Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3023: Not an opponent

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"This World of Warcraft has set us up, so it is still driving this continent to chase us. So, we just found the guy in Xiangyang. This continent is what we sent him. At that time, if he will take me The golden hoop is refining, and the old grandson holds the golden hoop to destroy the monster. No, this monster is so strong that it is good for him to take his own shot. It’s good to see the old grandson while watching the fun."

Sun Monkey said as he ran.

"My three-pointed two-edged knife is broken."

Yang Lan is very heart-wrenching to look at his three-pointed two-edged knife. This is the first magic weapon that his master Zou Ding gave him when he was a good man. He was tempered by him a little bit today. The degree, the power is extraordinary, and now it is destroyed, he is really too distressed.

"Hey, three eyes, isn't your three-pointed two-edged knife broken? Let Xiangyang help you re-melt it." Sun Monkey is despising.

"It makes sense."

After Yang Lan listened, the eyes were bright and I felt less sad.


At this time, the chaotic Warcraft roared in the rear, suddenly speeding up to start with the two.

"No, this monster is crazy."

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were shocked and quickly fled toward the front at the fastest speed. However, in order to find this piece of chaotic rock, the mainland has been too far away from the new world, even though they have already fought their lives. However, the speed of their chaotic Warcraft at the rear is getting faster and faster, making the distance between them closer and closer.


In the end, the chaotic beast roared and rushed up, and the continent of the chaotic original stone collapsed directly, turning into a number of broken stones to form a cage from the sky, and suddenly the Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were trapped in it.

"Well, it turns out that this is not the continent of the chaotic rock, but the other's baby."

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were trapped in it when they were caught off guard. At this moment, they suddenly understood why they were being chased and killed so hard. The continent of this chaotic rock seems to be very common, but Who can think of it, this is the treasure of this Chaos Warcraft?

At this moment, the cage of the chaotic original stone is huge, comparable to a world, more powerful than the Buddha of the Western Buddhism, even if the two are so powerful, they can not escape.

"I am finished, what should I do?"

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan looked at each other and felt that this time they really encountered a big crisis. In particular, Sun Monkey’s golden hoop was just handed over to Xiang Yang.

Nearly half of Sun Monkey’s combat power is on his golden hoop. Today, the golden hoop is gone, it can be said that it is even worse than the tiger without teeth.

"How can you do it, desperately." Yang Lan sighed helplessly, and put the three-pointed and two-edged knives together, and there was a sword of the highest level in his hand. After thinking about it, he put it up again and said, "Even It’s the day after tomorrow, the treasure can’t hurt the monster. It seems a bit difficult.”

"Use your third eye to break through the cage of the world, and then find Xiang Yang for help."

Sun Monkey said quietly.

"it is good."

The two have been together for too long, and they have a very good understanding of each other's strength. Yang Lan's third eye claims to destroy the gods, and the fighting power is unparalleled. Even the grandchildren can't stop it. It only needs a strong mana to support it. If you show it a few more times, you may not be able to hold it.

However, by this time, they have no choice but to display the eyes of the gods and break the cage to seek help from Xiangyang.

Yang Lan's eyebrows slowly opened one eye, this eye with a horrible destruction of temperament, infinite energy brewing in it, and then, followed by a devastating light blazing forward.


In succession, nine devastating gods bombarded the same place, and instantly shattered the cage of this chaotic rock into a gap.


Sun Monkey and La Yang, the two rushed out along the gap. While they were running away, Sun Monkey grabbed his own hair and rushed out to the front, suddenly turning into countless little monkeys rushing toward the distance. go with.


In the back of the two, the chaotic Warcraft roared, and a force of destruction of the sky broke out. There was a black light wave filled with ruin, and the monkeys of the Sun Monkey’s hair were almost destroyed. Only one of the fastest runners disappeared at the fastest speed after being destroyed by half.

"Although I am disabled, I have finally escaped."

Sun Monkey whispered, he and Yang Lan did not escape, they can see it, the power of this Chaos Warcraft is stronger than they think, it should be a chaotic saint, and it is still very powerful, beyond The existence of the king of God, they can not escape even if they escape.

