Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top students do not need superpowers Chapter 100

While talking, Naoki Asakawa and Yotsuba had already walked to the door of the apartment.

"It hurts in my belly and stomach..." Yotsuba hugged Naoki Asakawa's arm, and the scent of shampoo and shower gel poured into the end of the girl's nose, and there was also a very good smell of milk, and he stammered." Asakawa asked me to give me a hug, no, no, I can’t walk..."


The door opened.

A girl with long hair reaching her waist, her right hand on her chest and wearing a light red sweatshirt opened the door and said impatiently: "I will see you as a fellow on weekends. I'm so annoyed..."

"Four, Yotsuba?!"

"Two, Nina..."

Yotsuba clutched his stomach, raised his head from Asakawa Naoki's arms, tears still in his eyes.

"Asshole Asakawa!!" The girl behind the door took a deep breath, and then an angry voice sounded, "What did you guy do to Yotsuba?!"

"I didn't do anything." Asakawa Naoki replied helplessly, just telling a cold joke, who would have laughed like this, the laugh is too low.

Yotsuba must not play with mobile phones when he is in class. If you accidentally see a cold joke and laugh in class, you will make the teacher angry to have a cerebral hemorrhage!

Nino exploded hair: "Siye is crying, you said nothing!"

"Let Yotsuba tell you."

Asakawa Naoki decisively lifted Yotsuba and pushed it away.

"Shan, Asakawa..." Yotsuba said with tears streaming down his stomach, "I was in the elevator just, it's not working, my stomach hurts, it's going to break..."

"Asshole Asakawa! Die me a hundred times!"

Chapter 81

"Such silly cold jokes can make your stomach hurt. Why is it so funny?"

"I, I can't help it..." Yotsuba was sitting on the sofa, clutching her stomach, tearfully saying, "I just want to laugh."

After Nino hates iron for failing to make steel, he turned his gaze and looked at Naoki Asakawa, pinching his waist with his right hand.

"And you guy, who knows Siye's laughter is low, and deliberately teased her with jokes, clearly wanting to take advantage, right?"

"Well, Asakawa-san would not be so excessive, right?" May helped out.

"Huh, knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart." Nino stretched out his finger, "Kun Dan Qianchuan, hurry up and sign a contract that is not allowed to tease Yotsuba in the future. If it is violated, I will whip you."

I always want to use a whip to slap people, but unfortunately the person who uses the whip is not necessarily the queen, but may also be a trainer.

Having said that, your temper is so irritable, you need to be tamed by the trainer!

"Nina, call the master."

"You guy dare to play with me..."

"If you don't shout, you will have no food, and you are not allowed to wear clothes!"

Under the double pressure of shame and hunger, it is easy to give in, right?

Naoki Asakawa said blankly, "I want to discuss this matter with my girlfriend."

"Huh?" Nino was startled, biting her pink lips subconsciously, "You, you guy has a girlfriend?"

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at May, with a suspicious expression on his face.

"I am not, not me!" Wu Yue hurriedly shook his head.

Asakawa has a girlfriend, what do you think of me?

Myself and Asakawa Mingming are just neighboring tables + classmates, so there is no such thing as dating.

"Sao Chuan, do you have a girlfriend?" Yotsuba asked curiously, clutching his stomach.

The idiot Yotsuba has already taken off the wig and put on a hair accessory similar to bunny ears, but the color is terrible green, just as terrible as the stock market.

Naoki Asakawa's voice sank: "No, so there is no discussion about this matter."


"The soul is light!" Nino reacted, gritted his teeth with anger, "You dare to play with us!"

Naoki Asakawa ignored Nino and looked at May and said, "Where are Kazuka and Sanjiu?"

"Ichiwa was sleeping late." May wiped the water vapor from her hands, put the mop down, and replied, "Sanjiu went upstairs after breakfast, and I don't know what he is doing."

"It's time to learn." Asakawa said, "Call them down."

"I may not come down if I shout..." Mayue hesitated, "I will take Asakawa up."


Go down the stairs to the second floor, there are exactly five rooms upstairs, the first is a room with a flower, and then lined up, followed by the remaining four sisters' bedrooms.

"This is Kazuhwa's room."

May stopped and knocked on the door.


There was silence inside the door, and there was no response.

Wuyue's expression remained unchanged, and she reached out and pushed the door: "Let's go in."

"Yihua has to call her every morning before she is willing to get up, otherwise she can sleep until noon," Wuyue explained, "so the door is never locked."

The little devil who was still playing with people last night became a bedcat today?

Do whatever you want, change as you want, maybe they don't know the true character of Yihua in May.

"Asakawa-san, come in."

"Well, excuse me."

Naoki Asakawa stepped into the room, and as May turned on the light, he was shocked: "Is this a pig nest?"

There were littered clothes everywhere, as well as school bags, magazines, cosmetics, backpacks, snacks, stockings, and Naoki Asakawa even saw a black handheld electric appliance... well, it turned out to be an anti-wolf electric shock device.

All in all, the room is super messy, and there is no place to go.

Of course Naoki Asakawa has been in girls' rooms, such as his younger sisters Nanjo and Rin. It's rare to see a girl's room in such a mess!

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