Top Student Doesn’t Need Superpowers Chapter 513

"The haunted house is deep in the amusement park." Itsuki was not afraid, but rather excited, "Let's play all the way, and then play when we get there."

"Play all the way. In the past..." Asakawa Naoki turned his head and looked towards the merry-go-round not far away, "Itsuki wants to ride a merry-go-round?"

It was summer vacation, the vast crowd in the amusement park was very lively, and the merry-go-round was even more for elementary school students Favorite, the queue is super long.

Itsuki pretty face slightly red, "It's not a child, so I don't want to ride!" All kinds of anime characters, and all kinds of small game booths, all in all, it is really fun.

It's really hot though.

It was the midsummer season, the temperature was over 30 degrees, and it was a place with vast crowds like an amusement park. After playing for a while, several people were already sweating profusely.

"It's so hot, it's so hot." Nino fanned the wind in front of him with his hands, and suddenly the eyes shined, "There's a roller coaster ahead, let's go over there to blow air."

Hello Hey, you actually want to take a roller coaster to blow your hair, you are looking down on the roller coaster!

"Okay." Yotsuba agreed with nodded, "It's been a long time since I played."

Itsuki is also eager to have a try: "Hurry up and line up."

Asakawa Naoki was surprised to find that the five sisters are not timid, not only not afraid, but full of expectations... and so on.

It seems not all.

Asakawa Naoki stopped, looked towards unconsciously and landed at the end of the line, the dilly-dallying Miku who hesitated to speak.

"If you don't want to play, I'll help you." Asakawa Naoki waited until Miku came to his side, and said softly, "Don't force yourself."

"No." Miku shook the head , holding his right hand on his chest, took a deep breath and said, "I used to watch from below when everyone was on a roller coaster...I want to challenge it today."

The roller coaster looks scary, but in fact It's very safe. If the challenge is successful, oneself can be considered a little courageous, when the time comes...

"Huh?" Miku turned his head and suddenly saw Asakawa Naoki standing there, not moving forward. Go, tilted her head, wondering, "Flirty Asakawa, why didn't you go?"

Chapter 722 Treasure Hunt game

"Flity Asakawa, why didn't you go?"

Miku tilted his head to look.

Asakawa Naoki shrugged: "I didn't say I was going to play a roller coaster."

"Hey, you don't play?" Miku startled, his eyes widened quickly, "Are you afraid too? "

Asakawa Naoki shook his head: "Don't be afraid."

Miku raised his hands to pull up his ears' hair, pink smooth and the corners of his lips rose slightly. For some reason, his mood suddenly improved: "Don't worry, I won't laugh at you."

Asakawa Naoki was expressionless: "Are you laughing now?"

"You're wrong." Miku turned his face away, His shoulders trembled slightly, "No laughing."

Asakawa Naoki narrowed his eyes and said:

"Look at the roller coaster carefully."

Miku blinked Eyes, looked up to the roller coaster that was about to start, and suddenly became nervous: "Death, Death God is coming?" Article ah!


Asakawa Naoki raised his hand and tapped Miku lightly, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm letting you see the distribution of passengers on the roller coaster."


Miku puffed her cheeks, covered her forehead with her right hand, and looked towards the roller coaster.

Asakawa Naoki reminded:

“Do you think there is a big difference between the number of boys and girls?”

“It’s true.” Some things are just one layer The window paper is broken as soon as it is stabbed. At this moment, I heard Asakawa Naoki's reminder, Miku's eyes shined, and finally found the subtlety, "Girls on the roller coaster are much more than boys."

"Those and Boys with girls sitting together are tentatively considered boyfriends and girlfriends." Asakawa Naoki continued, "Remove these couples and look at how many boys are left."


Miku blinked, pursed the lips, and was quickly surprised, "There are only two boys left?"

"The two boys are still sitting together." Asakawa Naoki Complained faintly, "I suspect..."


Miku stretched out his finger, poked lightly on Asakawa Naoki's waist, and raised his eyes in anger, " Don't make guesses about others."

"It's obvious that boys are more courageous." Miku hesitated, "Why don't boys seem to like riding roller coasters?"

"I don't know, I haven't researched it." Asakawa Naoki shook the head, "but it's true."

Women tend to outnumber men on roller coasters and death pendulums in amusement parks.

"It's time to start." Asakawa Naoki reminded Miku, "Come on over there."

"Not going."

Miku shook his head.

Everyone is already seated, and I'm sure I'll be alone in the past... Also, compared to the roller coaster, I really want to be with the flirty Asakawa.

Asakawa Naoki looked towards Miku: "Who just said to puff up courage and challenge oneself?"


Miku puffed her cheeks , stretched out his finger, and poked it gently, "Excessive...not so good memory."

"Sorry, my memory has always been good."

"Excessive arrogance, let me People are very angry."


Miku finally didn't go to the roller coaster, but whispered to Asakawa Naoki.

After a while, the roller coaster started slowly, just passing in front of the two of them.


Ichika, Nino, Yotsuba, and Itsuki, who were sitting in the front row, looked at them simultaneously.

"Why don't you two come up?"

"It's too much, and you left us behind to steal a march."

The eyes of both sides crossed each other, the roller coaster ride Soon it roared into the sky, and then the screams of a group of female players cut through the sky.