Since you can't escape, you can only fight hard.

"Put it."

After thinking about it, Yang Lan took out the treasure of the treasure that had just been taken back and sighed and said, "Although the treasure of the treasure level can not break the body of this guy, but if it is not used, there is no hope. ”


Sun Monkey sighed and silently pulled out a mace. There were countless barbs on this mace sticking with sharp brilliance. A breath of afterglow broke out, causing Yang Lan’s eyes to straighten up. You, where did you come from after the treasure?"

"Oh, this, when we have not teamed up, I was not clamoring for the Heavenly Palace. I found it from the treasure house in the depths of the Temple. It was originally intended to be used for robbery. Later, it was left unused. I didn’t expect it to be a bit of a role today.” Sun Monkey said casually.

"Even if it is the day after tomorrow, it is useless."

Although Yang Hao looked at the heat for a while, but it is very clear that even if he has the acquired treasure, it is impossible to hurt the Chaos Warcraft.

"There is better than nothing."

Sun Monkey said faintly, seeing that the Chaos Warcraft has already rushed toward them, his body shape began to change, directly into a chaotic konjac with tens of millions of tall feet, holding the mace directly in both hands. Go up.

"Bearing the animals, when the old grandson was chaotic, you still don't know where to eat milk, give me a die."

Sun Monkey roared, his hands holding the same magnified mace continually chaotic, so under the chaos, the momentum is extremely powerful, even if the strength of this Chaos Warcraft is so strong, even in a short time It is also impossible to fly the monkey out.

"I'm coming."

Yang Lan also displayed the method of the heavenly image, showing his body shape of millions of feet tall, holding the sword and killing it. At the same time, the third eye of his eyebrows opened and closed. A very powerful force erupted, and one after another destroyed the light and bombarded the chaotic Warcraft.


When Yang Lan’s eyebrows destroyed the eyes of the gods, the nine bombardments in this chaotic World of Warcraft were originally indestructible. Even the three-pointed and two-edged sword could not break the defense of this Chaos Warcraft. It was directly broken at this moment. .

"Good, three eyes, continue to shoot it with your third eye."

Sun Monkey confronted this chaotic Warcraft, and the light beam that Yang Lan’s third eye shot could actually hurt this Chaos Warcraft. He suddenly yelled excitedly.


However, the music is very sad, the voice of Sun Monkey has just fallen, Yang Lan spit out a blood in his mouth, and his expression fades toward the rear, and his body's breath is also unstable.

"I rely on, three eyes, why don't you force it, you quickly swallow the golden dragon to restore mana."

Sun Monkey saw a big shock.

After Yang Lan used the third eye, he consumed too much energy, and he couldn’t shoot again for a while. In this way, he could only become himself alone against this chaotic Warcraft, but how could he be The opponent of this monster?

"Sun Monkey, you will hold it for a while, I will help you right away."

Yang Lan quickly took out the medicinal herbs and swallowed them. He quickly refining the medicinal herbs to restore mana. At the same time, he himself rushed up, and also gave up the use of the sword of the highest level, but directly confronted the monster.

"The ants, if they are not sanctified, will dare to fight against the king of the gods. You are looking for death."

This chaotic Warcraft roared, and the body exudes a sacred atmosphere, and the law with it turns out to be the law of the gods.

"Not good, it is the **** king of the gods, not the current twelve gods."

The appearance of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan changed greatly. They finally understood why the other party is so powerful. This Warcraft is not an ordinary Chaos Warcraft, but a **** king of the gods.

"We counted."

The two screamed, and then Yang Lan shouted, "Run, run separately, otherwise, both of us will die here."

"it is good."

Sun Monkey also responded, but he did not move, but said loudly, "You run first, the old grandson is faster than you, and will run later."


After Yang Hao listened, where can't understand, Sun Monkey is not going to run, and he has to leave the opportunity to escape.

He snorted. "That's not to run. Let's work hard together. I don't believe it. We both killed the King of God, and even this Warcraft can't kill."


