Top Student Doesn’t Need Superpowers Chapter 579

"Grandpa is inside." Yotsuba was full of energy and looked towards Miku, "I just asked us why you weren't there, I heard that you were alone on the road, and I was worried about you alone. People get lost, after all, it's a direction fool."

Miku puffed her cheeks slightly and retorted: "It's not a direction fool, I just came here, and I didn't get lost."

Nino gently With a sigh, "Is that because Asakawa brought you here?"

Pushing the door and entering the ward, there are two beds in the room, one of which sits a hair grey-white, But the spirited Old Master, watching Miku walk directly to the Old Master's side, is undoubtedly the grandfather of the five sisters.

Asakawa Naoki was standing outside the door of the ward, still thinking about whether to go in or not. Ichika has already pulled him directly:

"Don't be in a daze, come here quickly."

Asakawa Naoki was helpless, so he could only bow and salute: "...I'm Asakawa Naoki, it's the first time we meet, please give me more advice."

Old Master pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, astonished looked towards Asakawa Naoki, "You belong to Miku and the others?"

Without Asakawa Naoki answering, the five sisters started talking.

Ichika: "Reliable boy, Miku's navigator."

Nino folded his arms on his chest: "A barely qualified Home Tutor."

Miku: "I met...friends at school."

Yotsuba: "A top student who is very good at studying."

Itsuki tilted head: "...likes bullying Human Asakawa-san?"

Chapter 793 The Sea and Swimsuit

After a few simple words, Asakawa Naoki stepped aside and kept quiet.

Ichika came closer, bit her ear softly, and repeated the situation.

It turns out that when the grandfather of the five sisters stepped on the ladder to repair the light bulb in the morning, he slipped and fell and fainted. After the neighbor found out, he directly called an ambulance to take him to the hospital.

I have asked the doctor carefully just now, because I was sent to the doctor in time, and my health is not serious, and I only need to be hospitalized for a few days.

Because of this, a few idiots are in the mood to eat ice cream.

The five sisters gathered around the hospital bed. You said a word to me, chatted for a while, and soon a nurse came in to keep everyone quiet.

The ward is an ordinary multi-person ward. In addition to the grandfather of the five sisters, there are other patients. It is indeed easy to disturb others.

"I'm fine, I'm in a hospital, I'm going home now..."

Old Master wanted to get up.

"No." Ichika's expression was serious, and it was rare to show the majestic imposing manner of the eldest daughter. "The doctor has the final say. At this time, my grandfather must obey the doctor's advice."

"Grandpa, pay attention to your body." Nino clasped his hands on his chest and muttered, "For things like changing the light bulb, please ask the neighbors, you don't have to do it yourself."

Miku calmly said: "The doctor said that he will be hospitalized for two days for observation. After two days, Grandpa can be discharged."

Yotsuba: "Miku is right."

Itsuki: "… ... what everyone means is what I mean."

After the explanation, the five sisters walked out of the ward.

Asakawa Naoki took out his phone and checked the time, unconsciously it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, because it was summer, the sun didn't set until late, and the sky was still quite bright.

"I'm going back."

Asakawa Naoki put away his phone, ready to leave.


The five sisters looked over and surrounded him directly.

Ichika pursed the lips and asked with wide eyes, "Where is Asakawa-kun going?"

"Of course I'm going back to Tokyo." Asakawa Naoki as it should be by rights Said, "I came here mainly because I was worried about Miku getting lost. Now that they have been delivered, why don't I go back?"


Nino blurted out and made his debut.


Asakawa Naoki looked over.

Nino put his hands on his chest, snorted lightly, and said with a pretty face slightly red: "I sent Miku over so far and only ate one ice cream, as if we were stingy... Wait for the evening to eat it. Let's talk about dinner."

It's getting dark after eating, do you still want to leave?

There are no doors.

Asakawa Naoki could naturally see Nino's thoughts: "It's too late to eat, now it's too late to set off."

"It's too late now." Miku reached out and grabbed it The corner of Asakawa's clothes said softly, "It will take four or five hours to go back. It will be late at night when you get home... I will go back tomorrow."

Itsuki held a stick of ice cream and said in a clear voice:


"Asakawa-san didn't sign up for the cram school, so I don't have anything to do when I go back, why don't I stay and play for a few days?"

"The ocean is just outside my grandpa's house, so you can swim." Yotsuba noun and said, "We planned to go swimming at Grandpa's house before the end of the summer vacation, and now it's just right."

"Swimming..." Asakawa Naoki looked towards Itsuki, Faintly said, "Itsuki still counts. It will scare others."

Itsuki puffed her cheeks, and immediately became unhappy: "I blackened my swimming skills again!"

"Hmmm." Ichika held up right hand, "I have something to say."

Asakawa Naoki turned to look.

Ichika said seriously:

"grandfather just said that the light bulb is broken and has not been replaced, please Asakawa-kun to change the light bulb."

Asakawa Naoki : "Is it okay to leave this kind of thing to Yotsuba?"

"I, I can't." Yotsuba hurriedly shook his head and stammered, "...I'm afraid of heights!"

Asakawa Naoki said blankly:

"Why didn't I see you when I was on the roller coaster in the amusement park?"

