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"Did you find out that the three people who were arrested are actually related to Xiangyang, especially Xiangfeng, but also the spokesperson of Xiangyang in the fairy world. If it is not Xiangyang, I really don’t know how to kill. The way that the hundred and eight killed God arrested him."

At this time, the fire suddenly said.

After the other two listened, they all groaned. "No, isn’t Xiangyang’s kid offending the killing?”

Although they are not very familiar with Xiang Yang, they know that Xiang Yang is a strange person after listening to the words of the fire.

"Maybe, killing the way, killing God is still alive, this is not a small matter, even if our fire family is not qualified to participate, let's go, invincible child... look at luck."

The fire took a deep breath, and then turned and left.

Even if he is not willing to let the fire invincible caught, there is no way, the fire family only has two or three of the sacred masters, rushing to fight against the killing of the strong, is tantamount to hitting the stone, if they are three When it is gone, the fire people are almost finished. For the fire family, they can only swallow their voices.

"However, if Xiang Yang knows what is going on here, the result of killing the human life will be unclear. After all, although the kid is just a person, he can always create many miracles."

In the heart of the fire, he said to himself, with a murderous killing in his eyes. Although the fire family couldn’t kill the dead, he would not believe it. If Xiang Yang knew that killing the way, the gods were fighting. Xiang Yang is not going to be impatient.

"Fire dance."

After returning to the fire family, after the fire and the contemporary clan of the fire family passed, they found the only one among the fire people who was familiar with Xiang Yang, but was not taken away. It was the fire dance.

"It is said that Xiang Yang appears in the lower bounds. Now you are going to the lower bounds, telling Xiang Yang, what happened in the fairy world, telling him all about the actual situation."

At the same time as the fire is talking, it is ready to send the fire dance to Xiangyang.

Originally, if they wanted to find Xiangyang, it was still very difficult. However, in the Qingxue universe group, Xiangyang simply released the 10,000 corpse and the guardian of the million order, and alerted the heavens. All the sacred strong people make everyone know that Xiang Yang is in the lower bound.

Although the Fireman can't follow the killing wrench, but the fireflies have been running for countless years, the strength is very strong, and the intelligence is naturally not weak. It is very clear that Xiangyang at the moment should still be in the Qingjie Universe Group.

The fire dance is the person Xiang Yang knows in the lower bounds. Although he later recognized the ancestors, it is a good thing for her to report to Xiangyang.


"Bastard, you dare to come to my door to make trouble, don't you want to live?"

However, just as the fire was ready to send the fire dance to the lower bounds to find Xiangyang, suddenly, in the direction of the gate of the central Xiancheng in the eastern Tianyu, there was a loud noise and powerful energy fluctuations.

At this moment, after the Heavenly Palace was broken, the emperor of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor was in charge of the fifteen princess being captured, and some people broke into the gate, and the other gates and the other powerful all broke into a terrible battle with each other. The entire Oriental Tianyu Central Fairy City, together with some nearby Xiancheng, were also shocked.

The fire directly absorbed the fire dance into the small world of the cave that he had developed. Together with the other two sages of the fire family, he looked at the direction of the gate, and saw the opening of the gate, and there were also nine statues. The strongest of the killings in the land of the holy peaks is plunging into the gates, and is dying in the nine avenues.

At the same time, there are other strong players in the gates, they are presiding over the law, ready to suppress the nine killings.

"Nine Avenues has not yet broken into the sub-Holy, but it is too extraordinary to be able to confront the nine powerful people who kill the way."

At this moment, the three great sanctuaries of the fire family are all shaking.

It is reasonable to say that although the strong people of the Taoist territory are very powerful and able to confront the general Afghan, it is absolutely impossible to confront the horrible existence of killing the gods.

However, the nine avenues of Daomen were the most powerful Xianzun class in ancient times. In order to be able to step into the sage's world, they did not choose to break into the sub-saint, but became the powerful.

In this infinite number of years, they never really showed all the strength, even if the last **** ancestor's **** seas broke through the channels of the Eastern Tianyu and the Devil's Gorefiend, they also did not force their true strength. .

This time, the nine great Asian sages who killed the sacred sect went directly into the gate. After being discovered by the Nine Avenues on the Jiu Di Mountain, the nine avenues were directly defended with the nine major gods. stand up.

In the face of the super-powerful of these nine sacred peaks, Jiu Dao Zun finally showed their strongest strength.

At this moment, all the people in the Central Fairy City were shocked, and the nine avenues were well-deserved, and the strength of the sects of the Taoist sects actually blocked the nine sages of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, it seems that this nine avenues The strength seems to be a little stronger.

"Nine old people don't die, you still don't become a strong sage. You even think about whimsy and become a sage. It's a delusion."

In the process of the battle between the nine killing gods and the Nine Avenues, there is still room for it to speak.

"If you don't make it, you don't know what it is. At the last moment, who knows? Instead, you all think that you are dead. It hasn't died yet. After hiding for so many years, it has finally appeared. However, if you appear, you want to follow me. The door is an enemy. Do you think that my door is bullied by your killing?"

