Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Do Not Need Super Powers Chapter 154

Chapter 123 Finally there is no need to add a chest pad!

"Opai... has it grown?"

Guqiao Wennai supported her chest with her hands, and the heavy weight immediately filled her palms, feeling...heavier than the lunch brought to school every day.

Look down.

The first button of the pajamas was not buttoned, and through the neckline, the snow-filled Opal immediately filled the entire line of sight, with a deep gully in the middle, which could not see the end at a glance, making people subconsciously think of Mariana, the deepest in the world. Trench.

"...I have a ditch?"

After a short period of loss, Fumino Guhashi's mood suddenly became more subtle. If the blurring of sight brought her only panic, then now... there was a little extra joy in the panic.

"I have a ditch!"

There is no girl who doesn't care about her figure. When playing with a slightly fat girl, the other party can jokingly say,'I'm gaining weight again'. If you say'I am a little fat', the other party is likely to change his face on the spot.

In terms of figure, Gu Qiao Wennai also has a deep resentment-she has no chest.

Elementary school is nothing, because all the friends around me have not developed.

When I arrived in the middle school, Fumino Fumino's nightmare fell. When the girls next to her began to talk about stiff shoulders, changing underwear, and chest pain at night, Fumino Fumino couldn't speak.

At first, Gu Qiao Wennai could comfort her that she was late in growth, don’t worry, he might be able to come from behind in the future, but after waiting for three years, the counterattack from the latter couldn’t happen. Instead, it was a friend around him. In three years It grows rapidly like a balloon.

Every time when changing clothes in a swimming class, Fumina Guqiao would silently hide in the corner alone, staring at others with envy, full of resentment:

"How far are you going to throw me away to be reconciled!"

Poor chest is extremely wicked, unremarkable, unresolved... Starting today, all the above vocabulary has become the past tense!

"I heard that many light novels will sacrifice their wives to make the hero stronger..." Fumina Guqiao murmured to himself with his hands on his chest, "If the sacrifice of vision can make you stand tall, it is not unacceptable. Looks like..."

Pinch it.

So soft, as soft as cotton candy.

So slippery, the delicate silky touch is much better than stockings.

"It's no wonder that boys like Daoupai...such a good feel, even a girl would like it?"


A knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Gu Qiao Wen Nai, who was immersed in the European style, suddenly awakened, and quickly put down his hands like a guilty conscience, turned his head to look towards the door, and the temporarily forgotten panic came to his heart again.

"Where am I?"

"Who is the knocker?"

"Are you dreaming?"

The next moment, the middle-aged uncle sounded outside the door in a rough and pleasing voice.

"Xiao Lizhu, Dad's loving breakfast is ready, it's time to get up and eat breakfast."

"Xiao Lizhu..." Fumino Fumino Furuhashi blinked, and suddenly reacted, "Lizhu sauce?"

"I, I know."

Fumino Furuhashi stubbornly dealt with it, turned his head and looked at the phone on the chair beside the bed, and finally understood where the strong sense of familiarity came from... It was clearly Ogata's phone!

An incredible guess came to my mind.

"No, no?"

Fumino Furuhashi quickly took the phone, turned on the camera's built-in camera function, and then the front camera. A cute girl with short orange hair and black-rimmed glasses appeared in the phone.

"It's not Li Zhujiang..." Fumina Fumihashi opened his eyes wide, his eyes blank, "Who else can it be!"

"Calm down, don't panic."

Fumina Guqiao raised his right hand and pinched his face.

"It hurts, not a dream."

"When I woke up, I really turned into Lizhuchan. No wonder Opie is so big and feels super good... Wait, it's not the time to think about this kind of thing at all!"

After a brief period of confusion, a series of questions flooded into my mind.

"Why did I become Rijujang, where is Rijujang..."

The phone vibrated suddenly.

Fumina Guqiao was taken aback, seeing his name on the call, an indescribable subtlety came to life.

"Should I call myself?"

Fumino Furuhashi took a deep breath, moved his finger, and pressed the answer button.

"Wen Nai?"

An extremely familiar voice suddenly rang in his ears, but it was more calm and serious than usual.

"Is... Riju-chan?"

"Well, it's me."

"Lizhu-chan, I seem to have become you. No, it should be the soul that has entered your body. Where are you now?"

"It should be your bedroom."

"Sure, is this true?" Gu Qiao Wennai sat on the bed as a duck, still holding a trace of expectation, "Aren't we dreaming?"

"No." Rizuki Ogata said calmly, "Dreamland is subconsciously active. When dreaming, humans cannot see the words in books clearly. I have done experiments just now. This is reality, not dreamland."

"Why, why is this?"

"I don't know, go to school first, and talk about it when you meet."


Fumina Guhashi hung up, took a deep breath, and started getting up to dress.

(Don’t worry... at least Liju-chan hasn't disappeared, nor has she become a stranger she doesn’t know. If she wakes up and becomes a boy, she gets up to wash...

Fumino Furuhashi couldn't help but think of Asakawa Naoki, "If I become Asakawa classmate..."

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