Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3144: Sword river hangs

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In the chaos, one hundred and eight strong men are sitting in the middle of the disk. In their center, there is a mirror that is observing the heavens. The picture that is seen is exactly in the devil world.

They are one hundred and eight elders who kill the human race.

"How are you ready to die?"

When Xiang Yang said this sentence, the faces of the one hundred and eight elders all changed.

"He, he turned out to be so powerful, and it happened to be around Yang Wanjian and Bai Yu, how could it..."

At this moment, these elders who kill the way are all ruined.

"We're fucked."

There was a gentle elder's slow opening. His face was pale and with a dead air. He whispered. "I said at the time, don't resist him, even if he really ousted him. How old? What can we do? The old master can give us everything that can be easily recovered to us. However, you just don't listen. Now it's alright, we are all finished."

"As far as I know, his taboos are the people around him. Now, we dare to move people around him, and certainly will play with him when he is furious."

"Oh, it’s finished, how about killing the 108 elders, now he is too strong."

"Great elders, elders, you have to do this, then we are really finished."


Many elders are all helplessly shaking their heads and sighing, killing the 108 elders, which is very powerful for others. Even, in their opinion, even if the chaos saints come, they make up one hundred and zero. The killing of eight people can also fight against chaotic saints.

However, when they found the strong strength of Xiang Yang, they did not have any confidence.

They know that they have done something wrong, and then, maybe everyone will be destroyed by Xiang Yang.

"All live."

The elders suddenly screamed in anger. "As a strong man in the peak of the Holy Land, you must recognize things when you do something. Even if you die, don't have any regrets. You are the one who killed me a hundred and eight elders. I don’t dare to admit it after doing something, but I’m blaming others, are you so embarrassed?”

"Ha ha..."

These people suddenly dare not speak, although they are full of grievances and no mistakes, but they are more aware that the strength of the elders is also very strong.

Because the great elders who killed the way have been specially taught by their old masters, although they have not been proved to be chaotic saints, they have the ability to confront the chaos saints briefly.

"We are not without hope."

Then, the elders slowly opened their mouths. His eyes were cold and cold, and he looked at Xiang Yang in the mirror. He said with sneer, "He will definitely come to us. We just have to arrange a big killing. I am trapped in it, forcing him to make a vow, not to deal with us, we will never have to worry about this matter anymore."


“Does this work?”

"And, his strength is so strong, can we really trap him if the killing of our 108 elders?"


After the voice of the elders fell, they were questioned by other elders.

"We have no retreat. If we can't do it, we must try it. There is no way to kill him. However, we can only trap him and force him to make a vow not to us. So, we will treat him again. Lord, even if he is unwilling in the future, there is no way." The elders said in a deep voice.

"But the old master is there..."

There are other elders whispering.

"No problem, the old master has to guard the passage of the frontier. There is not much time to manage these things. Moreover, the old master’s attitude towards him is laissez-faire. It is absolutely impossible to take it out personally because of this little thing. This is our chance. ”

The elders affirmed, with a cold eyes and eyes on everyone, Shen Sheng, "Looking at the other people who have a relationship with him, if possible, bring them."


"The elders can't, if you start to people around him, this thing will be difficult to solve."

"Yeah, the elders must think twice."

After the words of the elders fell, most of the sacred sacred faces changed, and they opened their mouths to discourage the elders. They already knew that if they dared to start working on the people around Xiangyang, I am afraid they would really finish.

However, the elders were indifferent and sneered. "If we don't have a certain amount of chips in our hands, how can we let him vote?"

"You can rest assured that his most important and most concerned person is only the women of Qing Xue Cosmos Group. We catch other people, for example, those friends who are familiar with him, but not very good. People, he is forced to be moral, he will also be scrupulous, but it will not be crazy."

"If you want to live, you must follow the old man's words. Otherwise, you will die."

After the elders finished speaking, their eyes were murderous and swept through all the elders who killed the human race. Although he did not do it, everyone understood that if they disagreed with the elders now, the next elder would They will kill them directly.

The look of everyone became very ugly, but at the moment they did not dare to refute the elders, only the default of the elders.


At this moment, Xiang Yang did not know that the 108-year-old elders who had killed the way were already crazy. After thinking about it, he felt that his layout was almost enough. His most important people were among the Qingxue universe group. The existence of the Taoist tree, in the new world of the wild, the killing of the road is absolutely not dare to go to chaos, even if it is lost, there is absolutely no return.

