Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3065: Final battle after 10,000 years (five more for Huahua)

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Among the sacred swords, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan directly entered it. Tongtian Shengzun’s face was with a look of appreciation. Haha smiled. “Well, give you one.”

While speaking, he directly controlled the Xianjian sword array, leaving one of the chaos saints to the two, and then turned to other saints.

"Thank you, go back and ask for a drink."

Sun Monkey grinned, holding the chaos to the treasure level of the wishful golden hoop, looking at the alien chaos saint, this look, he suddenly laughed out, "it turned out to be this girl, wait for us later Killing this girl, will Amitabha find us?"

"Don't talk nonsense, and beat her up."

Yang Lan snorted and his body shape turned directly into a small giant with a height of ten feet. He held the three-pointed and two-edged sword and smothered the past.

"Hey, come."

Sun Monkey snorted, and also held the wishful gold hoop, very awkward to kill.

"The two Yashengs in the district, even dare to fight against this holy enemy, you are looking for death." The female saint is mad, and it is not counted to be trapped in the sacred swords. The people in Pangu’s chaotic world are so bullying, directly Let the two Yashengs deal with themselves, it is too small to look at themselves.

In her own world, she claims to suppress the celestial arrogance of an era. In thousands of years, she has achieved the realm of chaos and sages. Even in chaos, no one can compare with her.

Her such arrogant figure feels that she can kill the Heavenly Supreme with a sword.

Who ever thought that it was not the opponent of Tongtian, but it was also attacked by the Yasheng of Pangu’s chaotic world.

Two Asian holy.

Too small to see him.


The female saint screamed, and the figure became a streamer to kill the past, and did not use other magic weapons. Instead, she relied directly on the self-confidence of her own chaotic saint's Eucharist, and directly confronted Yang Lan and Sun Monkey.


A blow, Yang Lan's three-pointed two-edged knife smashed on the blade of this female saint, her face changed.

"how is this possible."

A terrible force broke out, even stronger than her, shaking her hands cracked open, even the body of the chaos sage could not bear the hard hit with Yang Lan.

Moreover, what made her even more frightened was that her sword, a congenital sword of the innate treasure level, was directly in the confrontation with Yang Lan, and was directly opened a gap.


She is dumbfounded.

How can this be the case, this is not the same as my own imagination.

The distinction between the three eyes is that Ya Sheng is not wrong, but how can a sub-saint have such a powerful power compared to himself?

Her heart trembled, and the whole person trembled. Of course, it was not fear, but because her body was trembled by the slap of Yang Lan.

"Hahaha, let's die."

Sun Monkey’s attack followed, and the wishful golden hoop broke out with a powerful and unparalleled power, and headed down to the female saint.

Her face changed a lot, and she quickly lifted up the sword in her hand and blocked her voice. "You look for death."

At the same time, she would use other magic weapons, but Yang Lan did not give her any chance, the attack of the three-pointed and two-edged sword and then a move toward her.

She retired, and at the same time, when her sword slammed into the golden hoop, she only heard the sound of 'Boom', and her sword of the innate treasure level collapsed directly. Come.

"Do not..."

The look of this female saint is stunned, and the magic weapon of his innate treasure is actually smashed. How is this possible?

This is innate treasure, unless it is chaotic to the treasure, it is absolutely impossible to shatter it. Can it be said that these two Yasheng are holding chaos to treasure?

As she stepped back toward the back, she stared at the two knives in the hands of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey. She only felt that her breathing was rushing.


At this time, Sun Monkey's golden hoops swept past, bursting out the power of unmatched, and using the mysterious and mysterious method to display them, making this female saint unable to escape, and was instantly blasted out.

"Three eyes, hitting the dog."

Sun Monkey roared and directly turned into a million-foot tall chaotic konjac to kill the female saint.

"it is good."

They have not cooperated for many years, and the matching of each other can be described as seamless. It is not necessary for the grandchildren to open their mouths. Yang Lan has already manifested the true power of the eighth turn of Xuan Gong and directly killed the past.

One step loses, step by step.

In the blink of an eye, this female saint was actually beaten by two Yasheng.

Not only the pilgrims in the lower fronts were stunned, but even the hundreds of sturdy people in the exotic world stood up and did not dare to move.

"It's not that the heavens and the chaos of Pangu's chaotic world are incomplete. The practitioners are weak and can't break through to higher realms. Is the combat power weak? Why do we see different things? Three chaotic saints are in the sacred swords, one of them is still The Holy Spirit is able to bind all the saints, such as our Black Swordsman, to the two saints, and the two saints can be beaten by the purple saints. We are deceived."

