Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3055: Frontier All Saints (Five More Flowers)

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In the chaos, countless light and shadows flowed around, and the surrounding time and space quickly retreated toward the rear. Xiang Yang, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey three went deep into the chaos under the protection of Tao Zu.

"The chaos is boundless, the distance between the two chaotic worlds that are opened up is very far away. Even if it is the speed of chaotic saints, it will take countless hours to reach another world. The frontier is in the middle of the two worlds, even if It was the two of us who flew for at least a hundred years before they reached the frontier.

However, the Daozu is different, the strength of the Taoist ancestors is too strong, and it takes less time to cross the chaotic void and reach the frontier. ”

Within the scope of Dao’s asylum, Yang Lan explained to Xiang Yang.

"Lost so far?" Xiang Yang's face was shocked. He was really shocked. I didn't expect the frontier to be so far away. He thought he would only be able to arrive in a few days. Who ever thought, Even the two guys, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, will have to come in a hundred years.

You know, these two guys are not chaotic saints, but their speed is very fast, not weaker than the average saint.

"It's not too far."

Daozu's coat fluttered, and looked back at Xiangyang, smiling and said, "When the three of you are trying to prove the sanctification, you will find that the distance between the two worlds is not far."

"Daozu, the aliens and our Pangu chaotic world, the strength is very different?" Xiang Yang could not help but ask.

"What do you think?"

Daozu smiled and smiled and glanced at Xiangyang.

"I don't believe in exotics. The chaos is as good as a cow." Xiang Yang said with a muffled voice.

Daozu’s deceptive means is too weak. If the aliens are really so powerful, will Pangu’s chaotic world still exist in chaos? It must have been destroyed by aliens.

"There should be no less than a hundred people."

Daozu sighed and said, "The specifics have not been measured, but the alien world is a complete big world. It is still very simple to have some chaotic saints."

"What do you mean is that the reason why we can't have more chaos saints in Pangu's chaotic world is because the world is incomplete?" Xiang Yang asked.

At this moment, he was also shocked by the shock of hundreds of saints in the exotic world. It is too much.

How many items of sages in the Pangu chaotic world are unclear, but there will never be more than twenty.

Moreover, the strongest is also the Taoist ancestors, and then it is Sanqing and other people who broke through the sanctification during the floods. As for the breakthrough, such as the Three Emperors, such as the Black Lotus Devil, although they are also chaotic saints, their fighting power It is very weak, definitely not comparable to the average person.

If it is really because of the insufficiency of the heavens, then it is a matter of extenuating, and the heavens of the exotic world are complete, and there are hundreds of chaotic saints. This is the greatest threat.

Xiang Yang frowned and fell into deep anxiety.

Although he did not really reach the frontier, he really knew the power of the alien.

"I didn't complete it before. Later, after I was in harmony with Heaven, it was complete. However, it was also insufficient. I couldn't create too many chaotic saints in the short term. However, as time goes by, it will gradually become stronger. Lotus is the chaotic saint who was born later, and there will be more in the future."

Daozu said faintly.

"But time is our biggest problem." Xiang Yang said silently.


Daozu did not deny that he responded at the same time, glanced at Xiangyang, and said with a smile, "Little guy, these things are not something you should consider. You just need to prove it as soon as possible."

At the same time, he said faintly, "In fact, there is no need to worry too much. You can defend a strong alien with a sword. As long as you have a teacher, the foreigner will not be the third strongest." Otherwise, I dare not go to war in advance."

"Third place? That is to say, there are still two Xeons in the foreign world today?" Yang Lan asked.

"Roughly the same."

Daozu responded.

“How can I become a strong?” Xiang Yang asked.

"First to prove the chaos of the saints, and then break through to the realm of heaven, that is, after the chaos of the chaos reaches its peak, then go further, that is, the realm of half-step dominance."

Daozu did not conceal anything, but told Xiang Yang everything he knew.

"The realm of the half-step master, is the realm of Daozu now?" Xiang Yang asked.


