Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Do Not Need Super Powers Chapter 120

No words all the way.

As he walked through a park, Kirisu's footsteps suddenly stopped, he tilted his head, and hesitated, "Did you hear anything?"

"Sound?" Naoki Asakawa listened, "What sound?"

"It looks like a cat's cry..."

Kirisu Madong pressed her pink lips, "Let's find them."

The two listened to distinguish their positions and began to look for the cat, and soon found a bobtail cat behind a bush, with the collar around its neck hanging on the branch somehow.

This cat shouldn't be a stray cat. Seeing Asakawa Naoki and Kirisu Masuu come over, he is not afraid of life and meows constantly.

"Sure enough, it's a cat." Kirisu's eyes were slightly bright, and he squatted down while holding the skirt. Then he stretched out his hand and gently stroked the cat's head with a rare and gentle voice, "Don't be afraid, I will save you."

It turns out that besides being drunk, will you show a gentle side at other times?

Seeing that Kirisu was busy for a while and couldn't solve it, Naoki Asakawa squatted down and said, "I will come."

Quickly untied the restraint on the cat's neck, the short-tailed cat meowed, fleeing quickly, disappearing into the night in a flash.

Mr. Kirisu saw the cat leave without looking back, with a slightly sad expression on his face.

"Ms. Mafong likes cats?" Asakawa asked Naoki.

"Hmm." Kirisu Nodded softly.

"Why don't you raise one?"

In recent years, Japan’s birth rate and marriage rate have declined year after year, and it has officially entered a low-desire society. In the final analysis, it is because it is difficult for most people to support themselves, let alone support a family. In this case, more and more people support themselves. Pets are regarded as family members. For example, Asakawa Naoki keeps two hamsters... My sister Sakura lost interest and threw it to her pet.

"I'm allergic to cat hair." Kirisu Midori shook his head, "and..."

Moreover, I can't even clean my room well, and I am very reluctant to take care of myself, let alone raising a cat. You must be self-aware.

While talking, a man and a woman came over. Although they weren't wearing school uniforms, they were obviously middle school students by their age.

"Do not talk."

Kirisu Masuu whispered.

The two people squatted sneakily behind the bushes, which is easy to misunderstand. Kirisu Madong pressed her pink lips and prepared to wait for the two to walk away before getting up.

It's a pity that the wish fell through.

The two middle school students did not go far, but sat down on the bench next to the bush.

Naoki Asakawa was not interested in listening to junior high school students talking about love, took out his cell phone to pass the time, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Kirisu Miduya panicly looking away.

"what happened?"

Naoki Asakawa noticed something was wrong, and when he looked out, he was speechless.

Obviously the weather is very cold, but the little couple on the bench is hot!The boy is holding the girl in a saliva exchange, and there is a sound, quite loud!

"How, how can I do this kind of thing?" Kirisu Matsuya bit her pink lips, "Obviously he is still a junior high school student...should focus on learning, right?"

The reign account has been changed, and you can see the current middle school students with past experience, you are already out of date!

What is kissing for middle school students? Couples of elementary school students are also everywhere. There are office workers on Twitter and I heard a group of elementary school students discussing their boyfriend's kissing skills at the tram stop!

Naoki Asakawa discovered that compared to himself and Ichika, the current junior high school students really can play.

It’s nothing more than two people kissing. The boy is actually not honest at all, and he has already reached into the girl’s clothes. Congratulations!At a young age, I have set my ambition to study medicine in the future, and I have developed a good habit of checking my body since I was young!

Asakawa Naoki's mind suddenly came up with the animal world he had seen on the Internet: "Spring, it is the season of mating of all things..."

No wonder humans can occupy the top position of the food chain, because humans are terrible creatures that come in estrus for 365 days a year!

"Too, too much!"

Kirisu Machi bit her pink lips in embarrassment and couldn't help but want to get up and stop it. For junior high school students, kissing is enough, and other things must be prohibited.

It's just that if you get up now, it will be embarrassing to listen as if you are hiding here deliberately, right?

Naoki Asakawa retracted his gaze and continued to browse the news, showing no interest in the affectionate scenes of junior high school students. However, after a while, a cold, soft and delicate jade hand grabbed his wrist.

"Teacher Zhendong?"

Naoki Asakawa turned his head in surprise, and saw that Kirisu's face flushed, with a patience expression on his face.

"Hello, what are you doing?" Asakawa Naoki was shocked.

Could it be that seeing junior high school students kissing, was affected by the environment?

Don't forget that I am your student, and the teacher who treats the student will lose his qualifications!

Wait...a male teacher is naturally unforgivable when he acts on a female student, but it seems that a female teacher can tolerate a male student's attack on him?

The short manga I watched with Nanjo some time ago is a romantic comedy between a female teacher and a male student...As long as the courage is bold, all four female teachers have to take maternity leave!

next moment.


The crisp sneeze sounded suddenly, and the sequelae of cat hair allergy finally arrived.

The couple of middle school students who devoted themselves to each other and lost their minds were startled. The girl's exclamation and the boy's painful grunt sounded like they had their tongue bitten.

"Yes, someone is eavesdropping."

"Let's go."

The middle school couple were flushed, like rabbits pierced by a needle, jumped up in a panic, and ran away quickly.

The neighborhood suddenly became quiet.

Naoki Asakawa looked at Kirisu Masuu and stretched out his right hand.

"You, what are you doing?" Xiao Zhendong drew away in a panic, his tone was ashamed and annoyed, "I am your teacher!"

Knowing that you are a history teacher, this identity does not need to be repeated all the time!

"Listen to me..."

"Don't explain, go back and copy the school rules a hundred times!"

"No, you have a cat hair on your face."

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