Xiang Yang’s view is true.

Xiang Yang does not lack chaos to treasure, nor does it lack all kinds of top-level exercises. However, what he lacks is the handwriting of this chaotic saint.

As long as you can get some of the chaotic saints' practice notes, it is tantamount to the saints personally preaching, and it has absolutely a great effect on their own cultivation.

"The owed people can be big."

Xiang Yang whispered, he knew that Guangchengzi was to fulfill himself, so he gave himself a token of the lord, so that he could enter the sacred ancestral hall of the holy sect to read through various books including sages.

Maybe the other person doesn't care about his own feelings, but Xiang Yang is deeply in his mind.

This is the handwriting of the real chaos saint.

"Let's go, let's see." Then Xiang Yang went straight to the Tibetan Buddhist scriptures of the Holy Family. For him, the place that really attracted him in the Holy Family may be the hand of these saints.

"This is the Tibetan Classic."

Soon after, the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang came to a cliff with Xiang Yang and pointed to a Dongfu. He said to Xiang Yang, "Don't look at the Zangjing Pavilion. No one is guarding it, but if you want to enter it, you can count it. There are no more Yashengs that can't enter, because this array of Tibetan scriptures is arranged by the real chaos sage, unless the token of the lord or the token of the Tibetan scriptures can be entered."

"Do you mean that you and Xiner can't get in?" Xiang Yang frowned.


Zhong Yu doubled and nodded. "A token can only let one person enter it at a time. The two of us are now unable to enter the Tibetan Classics."

"Well, that Xiner will be handed over to you, you have fun, but don't overdo it." Xiang Yang said softly.

Zhong Yushuang, the beauty city master, is a sacred priest, and is also a pro-disciple of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect.

Moreover, Xiner is not without any self-protection power. Not to mention the various means that Xiang Yang left for Xiner, it is enough for her to block the attack of the strong man in the situation of Da Luo, and the Suzaku woman stayed on Xiner. The avatar is able to resist the attack of the sacred strongman for a short time, and the sage is so close to the Qingxue universe group. If it is really dangerous, the Suzaku woman will blink.

At that time, the Suzaku woman with a group of kings of beasts attacked, I am afraid that even the saints can not be blocked?

"The brother of the project can rest assured that Xiner will definitely not provoke things." Xiner said with a smile.

"Well, my brother knows that Xiner is the most embarrassing."

Xiang Yang loved to touch the small head of Xiner, and said to the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang, "Yu Shuangjie, Xiner will be handed over to you, I am in."

"Good." Zhong Yushuang replied softly, watching Xiang Yang directly holding the token into the Tibetan Classics Court, which said to Xiner, "Xianger, my sister took you everywhere to play."


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