Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3090: Standing above destiny

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At this time, Sanchao snorted and their gods jumped up, and Lingbo stood directly on the river, and then spread the magical power to the river.

From a distance, with the movements of the three dragons, I saw a ray of light flowing through the river. There were even a group of people flying out of the river and then integrated into their gods.

As these figures are integrated into their gods, the spirit of their gods is getting stronger and stronger, and even giving people the feeling of wanting to break away from this chaos and become a world.

"It turned out that Wan Shi body was integrated into the body. From then on, all the worlds, the past and the present, Chaos Hongmeng I am alone."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, finally understood what was a mixed saint.

The true mixed-age saints are detached from the heavens and are not in the control of destiny. From then on, all the time and space, only me, can no longer find other traces.

This is the real chaos saint.

As Xiang Yang thought about it, the three scorpions each had tens of thousands of radiant figures immersed in their bodies, making them truly complete the process of breakthrough.

Their gods returned to the flesh, and the whole body swelled, but then all the breaths were all in the body, making them look like ordinary people.

"It’s finally a success, congratulations for the saints, and congratulations for my ancient chaotic world.”

Guang Chengzi took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly.

"Call for the saints, congratulate the Pangu world."

Then everyone's faces were full of excitement, all shouting loudly.

For a time, the depths of chaos, shouts vary.

Three cymbals stood volley, and they saluted the heavenly sage, "I have seen the Master."

"Good, hahaha."

Tongtian Shengzun happily laughed, since the ancient war, he has never been so happy, even if he did not think about it, his three disciples, almost lost in ancient times, have gone through countless After the repair of the years, I was able to break through to the saints.

You must know that among the chaotic saints today, the saints other than the Three Emperors are the disciples of the Tao, the oldest beings, and the Sancha is the first of the saints to be sanctified, and it is still a one-time three. People also testify.

Even the grand disciple of Guangchengzi, who is known as the sage of the saints, has not yet proved that this is the prosperous age of Tianda. Tongtian only feels that he has surpassed the original, and his heart is very excited.

The original sage glanced at the disciples such as Guangchengzi, and his heart was helpless. He didn’t matter anything worse than any saint. Even if he held the chaos, he didn’t feel that his combat power would be worse than that of the sky. Who would wait, even let The three disciples of Tongtian were sanctified first. In this respect, he is indeed better than heaven.

"I have seen Taishi Shibo, the original teacher."

At this time, Sancha is saluting the Taishang saints and the original saints.

"The Taoist friends don't have to be polite."

The two quickly returned to the ceremony, although they are the three masters of the division, but the three have become sanctified, and they have become disciples of the Tao. To some extent, everyone is of the same level, they are no longer Dare to be a senior, this is the most depressing place.

However, the original good face, although the heart is uncomfortable, there is no representation on the surface.

On one side, I was secretly laughing and laughing, but my heart was dark, but on the surface, I waved and said, "Boss, you are welcome, we are three, one is my disciple, and naturally it is your disciple. It is also appropriate to call yourself a junior in front of you. Don't say that they are just chaotic saints. Even if we are a chaotic sage in a meeting, it is still your junior."


Sanchao is in a hurry.

They are very clear, although they don't mind too much, but there will definitely be a stalk in the original heart. Now they say that they are very comfortable in both the original and the upper.

I saw a smile on the original face, and said to Tongtian and Sanchao, "This is also a gift, and our disciples are sanctified. This is a good thing."

After all, he glanced at the three saints in the direction of Buddhism. Although he did not speak, the serious triumph was self-evident.

"I have seen the goddess of the goddess, thank you for your help."

At this time, Sancha is carrying a heartfelt smile on his face against the emperor. The reason why the three monks can survive and have the present achievements is precisely because of the emperor’s interest and the creation. The reason for the help of the surgery, if there is no emperor, the three sins of the year may be really dead, how can there be today's sanctification?

"No need to be polite."

The Emperor replied with a soft smile, her expression into the gentleness of the past.

"I have seen the sacred sages, the sacred sages, the Amitabha saints..."

"I have seen your friends."

Later, Sancha was saluting the other saints. However, when they faced other saints, they were not so polite. Instead, they directly added a ‘those friends’ after they had salvaged many saints.

In this way, the hearts of the saints are even more unpleasant, especially in the Western Buddhism. The fat monk of Amitabha is not a feeling of ignorance, but it is not the same as picking up and arranging two saints. The more they think, the more they feel that they are not in the heart. .