The fifth road shouted.

Because the one who has just ridiculed the nine avenues of the sage is the fifth contender.

"The door has been lost."

The strong man who is the enemy of the fifth Taoist, while performing various magical powers and magic weapons bombarding the fifth Taoist, said, "If it is a Taoist friend in ancient times, when there are three clear Taoism, I will not dare to have any Disrespectful, but after Sanqing was sanctified, the gates have been abandoned by them. Just nine of your old guys are guarding the gates. Do you really think that you can stop me from killing the road? Give up the Tao Lin, kill the way. The gate is an enemy."

"Your goal turned out to be Lin Xian."

At this moment, everyone understands that the killing of the nine great Asian sages openly entered the door, their purpose turned out to be the Taoist Taoist.

At this moment, among the crowds, Lin Xian, who is watching the battle of this great war, heard the purpose of the nine great killings of the Yasheng strongman when he was his own. His face could not help but reveal the color of surprise.

"How could it be me?"

Lin Xian has the feeling of lying in the middle of a gun. He clearly has no intersection with the killing path, and he has never killed the killing person. How can he provoke the nine holy killings to deal with himself?

Can it be said that the strong killer is not happy?

However, I am not arrogant. Since Xiangyang’s boss will give himself to the body, so that he has broken through to the body of the body, he has been retreating the body’s strength recently. With the help of the resources of the road, he has already The flesh is cultivated to the body of the immortal king. Why is it suddenly being targeted by the killing?

Do you want to kill yourself after you know that your body has grown up and you feel that you are a big threat?

There are people who kill the way in the gate!

At this moment, Daozi Linxian thought of such a possibility. His eyes shrank and he only felt cold. The only thing he could think of was that killing the human race would destroy his talented person, so he did not hesitate to enter the gate. .

And those who know that they are physically cultivating to the king of the fairy kings are only the people of the Taoist temple. As a result, they can only say that there are people who kill the way.


When Lin Xian’s heart was thinking about it, the roaring sound continued. The strongmen of the nine avenues who opposed the nine sacred peaks not only did not fall into the wind, but even suppressed each other.

After everyone saw it, the heart trembled, and many of the powerful men of the gates all screamed with excitement.

However, at this time, the face of Nine Avenues is not very good-looking, because they found that the strongest of these nine sacred peaks still have a smile on their faces when they are suppressed. It seems that they are not worried about losing. same.

"Do you really think that the nine immortalized people can suppress the nine of us and win?"

At this time, the one who is the first sage of the first sage is like a smile.

"court death."

The first anger was angered. He held his hands in his hands and screamed. "Dow Sword 36, smash your head."


As the voice of the first priest fell, the infinite swordsman burst out, and an amazing sword was sacrificed by him, with powerful and unparalleled power, toward the strongest of the sacred peaks. Kill the past.

"A bit of strength."

After the Asian saints saw him, his face changed slightly and he shouted. "You still haven't shot, have to wait for me to be killed?"


As his voice fell, all the strong men of the Nine Avenues and the Daomen had changed their faces, especially the Taoist lords were even more martyrdom. "To fully open the array and resist foreign enemies."


However, even if the Daomen's formation is fully open, it is useless, because at this moment, outside the gate, there are dozens of horrific atmospheres of the sacred Yasheng Peak.

The mighty murderousness brought the breath of the sub-sacred strong to the gates.

Everyone looks far away, and I saw that the superpowers with dozens of sacred peaks are standing in the void. Their bodies are full of horror, and they are united together. Stable, the protective cover is cracked.

"not good."

The strongmen of Daomen all changed their faces, and the killing of the road actually sent out dozens of Yasheng strong people, just for a Lin Xian, it is simply incredible.

Killing the road wants to deal with how strong Lin Xin’s heart is.

"Lin Xian, what have you done?"

At this time, the old man stared at Lin Xian.

"I, I didn't do anything? I didn't know the people who killed the people at all. I didn't have the sin of killing the strong people."

Lin Xian’s face was stunned. He didn’t feel that he had dealt with the killings.

Originally, he thought that he was a genius and he couldn’t understand that he wanted to destroy himself. He also guessed that there was a traitor in the door, but now he understands that the strong person who kills the human race to deal with himself is definitely not because of his own The problem with talent is that you overestimate yourself.

However, he never wants to understand in any case, he can do what he can, and let the killings send out dozens of powerful people in the realm of Yasheng to deal with themselves.

He even thought in his heart that among the entire fairy world, there is only such a privilege that the singer who is alone in the world of seven heavens can provoke dozens of strong people in the realm of Yasheng to deal with himself.

"Nothing? You didn't do anything about killing the way, killing the human life will come out of the nest, and the strongest of the dozens of sacred peaks is to deal with you."

The old man, Lin Qi, was so sad that he only thought that Lin Xian must have done something to make the killing road so full.

"I, I really didn't do anything."

Lin Xian is crying, and she is really wronged.

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