As for the rest, it seems that there is nothing to worry about. If you are tempted to deal with the people around you, you can’t deal with the imperial palace of the fairy world.

As for the other friends of my own, it seems that the relationship is not very big. Xiang Yang does not think that the killing will be stupid to find their troubles.

As for your parents.

Xiang Yang feels that his parents are mysterious. As the old daughter of the old man, even if it is a chaotic saint, it is estimated that it can't hurt two people. If the killing road really has the trouble of not looking for your own parents, then It’s just looking for a dead end.

In this way, he is not in a hurry to find the trouble of killing the human race.

"First let you have a few happy days, wait for me to take out the Devil's Treasure, then go and have fun with you, as well as the ancient fairy world, the heavens and the world, and any forces that have resentment with me, you give I am careful."

Xiang Yang’s eyes were cold, and he did not immediately rush to find the trouble of killing the 108-year-old elders. It does not mean that he has let go of the one hundred and eight elders who killed the way.

He thought about it and felt that he should take advantage of this time to have all the guys in the world who have grievances and want to deal with himself.

Especially in the ancient fairy world, Xiang Yang had long thought about dealing with the ancient fairy world, but it has been dragging it all the time. In addition, he was not strong enough before, and now he is strong enough, and he still has 10,000. The sacred corpse of the sacred mountain peak, such a powerful force, is enough to sweep the entire ancient fairy world, it is also time to go to the ancient fairy world. ,

However, it is now time to deal with the things of the Devil's Treasure.

"Devil, I am coming."

Xiang Yang’s face was cold. He carried his hands and stepped out. He instantly reached the foot of a mountain. This is where the demon hides his treasure.

Although it is a continuous mountain range in front of Xiangyang’s eyes, God knows that all this is just an appearance. After really seeing the inside, you will find that all this is actually just a surface. In fact, in this mountain range, it is hidden. It is a very dangerous big battle.

Since the devil's arrangement of the law, it is estimated that there are not many strong people trapped inside, and the formation of this mountain range is that the more people are killed, the more they will be integrated into them. At that time, this array will become stronger and stronger. Last time, Xiang Yang’s first demon avatar was almost planted in this formation.

According to Xiang Yang’s estimation, the power of this array has reached the level that can threaten the sub-sacred strong.

If only Xiangyang’s first demon avatar came here, perhaps he should be careful to break the formation from the outside and then dare to enter it. After all, his last demon avatar was almost destroyed.

This time, the deity of Xiangyang came. With the strength of his deity, let alone this method, even if it is powerful, it is useless.


Xiang Yang directly stepped into the battle, and suddenly, a horrible murderous attack came, and boundless darkness came, and the horrible magic flame came to Xiangyang.

"There is only a magical flame in the area. Demon, you are too small to look at me."

Xiang Yang’s look was dull, his mind was moving, and there was a whirlpool on his body that instantly swallowed this magical flame that could harm the Yasheng strong.


Xiang Yang’s behavior is like angering the formation. There is boundless fear transmitted. The incomparable energy of the horror is rushing toward Xiangyang. Various kinds of soldiers and all kinds of energy supply come to the fore.

The attack of Jinmu Shuihuo soil, the quantification of metal properties for the infinite gods and arrows raining towards Xiangyang, the energy of wood properties is turned into numerous poisonous vines with sweeping venom, each root The vines are huge, even if a planet is rolled up by vines, it will be instantly smashed.

There is no boundless ice, everything is frozen, and the yellow sand is everywhere, and Shenshan is suppressed.

These are just the attacks of the energy of the golden woods and fires. In the rear, there are all kinds of powerful attacks. Even the four holy beasts are manifested, and each has its own strength. Xiang Yang attacked.

If it was the previous Xiangyang, it was really not an opponent in the face of such an attack. Even if it used a means of tens of thousands of robbery, however, at this moment, he gently shook his head and sighed and said, "Devil, don't do it. It doesn't matter if you are struggling, come out, let's talk."


While speaking, he spit out a breath, and suddenly there was a sword river. This sword river was hung in the void, and burst out with the horrible sword. All the attacks fell on the Jianhe River, all of which were instantly horrified. The sword is annihilated.

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