Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3087: a thousand years

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Xiang Yang suffered a bitter look than Bixi. "Bixi sister don't bully me, my little body board is not your opponent."

"Oh, I still know us, yeah, sister, second sister. This kid may be our enemy. Or I will slice him and study it."

When Bixi heard that Xiang Yang called her "Bixi's sister", she had a glimmer of light in her eyes, and then said to her two sisters, she smiled and looked at Xiangyang, and she was really ready to Xiang Yang cut.

"Three sisters, this is not very good."

The woman in Tsing Yi whispered.

"Nothing, anyway, he is just an ideology like us, and can't die." Bixi smiled and responded. I don't know what technique she used to perform. Xiangyang's whole person is motionless, and her white jade is green. The jade finger is a poke on the body of Xiangyang, which seems to be really fun.

Xiang Yang’s body couldn’t move, and his heart secretly complained. “Sure enough, the words of the old man can’t be believed. These three things are too dangerous. I have no resistance in front of them.”

"You are called by my teacher?"

The thoughts in Xiang Yang’s heart just fell, and the tourmaline, which had been poked with Xiang Yang, suddenly stopped and looked at him seriously.

"how do you know?"

Xiang Yang’s face, “Can you know what I think in my heart?”

This is terrible. It is really unimaginable to see through what I think in my heart. What a terrible existence of such a woman.

To what extent has the realm of Sancha reached?

You must know that you can't see what you think in your heart.

In fact, it is Xiangyang who wants more. Although Sancha is soaked in the place where the origins of the rules of the heavens are concentrated, let them understand the rules of heaven. Although their realm has indeed reached a high level, but It is impossible to compare with a strong sage like Tongtian.

If they go beyond the sky, how could they stay here all the time, and need to find a way to trick Xiangyang to lead the three out?

"Big sister, second sister, really is the master who asked him to take us out. It’s great, I know, the old man must have not forgotten us, haha, we can go out." After listening to it, Bixi was very excited. I went over and said to Yunxiao and Qiong.

"The teacher is coming."

Yunxiao and Qiong's face are also full of excitement, but compared with the love of the tourmaline, the two women seem to be more calm, especially the clouds, her eyes look to nothing, whisper, " I can sense the scent of the master, and the niece is coming."

"Then, can we finally go out?" asked Biyun with the arms of Yunxiao.

"This is to ask this little brother." Yunxiao smiled and looked at Xiangyang.


Bixi suddenly remembered that she would also ban Xiangyang, so that Xiangyang could not move, and he had just poked Xiangyang to play, so that he would not take himself out if he was unhappy.

At the same time, her face was embarrassed and came to Xiangyang's side. "Well, you, you will not be angry and deliberately throw me here?"

"What do you say?"

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the tourmaline. He decided that he liked the little girl of the tourmaline. The little girl was small and cute. Although it was naughty, it didn’t mess, it was like a little girl who didn’t grow up. However, her actual age, hehe, can be said to be longer than the time of the formation of this fairyland...

At the same time as thinking, Xiang Yang has a quirky color in his heart.

Today's fairyland is formed after the collapse of the wild world, and the tourmaline is the power that existed during the flood season. Their age is really more ancient than the fairy world.

However, no matter how you look at it, these three are not like antiques.

"You are stingy." Bixi thought that Xiang Yang refused to take her out, and could not help but screaming at Xiang Yang. "Isn't it just playing with you for a while? As for this?"

Xiang Yang gave her a look. "Let me let go first. In case, I am in a good mood. I will take you out first."


Bixi suddenly became unhappy and smiled. When she didn't see her movements, Xiang Yang felt that she had recovered her ability to act.

He stood in front of the three scorpions, with a gentle smile on his face, and he gave an equal ceremony to the three friends. "Xiang Yang has seen three sisters. This time, I was being convinced by the old man, coughing. The Tongtian Saints and the Emperor of the Emperor came to take the three out."

"Thank you for your friend."

Yunxiao returned to Xiangyang.

And Qiong and Bixi looked at Xiangyang with a small mouth and unhappy, precisely because Xiang Yang accidentally said that he was an old man, so that the two women felt that Xiang Yang did not respect their master, and they were in the heart of Xiang Yang. Very unhappy.

Although Yunxiao is also very happy about Xiangyang because she does not respect Tongtian, she is not very happy, but she does not show it, but to Xiangyangdao. "My name is Yunxiao. This is my second sister Qiong, Sanmei Bixi, presumably The Taoist friend has already seen our flesh. I don’t know how the friend will take us out?"

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "I have to pass on the emperor. As long as you relax everything, I can take you out."

"Get the inheritance of the niece!"

After listening to it, the face changed greatly. They naturally knew that the emperor was the son-in-law of the son-in-law. Even in ancient times, the son-in-law did not receive any pro-disciples. Now, it is passed on to the man. It is no wonder that this guy will come to save the three of them. It turned out to be a disciple of the niece.

"It turned out to be a disciple of the female niece, and the three ruins were rude." Yunxiao hurriedly ritual again.