Daozu replied, "Your master is also the realm. The same is true of the sacred sacred people who lived with the sages of the foreign world. In today's chaotic sanctuary, the strongest is this realm."

"Before the Holy Spirit, is it the master?" The grandson who had been listening quietly was asking for his ears.

"Yes, but, no one can break through the past and the present, chaos is deep, and there is no rule in the sanctuary."

Daozu glanced at the grandson. "Maybe the person who established the sanctuary is the first master. But he has disappeared. No one knows where he is, is alive or dead, but now, chaos Among them, many big worlds are everywhere, and the strongest is only the half-step masters."

"The realm of the master, that is the real detachment, the real control of chaos, no one can compare."

Speaking of this, even the face of Daozu is also showing the color of hope. The road to practice is difficult. Since I have seen the strongest state of the road ahead, everyone wants to move on and wants to be the strongest, let alone Today, the Pangu chaotic world is facing a big crisis. If someone can break through and become a master, let alone a foreign world, even a stronger world can't dare to play the idea of ​​the ancient chaotic world.

"Too good, old Sun had thought that there would be no motivation to practice after sanctification. I did not expect that there would be a realm of the master who no one can reach. This old man can practice well."

Sun Monkey said with an excited smile.

Although he once entered the chaotic sanctuary, he is not a real chaos saint. He still can't know some things, and he doesn't know the realm of the master.

At this moment, after listening to the words of Daozu, whether it is Sun Monkey or Xiang Yang, or Yang Lan feel very excited.

"The master, this is the realm that Wan Zun Zun said. It is the direction he wants to break through. I abandoned all the power to get the robes, just to surpass him. Isn't that the way I want to go? ”

Xiang Yang is talking to himself.

Knowing that the dominance of this realm has made him more motivated.

"Don't think too much, even if Xiang Yang's master and old man are also stuck in the realm of this half-step master, you can't move forward. This realm is too far away for you. You still have to think about how to prove it. The Tao becomes a chaotic saint. If the three of you break through, even if the real war of the exotic is coming, there are three of you, and even if we are not in the same place, we have enough strength."

The Taoist priest said three times.

“Is the three of us so important?” Xiang Yang asked.

Daozu really can afford to see the three of them. I really thought that there are three chaotic saints who can fight against foreign countries. It seems to be a little dreamy.

Even if it is Xiangyang, I don't think that the three of them can resist hundreds of chaotic saints in the foreign world. This is simply looking for death.

"Very important."

Daozu looked at the three people with a serious color on his face. "You three, don't think about anything else. The most important thing is to break through the chaos of saints."

"The breakthrough is very simple, just refining the realm of the gods."

Sun Monkey whispered and said.

"This is feasible, but after the end of the experience of the Million Island, the gods hidden in our fairy world are also separated from the king of God, and some spies are found out to find out." Daozu said indifferently.

"Daozu, do you want to personally kill the supreme god?"

As the Daozu said, Xiangyang’s three people were excited. If Daozu took the shot, it would not be easy for them to refine the origin of the gods and the will of the heavens and the earth.

At that time, the three of them directly proved that the breakthrough became a chaotic saint, and then they were truly qualified to participate in this exotic war, in order to play the strongest role.

"I can't shoot." Daozu shook his head. "If I shoot, the alien gods will also shoot, which will make the war ahead."


The faces of several people showed disappointment. Daozu could not shoot. Who can block the supreme **** of the gods? Sanqing holy honor?

"Sanqing can be shot, they can block the gods, but they can't kill each other." Daozu seemed to understand what the three thought, and said directly.

"How do we refine the gods?" When Sun Monkey muttered, he looked at Xiangyang. "That, Xiangyang, if you want your grandfather to shoot, he is not only your teacher." Respect, it is your grandfather, presumably he knows the way you want to break through, will definitely help you to the highest **** of the gods, with his strength, it is enough to estimate a sword."

"Don't make a monkey head, he can't shoot at will."

Daozu couldn't help but knock on the granddaughter monkey, and then smiled and said, "At that time, there will naturally be people who will help you block the gods. As for the gods of the gods, you may have to deal with them yourself. Of course, with the three of you. The strength of the defense against the remaining gods is still weak."

