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"Xiang Yang, you, can you really contact Dao?"

When Xiang Yang said that he would contact Daozu directly, the great emperor suddenly became stunned. His heart beat faster and he only felt that the whole person was not good.

What, who wants to let the chaos saint know? Laozi just wants to quickly return to the fairyland, seize the opportunity, refine the entire fairyland into a holy.

Who knows, can you contact Daozu?

However, the big prince also has doubts in his heart. He always feels that Xiang Yang should not have such a strong ability to really contact Daozu.

After all, the Taoist ancestors came without a trace, and after the body was formed, no one knew where it was. Even if the great prince got Xu Wei’s weight from an early age, he always followed Xu Wei, and he never saw Daozu. .

He knew that it would be more difficult to see the Taoist priest than to see the chaos of the heavens.

"Did the kid discover something? Deliberately delay the time?" At the same time, the great emperor looked at Xiangyang, Shen Sheng said, "Since you can contact Daozu, then let Daozu know the seal. Broken, I will go back to inform the strong people in the fairy world, ready to deal with the invasion of the gods."

"Hey, you don't have to notice."

Sun Monkey said with a smile, "You are the son of Xu Wei that old goods."

"I am the son of Xu Tian of the Eastern Emperor, are you?"

Although the great prince did not feel that Xu Wei was ‘old goods’ for Sun Monkey, he did not forget that he was still the son of Xu Wei, so he looked at Sun Monkey with an angry face.

"Xu Wei saw that the old grandson would call me a big sage. Who do you think is the old grandson?" Sun Monkey said with a sneer.


The great emperor was shocked. He knew the identity of Sun Monkey. He looked at the silent silence of Yang Lan. Although Yang Lan did not display three eyes, he did not have his iconic magic weapon. Take it out, but the strongest of the fairy world, as long as everyone knows the Sun Monkey, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are generally good friends who are inseparable.

Sun Monkey appeared, and the person around him was sure Yang Hao.

"How come these two gods of war are coming? No, I have to hurry, otherwise I will not be able to go after the emergence of the strong gods."

While the big prince was panicking, he said quickly, "Da Sheng, Zhenjun, I must quickly leave the news that the seal was broken. Otherwise, the heavens and the world will have big troubles, and I will leave." ”

When you are talking, you are ready to leave.

At this moment, the great emperor's heart is greasy, but I did not expect that Xiang Yang came here. Xiang Yang is a rising star after all. There is a limit to how strong it is, and Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are different. The guy is actually killing the existence of the King of God, and whether it is the eyes of the Sun Monkey or the eyes of Yang Lan, they can see through the illusion, maybe they can see that they are the Lord God.

He must leave immediately.

"Don't worry, Daozu is coming soon. I want to tell your ancestors about your merits, and let Daozu reward you with the foundation of sanctification and let you be sanctified directly."

Xiang Yang stopped him and said with a smile.

"No, see Daozu, there is an opportunity in the future, I have to pass this thing out." The great emperor said in a serious way.

"I think you want to escape."

Xiang Yang had thought about more nonsense with this guy for a while. As a result, Sun Monkey refused, and saw Sun Monkey’s face with a bad color on the big prince, screaming, “Little guy, too lazy to play with you. Say, you are the avatar of the Lord God?"

"The Great St. misunderstood, I am only the son of the Emperor of the East, Xu Wei, and has nothing to do with the separation of the Lord God. The real Lord God is Mr. Wen, you can see."

The big prince jumped wildly and his face changed. He waved Mr. Wen here, and then displayed a powerful force to show the seal explosion in front of several people.

"This seal is really crisp."

After seeing this scene, Sun Monkey said with a sigh.

"Yeah, it can block the seal of the **** king of the gods. It is said that only certain methods can open it. It is really amazing that Mr. Wen can open it without using it."

Yang Lan also sighed and said.

The big prince jumped in his heart. He was very upset. He had never been able to get such a scorpion.

Nowadays, it is stopped by the famous goddess of the Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, and even if the Great Emperor is confident in his own strength, he is also unsure to escape.

"Since you can't escape, you can only find a way to destroy the three."

Then, the great emperor bit his teeth, and after making up his mind, he looked at the three people and whispered, "Why don't you believe me?"

"It's not unbelief, but the facts are in front of you, you can't believe it."

When Xiang Yang sighed, his mind was moved, and the book of life and death took the initiative to float in front of him. Under the circumstance, all the circumstances of the great prince appeared in his heart.

Moreover, what shocked him was that this great emperor was really very bold. The first world that came to the fairyland was the son of Xu Tian, ​​who was the emperor of the East. There was no other reincarnation.