At this moment, Yang Lan also roared, his hair fluttering, the whole person burst into a madness, his whole person climbed up, the flesh became once again a million feet tall, his hands like the strongest fairy generally with this Head Chaos Warcraft wars.

"Made, there are other gods in the realm of the gods. This is a big problem."

Sun Monkey is also screaming, and he is doing his best. He is almost desperate to take that a mace to fight this chaotic Warcraft.


After knowing that this Chaos Warcraft is the **** king of the gods, both Sun Monkey and Yang Lan understand that they must fall into the calculations of the gods.

Although I don't know how the gods of the gods came to this chaos, all this is no longer important.

What's important is that the two gods facing this **** are powerful and powerful, even if the last time they killed the gods can not compare with this Warcraft.

Moreover, the golden monkey's golden hoop is not in the hands, only to fight with each other.

For a time, the chaos of the three parties was constantly shattered, and chaos was destroyed.

This Warcraft is too powerful. It has a smile in his eyes. While being attacked by Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, he muttered. "This king, as the mount of the Most High God, has not shot for many years, you guys. The juniors have forgotten the existence of the king. After swallowing your two little ants, they will swallow all the saints in your fairy world."

"It turned out to be the mount of the gods to the high gods."

The two hearts trembled, I did not expect this Chaos Warcraft to come so big, the supreme **** of the gods, but the real control of the existence of the high gods in the real world, the strength is even stronger than the Sanqing Holy, even, Legend has it that it can block the existence of the Tao.

The mounts that exist in this way must be very powerful. It is no wonder that the physical defense is so strong, even if the monkey is holding the same level of the mace, it can't hurt each other.

Even the mace has a myriad of gaps, and all the barbs have collapsed. The whole mace has been bent and it seems to be a pile of scrap iron.

"Kill, desperate."

Sun Monkey and Yang Yu roared, and the two who did not believe in evil still struggled with this Chaos Warcraft, they did not believe, is it because of their strength, even such a chaotic World of Warcraft is not an opponent?

In fact, the two really did not beat this Chaos World of Warcraft, it is really the strength of this Warcraft is too strong, the two do their best, can not break the defense of this Chaos Warcraft.

If the two men are bombarded by the other side, there are more and more wounds on their bodies, and blood is turned into a river in this chaos.

If someone looks at it in the distance, they will find that there is a blood river that is circulating around the two people. This blood river is exactly from the two people.

Whether it is Yang Lan or Sun Monkey, they are all sanctified in the flesh. Yang Lan’s nine-turn Xuan Gong has reached the eighth turn, while Sun’s Eighty-nine Xuan Gong also reached the eighth turn, they just need to Going forward, you can prove that you have become a chaotic saint.

However, this step is too difficult.

The Chaos Warcraft in front of them is a real chaos saint, and it is still chaotic Warcraft sanctification, the strength of the flesh exceeds the two, the scale of the defense is unparalleled, can not break the defense, which makes the two very passive.

"The Supreme God is still worried that both of you will prove that you have become a Pangu general. I didn't expect you to be so weak, it is too disappointing."

While this Chaos Warcraft is facing each other, it is sighing.

Seeing the victory in the grip, it has more words.

However, after this Chaos World of Warcraft has increased, it also made Yang Lan and Sun Monkey understand that after they killed a **** of the gods, they were absolutely concerned by the supreme **** of the gods.

Although it is only now dispatching this Chaos Warcraft to deal with both of them, but if this Chaos Warcraft fails, it may be that the High God will personally take it out in the future.

"Kill, old Sun does not believe that you can't kill you."


Deep in the chaos, Sun Monkey yelled, Yang screamed and screamed, and the two were desperately desperate. However, their opponent, this Chaos Warcraft is still very understatement and they both played against each other. Heavy, if not their body is strong and unmatched, and if it has an immortal body, it has already been destroyed many times.

However, even if they are physically strong, when they really face this monster, they can't bear it. The injuries on them are getting heavier and the strength of the shot is getting weaker.

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