"This world has been confronted with our world for so long. Even the open saints have been annihilated. How could it be weak, and we have been abandoned this time."

"God, no gods, save us."


The strongest of these hundreds of Yasheng peaks can be said to be the most arrogant in the foreign world. However, at this time, they dare not move, and their hearts are desperate.

Around them, the chaotic saints and the holy saints of Pangu’s chaotic world are all staring at them. As long as they dare to move, they will definitely die.

Not everyone is Xiang Yang and Sun Monkey, Yang Lan.

Other Yasheng did not dare to shoot with the chaos saint, and even the heart of the rising starter did not dare.

The arrogance of these so-called so-called sacred peaks in the world, one by one, is full of confidence, and is ready to kill all the sacred arrogances of Pangu’s chaotic world. The Tianjiao of the Pangu chaos in the province rises and sanctifies. of.

Who ever thought that it would evolve to this step.

"Yes, after Sun Monkey and Yang Lan held the chaos to the treasure, they were enough to really fight against the chaos."

Daozu smiled and glanced at Xiang Yang, who was in charge of the Xianjian sword in the sword, with a deep appreciation in his eyes.

"Teacher, how are these saints?" At this time, Fuxi, among the three emperors, stepped forward and asked.

"I waited for the shot, refining the soul and searching for the foreign world."

Daozu said faintly, with a stern color in his eyes.

In the same year, the foreign world cooperated with the gods to invade the ancient chaotic world, destroying the wilderness, and slaughtering many innocent creatures. Now, when the war is about to stop the foreign world, you can't be soft and must understand the foreign situation.

It is not possible to find a foreigner from these chaotic saints, but it is much simpler to search from these holy souls.


All the saints should have a voice, and then they shot.

"You don't want to face, a group of chaotic saints actually shot us at Yasheng. You are going to violate the agreement of both sides. Do you want to let the war open in advance?"

"No, you dare, my strongmen will not let you go."

"Ah...devil, butcher..."

The strong people of the wilderness of the sub-Sacred peaks are all roaring, they threaten, even roar, but they are useless. The Taoist faintly said, "The chaotic abyss evolved into the guardian of the sword, which can save the peace of mind for thousands of years. After the year, the decisive battle opened."

His words are not only for the strong people of these exotic sub-Sacred arrogance and Pangu chaotic world, but also to the foreign strong who listen to the other side of the sword.

"Hongjun, after ten thousand years, destroy your world."

With the voice of Daozu falling, there is a word full of majesty and momentum, but the voice is very small.

Obviously, the other party spent a lot of hard work to break through the sound, and only passed in a voice, but the face of Daozu became a bit ugly, and the guardian of the sword is the second of the chaotic abyss. Form, stronger than the chaotic abyss, the other party can break through the sound, showing that the strength of the other party has reached a terrible degree.

"Jura, let me talk about the day you can come."

Daozu said faintly, one finger pointed to the guardian of the sword, a sword gas broke out from his hand, and instantly merged into it, so that the guardian of the sword burst out of the sky, as if it was full in this moment.


At the other end of the guardianship of the sword, there is a disc sitting in the chaotic void, and the ancestors who burned the horrible magical flames snorted.

"Zoo God, what should I wait for?"

Beside this ancestors, there are dozens of chaotic sacred deities standing respectfully.

Yes, these dozens of powerful people are all the existence of chaotic sacred level, and each of them is not much weaker than Sanqing and others.

This is the root of the exotic world.

"The whole army is preparing for war, and after 10,000 years, it has swallowed the ancient world."

The strong man who was hailed by the scorpion was screamed and his body shape disappeared directly.


The strong people of the exotic world replied respectfully, and these chaotic sages have a powerful murderousness in their eyes. The war is not far away.

As for the black sword sage and other strong, since they have been blocked by the guardian of the sword, then their fate is already doomed.

The abandoned, doomed to have no good end.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of sacred saints are all controlled. However, when one of the saints is to be searched for souls, suddenly, his souls burst into violent fluctuations, and a devastating force erupts. Come out, so that the soul of this sacred sacred explosion instantly.


In the blink of an eye, this sage is blew.

Even the saint who controls this sub-Sacred can't stop this self-destructive power.

"Exotic ancestors arranged a ban in their souls. If they forcibly searched the souls for them, they would blew themselves up." The ancestors who had already prepared to leave reappeared. After he looked at them, he said faintly.

"Teacher, then what should I wait for?" All the saints looked at Daozu.

Although the chaos of the heavens has their own opinions, but the Taoist ancestors are here, they naturally dare not pass.

"First banned, then..."

As Daozu said, he looked at the direction of the Pangu world and whispered. "The Netherland is the time to reproduce the world."

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers...

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