It’s no wonder that such a bold person can survive for so many years, and almost will take over the Eastern Tianyu and become the next Emperor of the Eastern Tianyu.

Xiang Yang is thinking about it at the same time, the more he admire this guy, he can't help but admire, "His Royal Highness, oh, no, it should be the Lord God of the Darkness, you are a personal talent."

"Do you know?" The Great Emperor Shen Shen.

His eyes looked at Xiang Yang, his eyes smothered with anger.

It was discovered, and Xiang Yang also clarified his identity. As a result, even if he wants to escape, it is too late. The only way is to delay the time.

As long as they can drag the three people, so that the three can not report, and then wait until the gods of the gods of the gods come, he does not believe that the powerful power of thousands of gods in the gods will not be able to destroy the three.

"I already knew it, just waiting for those gods to come too boring, so just play with you." Xiang Yang put away the book of life and death, said with a smile.

While talking, he had a color of joy on his face, and said to Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, "Monkey brother, Big Brother Yang, you look at this guy first, I dig a pit."

"What pit?"

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan both showed curiosity on their faces.

Their eyes looked at Xiang Yang, and they wanted to know what Xiangyang had to do. As for watching the big princes, they were not at all in their hearts. Isn't it an Asian holy?

Even if you let this guy run for a while, they can easily grab this guy back, and they are not afraid that this guy will run away.

"Look at it."

Xiang Yang chuckled softly. After coming to the front of the passage, his mind was moving, and a picture slowly emerged from the void.



In the moment when this picture emerged, there was boundless murderousness and swordsmanship. Four of them could destroy the earth, killing any Asian sages and screaming, making the adjacent passages tremble. Under the chaos, the void is smashed by the sword and the murderous.


Yang Lan and Sun Monkey’s face also showed a shocking color. “Is it the best of the day?”

Sun Monkey’s face was full of excitement, and he said with a smile, “I said, how can Daozu not prepare for us, it’s that you have already borrowed the old swordsman’s swordsmanship. Ok, haha, there is a sword in the hands of the sword, and the three of us have entered the realm of the gods, enough to kill all the powerful people in the realm of the gods."


Xiang Yang laughed and said nothing. At the same time, the four swords also screamed out of his body. It was the sacred sword, the sacred sword, the sacred sword and the sacred sword.

After the four-handed squadron was returned to the ranks of the sacred swords, the terrible breath broke out, not even weaker than the true sacred swords of the heavenly saints.

However, at this time, the faces of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan changed at the same time. They looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color. "Is this a copy of the immortal sword?"

"It's counterfeit, but the power is not much weaker than the sword."

Xiang Yang smiled and said, "Although it is only the sacred swords of the post-day treasure level, it is enough to kill the main **** and trap the king of God."

This sword array is exactly what he asked Xiao Ling to imitate and refine.

After Xiaoling got the indication of Xiangyang, he dumped all the resources, and finally refining the Jianxian sword array. The seal of the channel of the gods was broken by the great emperor. You can directly arrange the fairy in this passage. At the time of the sword battle, no matter how many gods come out, they can easily strangle them.


Sun Monkey and Yang Lan took a breath and looked at Xiang Yang with a horror. "You are so powerful, even the swordsmanship can be imitated. If you can imitate a thousand or eight hundred sets, then Let each of the sacred priests take the sacred swords to kill the aliens. Who can resist?"

After Xiang Yang listened, his eyes lit up, but he immediately sighed and said, "Which is so easy, refining this set of swords and swords has consumed all my treasures."

Speaking of this, he remembered what seemed to be like, and quickly said, "Almost forgot, the last time I went to the Devil World, I just found out the Devil's Treasure, and I was forgotten by the Taozu and forgot to take my treasure. ”

His mind was moved, and the beginning of the devil split out of the body directly, and disappeared into the void instantly.

Obviously, let the first demon go to the devil to take the demon treasure.


When Xiang Yang did these things, he didn't take advantage of the big prince. The big prince who was preparing to work hard saw Xiang Yang even got out of the sacred swords, and he was shocked that the whole person was shaking.

诛仙剑阵, can be called the first murder of Pangu’s chaotic world, powerful and unmatched. When the foreign squad came in, it was the power of the heavenly sage to arrange the sacred swords, and killed many chaos sages. Terrible.

Nowadays, Xiang Yang has actually copied the Jianxian sword array. Moreover, the level of this set of four-handed swords is actually the level of the day after tomorrow, and with the map, the power cannot be compared with the real Jianxian sword array. It is also almost the same.

At this moment, the Great Emperor's heart trembled, and when he remembered that the gods of the gods would rush out of the passage one by one, and then rushed into the sacred swords, when he was strangled, he only felt that his scalp was numb. ,

"It's over..."

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