After Sancha’s appearance with the strongman, he looked at Xiangyang, and Sancha’s eyes were smiling. However, when they were preparing to open to Xiangyang, they saw Xiangyang staring. The river above that has not yet dispersed.

Suddenly, Xiang Yangyu snorted and the whole person jumped up and jumped to the river in an instant. He passed through the mysterious runes and a terrible breath broke out.

"What does this kid do?"

"Xiang Yang, don't mess around. This is the river of destiny. It is impossible to stand on the river without the chaos of the saints. Once you are caught in the water of the river of destiny, even if you have Pan Guzhen I can't hold it anymore."

"come out faster."


When everyone saw that Xiang Yang suddenly rushed to the top of the river, he suddenly stunned, and then all of them shouted loudly.

Even the too, too, shouted, "Noisy, get out of there."

It’s so anxious to see the river, how horrible this river is.

"Master, let us go up and bring him back." At this time, Sanchao looked at Tongtian at the same time, and their eyes were anxious.

Before that, even if they were sanctified, it would be very difficult to voluntarily stand on the river of destiny, not to mention Xiang Yang.

"No, you have not consolidated the realm, you can no longer enter the river of destiny." Tongtian Shengzun quickly shook his head and blocked the three.

"Just, if there is no brother of Xiangyang, we can't be one with the flesh. We can't break through in such a short time. After we are sanctified, how can we watch him happen?" Said with an anxious color.

"Yeah, Master, let's go." Yunxiao and Qiongyi also said.

"That kid is looking for death, what is going on with you, regardless of him." The three treasures of Tongtian are so easy to become saints. How can he let Sanchao take risks for Xiangyang?

You know, this river is very dangerous. Although Sanchao just stood in the river and fished out their Wanshi body, but Sancha has just broken through, their realm has not really been perfect, if they step on it again. This river is very likely to be back in the world and once again involved in the river of destiny. At that time, the saints will be turned into nothing.

As for the other saints, if the sanctuary of Sanqing’s deity comes, it can naturally enter, but the chaos of the heavens who appear here is not the deity.

Their deities are being prepared by Daozu to go deep into the depths of chaos for the future war. The strength of their avatars, although surpassing Yasheng, but if they enter the river of destiny, they may even affect the deity, they Do not dare to enter the river of destiny.

"What should I do? Brother Xiangyang, you will leave there soon."

"Xiang Yang..."

Three nervous people almost cried out. When they were connected with Xiangyang’s soul, Xiang Yang didn’t know that while Xiang Yang was watching the growth of Sancha, Sancha also saw some of his growth. Especially when the experience of Xiangyang was small, the child who was less than three years old was tempered in a sinister place, crying and crying, until a heart gradually became cold and gradually became strong, making Sancha The heart is shaking.

Between them and Xiangyang, it seems that Xiangyang is like them, and they seem to know each other for thousands of years.

At this moment, if Sancha is not stopped by Tongtian Respect, they have already rushed to save Xiangyang.

"Is this kid going to fish out his 10,000th body?"

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan both have curious colors on their faces. At the same time, they are also eager to move, and there is an impulse to rush.


However, they did not move, they listened to the original Holy Respect and snorted, directly imprisoning the two, so that the two can only look at Xiangyang.

In their gaze, Xiang Yang volley stood on the water of the river, very stable, without any intention to fall into it.


"This kid has already jumped out of the river of destiny."

"How is this possible? But if it is not for the river of destiny, why can he stand on this river of destiny and will not fall into it?"


After the presence of many powerful people, they were all shocked. They wouldn’t think of it anyway. Xiang Yang was so relaxed that he stood above the river of destiny.

You must know that if you want to truly jump out of the river of destiny, you can only become a chaotic saint and truly get detached.

Although Xiang Yang condensed the Pan Guzhen body, although he has the strength to kill the chaos saints, but his realm is still not a saint, he has already surpassed the river of destiny, this is a bit terrible.

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s face looked at the river with a smile, whispering. “It turned out to be the river of destiny, the mysterious river, how do I feel like a general.”

"Haha, I am fine, everyone doesn't have to be nervous."

At the same time, Xiang Yang turned his head and waved at the other people. A very happy look made the strong people on the scene look strange. I don’t understand what special place Xiangyang had in the end. The body is standing on the river of destiny.

"is it you?"

However, at this time, Xiang Yang was whispering to himself, with a curious color on his face.

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