Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 128

"I'm leaving." The bad girl looked over, gritted her silver teeth and said, "Next time you will lose."

Naoki Asakawa shrugged, "I won anyway."

"Hey, wait a minute." Rin Sakura hurriedly shouted, "Is Sister Chiba alone?"

"What?" Chiba Nanako stopped and looked down.

Sakura Rin raised his face, his eyes fluttered: "Sister Chiba must be boring alone, right? Let's play with us?"

Obviously, this second-year loli did not know the identity of the eldest sister of the unscrupulous girl in Chiba.

"Sister, elder sister?"

Chiba Nanako's fingers trembled lightly, and her eyes melted slightly. It seemed that the term "sister-in-law" had the same lethal power as a cat for older girls.

Unfortunately, the act of acting like a baby finally failed.

"I have other things." Chiba Nanako quickly turned her head and refused, "You can play by yourself."

There are two nasty guys, Naoki Asakawa and Furuhashi, and of course they will not accept the invitation.

Xiao Rin continued to sell cute: "Sister Chiba will play together next time?"



Chapter 103: Indirect Kissing


A gaze fell on Asakawa Naoki's back.

"Ogata?" Asakawa Naoki asked in a low voice.

"I saw."

Legitimate Lolita was expressionless as usual. She didn't know if it was an illusion, and her tone seemed to be unhappy.

"...What did you see?"

"You are touching a girl's thigh..."

A drop of cold sweat fell on Naoki Asakawa's head, and he interrupted quickly: "I can explain."

"Yeah." Rizuki Ogata said calmly. "Explain."


Wait, why should I explain it to you!Chiba doesn't care about it, and ordinary friends don't need to explain!

"Do you know Chiba?" Asakawa Naoki asked in a low voice.

"Yes, a classmate in the first grade." Ogata Rizuki paused, "I haven't said anything."

The same class hasn't spoken for a whole year. Is it because your popularity is too bad, or the bad girl eldest sister is too bad.

"I was threatened just now." Asakawa Naoki said.


"Because of some reasons in school, I had a holiday with Chiba. I just met her and insisted on playing against me and bullying me if she didn't play."

Rizhu Ogata tilted her head for a moment, and suddenly said, "...Fall in love and kill?"

There is no such relationship, just ordinary classmates who don't like each other, don't use adjectives indiscriminately!

Naoki Asakawa said silently: "Where did you know how to kill each other in love?"

"On Twitter." Ogata Rizuki replied. "Some people say that Sasuke and Naruto are true loves that love and kill each other..."

"Read more and play less on Twitter in the future."

Naoki Asakawa reached out and held the top of legal loli's head.

"Don't touch my head." Ogata's cheeks puffed up slightly. "Hair is messed up."


Leaving the arcade, the four walked up to the third floor.

The third floor is mainly a variety of photo stickers. At the moment when mobile phone selfies become the mainstream of taking pictures, photo stickers, like game consoles, are becoming lonely in many countries and have become the dust of history. However, they are still popular in Japan. , Basically will take two photos.

"Nissan, get closer," Rin Sakura said. "Let's take a family portrait together."

"Huh? All, family portrait?" Guqiao Wennai hesitated, "It's just ordinary photo stickers, right?"

"Small things, don't care."

Naturally, there is nothing to say about taking pictures. Apart from the "family portrait" of four people, there are also pictures taken by everyone separately.

But the problem soon came.

When Naoki Asakawa, Furuhashi, and Ogata were standing together, Rizuki Ogata was obviously shorter than the two of them. When taking pictures, only half of his face was revealed, which made Naoki Asakawa inexplicably think of being on Twitter. The parent-child picture you saw——

A family of three sleeps under the quilt. The feet of the three are neatly exposed outside the quilt. They look very warm. After thinking about it, they found that the situation is not right. Unless the children can stretch like noodles, they have been covered up!

"That..." Fumina Guqiao suggested, "Do you want to step on something?"

In the photo booth, in addition to some photo props, such as bunny girl hair accessories, there is indeed a small bench for guests with insufficient height.


Rizu Ogata shook her head and refused.

Sakura Rin said, "Riju-chan, do you want Nissan to hold you and shoot?"


"Neither this nor that..." Sakura Rin clenched his small fist and hit his palm suddenly, "Ah, there is a way, let the fool Nissan kneel down, and you can step on Nissan's back."


Rizhu Ogata turned her head and looked over.

"What are you looking at?" A black line fell on Asakawa's head.

At this time, if you don't refuse, look over it instead, let alone your heartbeat!I won’t kneel on the ground and be your queen bench!

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