At the same time, Daozu really showed his hesitation. "Before I set off, I went to the Purple Palace to retreat for a thousand years, and after a thousand years, I will shoot again."


After the three of Xiangyang listened, they all showed excitement.

The Purple Palace closed for a thousand years. This is the qualification of the Chaos Saint. The three of them are not sanctified. They can go to the Purple Palace to retreat. It is really exciting.

"My way, maybe in the Purple Palace."

Xiang Yang is excited to think that the way he jumps out of the Wan Dao may be able to truly achieve perfection. Of course, he must wait until he realizes the three thousand avenues.

"Boss, you don't really have to go to the Purple Palace."

At this time, in the Dantian of Xiangyang, Lao Wan said softly.

“Why?” Xiang Yang asked with an incomprehensible color.

"You can go to the depths of chaos to find the temple of robbing. The temple of robbing is not weaker than the sable palace. Moreover, the road in the sacred palace is only an incomplete road. In those days, Wanzouzun once captured the integration of chaotic avenues. Among the temples of the catastrophe, what you are enlightened is the chaotic avenue, which is stronger than the heavens in the Purple Palace."

Lao Wan said.

“Is there still such a situation?”

Xiang Yang listened to his heartbeat and glanced at his ancestors. He did not continue to speak. His heart was to measure whether he should go to the Zixiao Palace or go to the temple.

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are both excited.

Next, the three people took advantage of the hard work of the road, and asked Daozu a lot of questions about spiritual practice. The Taoist priests answered them one by one, which made the three people benefit a lot.

Finally, a few days later, in front of them, there is a vast expanse of territory, this is a battlefield standing in chaos, a vast continent suspended in this chaos, a breath of horrible incomparable.

Although they are far from each other, they have been able to sense the powerful and unmatched atmosphere in this continent.

This is the frontier.

"A strong atmosphere, in the frontier, is there really so many strong people?" Xiang Yang was very shocked. Among the breaths he felt, almost all of them were sub-sacred strongmen, and the number was so large. More than a thousand people.

More than a thousand people, this is definitely a terrible force, this is the sub-sacred strongman that Xiang Yang has never seen before.

Moreover, their breath can be much stronger than the ordinary Ya Sheng. Even, Xiang Yang, with his breath, found that the strongest one is already approaching Yang Lan and Sun Monkey.

"This is still because there is no real war. If you really fight together, do you think that there is only a thousand Asians in the world of Pangu Chaos?"

Yang Lan looked at Xiang Yang and said, "The last time I came with Sun Monkey, it was just when the two sides broke out. At that stop, I was able to dispatch the 10,000-strong sage."

Xiang Yang’s gaze is the boss, and the tens of thousands of sages are not comparable to the sacred corpse that he controls. Although the sacred corpse is also the strongest of the sacred peaks, how can it be true? Compared to the Asian holy strong?


At the same time, Daozu had already brought three people to the city.

"I have seen the teacher."

They had just arrived, and there were a few figures in the city. The figures of these strong men each had a horrible atmosphere, and they were all chaotic saints, and they were their deities.

The Sanqing sage is in it. Of course, Xiang Yang has only seen the Sanqing sage, and other saints, he still does not know.

However, Xiang Yang can guess the identity of these chaotic saints by guessing. A saint who wears a crown on his head and a red hydrangea in his hand is not someone else. It is the Emperor of the Emperor, and it is also the Mei Aoxue of today. Master.

The two strong-headed Buddhism strongmen are obviously the two holy deities of the Western Buddhism.

These three sacred sages plus Sanqing, a total of six sages, are the saints that have been obtained in the ancient times, and later went further and became chaotic sages.

Others, standing behind the emperor, are the three emperors of the Terran, but they are sanctified by great merits, and the strength naturally cannot be compared with the Sanzong and other holy deities.

In addition, the rear of the two holy emperors of Buddhism also stood a saint. When Xiang Yang saw the saint, he suddenly widened his eyes. "I rely, how are you?"

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers.....

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