Asakawa Naoki frowned slightly, and the high-pitched scream was really uncomfortable.

"Let's go."

Asakawa Naoki turned to leave, not interested in standing under the roller coaster and listening to the screams.

"Huh?" Miku hurried to keep up, "Where is Flirty Asakawa going?"

"Of course I'm looking for a place to rest."

Roller coaster Not far away was a man-made lake with a pirate ship—a real one, with a pirate flag in a yellow straw hat hanging from the mast.

Miku subconsciously slows down and looks at the pirate ship.

"Do you want to play?"

Asakawa Naoki asked.

Miku hesitated a bit, and finally chose to follow his heart, and gently nodded to : "One Piece's treasure... It seems to be a treasure activity, I want to play it."

p>"Then go and play. ."

Asakawa Naoki nodded and walked over.

Miku hurriedly followed in small steps.

The two walked to the front of the boat, took the treasure map from "Nami" on the shore, and stepped on the ladder to get on the boat.

Because the pirate ship was in the water, the wind was blowing and the hull swayed slightly. Miku was startled and hurriedly hugged Asakawa Naoki's arm.

You're afraid of the little wind and waves, but you still want to find treasures on the sea, so hurry up and become the king of thieves!

Going to the deck, Asakawa Naoki Miku quickly released his hand, his pretty face was slightly red, he turned his head and looked towards somewhere else. After finding that Asakawa Naoki had opened the treasure map, he couldn't help but come closer.

"This treasure map..." The three pursed the lips, hesitating to say, "It feels so simple, not at all as difficult as the treasure map we found in Library."

A chibi thief cat is drawn on the treasure map, and the clues are quite simple, and the route is even marked with arrows.

"This is to take care of most people." Asakawa Naoki looked all around, "The amusement park project is not an escape room, it does not require professional puzzle solving, it focuses on interaction and entertainment... The treasure is in Cabin, let's go in."

"en. ”

Asakawa Naoki glanced at the treasure map just now and found that there are many treasure maps, apparently the so-called There are also a lot of 'treasures', everyone can take the treasure map on the boat to find the treasure, and then take the found treasure and get a small gift from the staff.

Asakawa Naoki and Miku walked into the cabin, the light suddenly dimmed, but there were many hand-held kerosene lamps burning in the corners, and it took a while to get used to it.

The area of the pirate ship is not big or small. Asakawa Naoki and Miku and two teams of treasure hunters briefly encountered, and soon came to the entrance to the bottom of the cabin and went down the stairs.

When we got here, the light was even dim, Miku subconsciously reached out and grabbed the corner of Asakawa Naoki's clothes, a little worried: "It's not safe to use an oil lamp on a boat, right?"

"No. Oil lamps." Asakawa Naoki glanced at the oil lamps on the wall, "Look carefully."


Miku leaned closer to the wall, opened his eyes, and observed carefully," It does feel a little weird."

Asakawa Naoki reminded: "The lamp core never moved."

Miku quickly responded, "It turned out to be a fake oil lamp."


There is simply no open flame in the lampshade, only the lantern in the shape of a flame, which is obviously a safety electrical appliance. If an open flame is used on a boat with this wooden structure, it must be very dangerous if it is accidentally knocked over by tourists. , without direct lighting with bulbs, which is already very good.

Miku puffed her cheeks: "I feel cheated."

"If it's a kerosene lamp, you have to worry about safety." Asakawa Naoki shrugged, "The thing about finding treasures I'll leave it to you."

Chapter 723 Couple Selfie

"...I'll give it a try."

Miku gently nodded and took over the treasure hunt task, Holding the treasure map, start to follow the map.

It is really based on the map, the location of the treasure is clearly marked on the map, and elementary school students can understand it.

Following the map, Asakawa Naoki and Miku soon came to the captain's room.

Push the door and enter, the captain's room is brightly lit. There are many life-size models of anime characters in it for people to take photos and take photos. In the middle is a gorgeous golden treasure box, which is shining brightly for the two of them to open.

"Isn't that too easy?"

Miku can't help ridiculing.

As for the treasure hunt, it's clearly following the map, and there are absolutely no puzzles to solve. "Many of the people who came in to play were little children." Asakawa Naoki shrugged, "I want to play a puzzle game, and I also want to play an escape room."

"I heard it, it seems scary..." Miku He pursed his pink lips and said, "Flirty Asakawa went to play?"

Asakawa Naoki nodded and said: "played once."

Miku said quickly: "Then let's go play. ."

Asakawa Naoki faintly said: "Didn't you say that you won't go out during summer vacation?"

Miku came over, "I didn't say that."

"Yotsuba told me." Asakawa Naoki looked towards Miku with a subtle tone, "Starting from summer vacation, today is your first time to go out."


Miku puffed her cheeks, stretched out a finger, and poked it gently, "It makes people very angry... The weather is so hot, I have nothing to do when I go out, and I sweat and stain my clothes. It's normal not to go out. ?"

Asakawa Naoki said: "Everyone else's summer vacation has already entered Koshien."

Miku puffed her cheeks: "It's clear that oneself is also a squat, so it's not qualified to say me ."

"I've been out early and late in the past few days." Asakawa Naoki pointed oneself, "Did you get tanned if you didn't see it?"

"I didn't see it... "

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