"Okay, don't talk in the corridor, I will Disturbing others." Nino pinched his waist with right hand, turned around and said, "Quickly set off and go to grandfather's house."


Asakawa Naoki actually wanted to leave, but unfortunately Surrounded by the five sisters, he was completely unable to escape.

Leave the hospital.

entire group walked to Tram Stop, got on a retro-style tram, and drove slowly to the seaside.

"Asakawa-san, look." Itsuki's eyes shined, and he reached out and pulled the corner of Asakawa's shirt, "It's the sea."

Asakawa Naoki looked out the window, the tram turned After passing a building, the vision in front of me suddenly became clear, and the endless blue sea appeared in my eyes, the breeze was blowing, and the waves were sparkling.

"I see."

Asakawa Naoki gently nods.

Last time I saw the sea. It was a long time ago. The summer vacation is so hot, if it's not necessary, I can't even bother to open the door, let alone go to the beach to bask in the sun.

Izu Peninsula is located on the south side of Shizuoka Prefecture, adjacent to the Pacific Ocean. It has both hot spring resources and coastal resources. The industry is mainly fishery and tourism, and the pace of life is quite slow.

After walking off the tram, it took another ten minutes by bus to finally arrive at the residence of the grandfather of the five sisters. I did not get lost during this period, which is gratifying.

The house is a traditional wooden building. It is only a hundred meters away from the sea. You can see the sea when you push the door. There are also fences around the front and back to form a yard, and some vegetables such as tomatoes, green peppers and eggplants are planted in it. .

Nino: "It's finally here."

Miku: "It's so hot, it's so hot."

Yotsuba: "Swimming, I'm going to the beach for a swim !"

Itsuki: "wait a moment, we hurried over here, simply didn't bring a swimsuit?"

"It's very simple." Ichika said with a smile, "wait a moment. Just buy a swimsuit that Asakawa-kun likes from the store.”

My arse! Buying swimwear is your own business, what does it have to do with me!

I pushed the door and walked into the courtyard. The ladder was still there, and the courtyard was a little messy.

Nino pinched his waist with right hand and said, "Let's clean the yard together."

"Got it."

"Asakawa-kun." Ichika turned Looking up, "Please change the light bulb."


Asakawa Naoki nodded and agreed.

Climb up the escalator, swap out the light bulbs, and clean the yard together, unconsciously into the evening.

The sun sets quietly, turning into a round of orange Fireball, quietly falling into the sea, dyeing the boundless blue sea into a magnificent golden red, it is difficult for those who have never been to the sea to understand The beauty of the endless sunset.

The sea breeze is gentle.

Miku raised his hand to hold ears' hair, and said softly: "The sunset is very beautiful."

At this time, I should play games in oneself's room, or watch it in the living room. TV, I haven't seen the sunset for a long, long time.

"I can see it every day, I don't think it makes any difference."

Nino clasped his hands on his chest and whispered, his waist-length hair fluttering gently in the evening wind.

Yotsubsa nods

Asakawa Naoki looked towards Yotsuba with vacant eyes, Faintly said: "It's fortunate that Sensei didn't hear your words, otherwise he would vomit three liters of blood."

Yotsuba complained: "People vomit With so much blood, I will die."

Ichika looked over with a smile, "Asakawa-kun is also a Home Tutor."

"That's right, I was in the My heart has vomited blood for three liters."

"How can you still talk?"

"Because the coffin board can't hold it."

"Mumble murmur... ”

The voice of [email protected]@ sounded from behind, and Asakawa Naoki suddenly remembered that Itsuki had not spoken, and turned around to see that ahoge deskmate picked a tomato at some point and was eating sweetly.

Seeing Asakawa Naoki looking over, Itsuki blinked and handed over the half eaten tomato, "Asakawa-san, take a bite?"

I don't want to bite the tomatoes, but you Very interested!

"It's almost time." Nino took out his phone and glanced at the time, "Let's go eat."

Yotsuba raised his chin and hummed proudly:

"Asakawa-san just follow us, Izu we are cooked."

Itsuki rustling sound eats the tomatoes, then raises his hand to wipe his mouth, "I'm hungry, let's go. Let's go."


This is the end of the matter, and I guess I won't be able to go back tonight.

Asakawa Naoki didn't mention the matter of going back, and followed the five sisters to the town.

Dinner is seafood. The Izu Peninsula is close to the Pacific Ocean. All kinds of seafood and aquatic products are cheap and rich in resources.

After eating and drinking, unconsciously it was almost seven o'clock, but the sky was still not completely dark. Looking at the horizon, I could see a dark red like embers on the sea.

"Set off." Ichika put her hands behind her back, looking in a good mood, "Go buy a swimsuit~"

The street lights are already on, and the white bamboo lanterns are in the sea breeze Swaying gently, you can also see many tourists wandering the streets.

"I don't think the town has changed from last year."

"This is the best way, I don't want the town in my memory to become unfamiliar."

Five The sisters wandered all the way, stop and go, obviously familiar with the town.

Itsuki walked for a while, bought another Takoyaki at some point, and the ahoge on the top of the head swayed gently, quite happy to eat.

Asakawa Naoki silently looked towards Itsuki.

It's been less than twenty minutes since you had eaten, but you started eating again. Could it be a bottomless pit!

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