The maiden maiden has great grace for the three scorpions. When they died in battle, it was the son-in-law who took care of them to protect their bodies and souls, and then warmed up their bodies with treasures such as the soil. And the remnant of the soul, so that they can return to the present level, they know that Xiang Yang is a disciple of the female niece, and the heart is fascinated by Xiang Yang.

"Cough, misunderstanding, I am not a disciple of the niece, just just got the inheritance of the niece." Xiang Yang said quickly.

"Not a disciple of the niece, but she can get the inheritance of the niece, and it is not an ordinary person who wants to come to the Tao." Yunxiao smiled softly and did not look down on Xiangyang.

The person who got the inheritance of the niece is not even accepted as a true disciple. In the heart of the niece, it is almost a relative.

Sancha is a disciple of the Tongtian saint, and Xiangyang has become a peer-to-peer existence.

Of course, what they don't know is that Xiang Yang is actually the same as Tongtian's peers.

"Three sisters, let's sit down together, let's be happy, I will take you out."

At the same time as Xiang Yang said, he first sat down in the volley and smiled and looked at Sancha.

Three nods nodded, no hesitation, just sitting around Xiangyang, among them, the clouds were calm and calm, looking at Xiangyang calmly, Qiong Jun was a face with an excitement, but The performance is not very obvious, the tourmaline is not the same, this little girl is not happy to scream.

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "The law of the emperor's passing me out requires us to be united in a short time, and please ask the three sisters for forgiveness."

"The younger brother can do it," Yun said.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded, and while he was sitting on the plate, he began to display the method of inheritance from the Emperor, and connected his consciousness with the consciousness of the three messages.


At this moment, Xiang Yang only felt that he was entering a dream.

In the dream, three cute little girls are running away in the wilderness. Their stature is too embarrassing, their bodies are covered with scars, bloody, and their clothes are also ruined. Behind them, they are actually a group of wild animals. Catch up, squatting to eat them.

Among the three little girls, the biggest ones are fifteen or sixteen, apparently Yunxiao, and the second largest one, about eleven or two years old, is Qiong, who was only seven or eight years old at the time.

"Big sister, I can't run, let's run, let me feed these beasts, they will eat my hard work, and you can escape."

When running and running, the tourmaline couldn't move, just sit down straight and prepare to die.

"No, go."

Yunxiao and Qiongqi’s face changed a lot. They didn’t hesitate. They took the tourmaline and continued to run. However, when the three people were running each other, the speed could not be compared with the beasts behind. Now, the tourmaline can’t run, they The two girls who were exhausted and exhausted were slower when they took the tourmaline. It was not long before they were caught up by this group of beasts.

Next, the beasts rushed up, wanting to swallow the three women, Yunxiao and Qiongqi are older, picking up a stick from the ground to protect the tourmaline and block the beasts. However, they themselves have no cultivation at all. However, how could it be blocked? In the blink of an eye, the two women were bloody. Only the tourmaline was protected in the middle. There was no injury, but they were so scared.

Xiang Yang’s heart trembled. I didn’t expect that the three squats in the ancient times of the ancient times had had such a tragic experience in childhood. It is conceivable that the three women faced such a beast and suffered great psychological pressure.

He continued to watch and watched the experience of Sancha from the perspective of the onlookers. Suddenly he saw a beast rushing over and instantly smashed the cloud out, and then another jumped up and bite into the cloud, his face could not help but Big change, big shout, "Don't.."

"Big sister, don't, oh, who will save us..."

"big sister!"

The two little girls, Bixi and Qiong, also called out. Of course, the head of the tourmaline was crying out loud.


At the most critical time, some people finally appeared. It was the Tongtian Taoist who was in the past. At that time, the Heavenly Saints had not yet proved to be sanctified. When they appeared, they were all sacred, and all the beasts were rolled up with a wave of hands. Go with the three sisters.

This is the most impressive scene among the three memories. After Xiang Yang was connected with their hearts, they saw it. Of course, not only that, but also several times after the war, Sanzhao’s appearance in danger is vivid. Another time was the final battle of foreign invasions. The three sects of the Yellow River were arranged in the Yellow River, trapping thousands of exotic Asia, and even the chaos saints were trapped by them.

Xiang Yang looked brows tightly. Whenever he saw the three-day distress, he even shouted out his voice, and his heart was stunned. In the process, the same three scorpions with his heart can also feel the yang of Xiangyang. Their moods are complicated and their moods are complicated.

Unconsciously, Xiang Yang’s mood was embarrassing. Later, after seeing Sancha’s death, only three remnants of the soul and entanglement were taken away by the maiden maiden, and then the three ghosts were ignorant. Entering the source of this fairy world, after a long recovery, they gradually recovered, and they realized the heavens and grew up a little until now...


Then, Xiang Yang only felt that his eyes were bright. He opened his eyes and found that he had returned to the flesh. He knew that in the process, while he was casting his own spells, he was connected with Sancha. He brought it back.

Throughout the process, he witnessed the life of Sancha, for a long time, but in fact it was only a moment in the past.

His face looked complicated at Sancha. At this moment, his feelings for Sancha had become different. He and the three women seemed to have known each other for thousands of years.

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