Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 179

"All right."

"The speed is too fast!" Wu Yue couldn't help but complain, with a curious expression on his face, "Let me see what the painting looks like."


Naoki Asakawa flipped the drawing board and faced May and Mikaku.

This time it was Sanjiu's turn to turn his head and look at his sister. The long bangs shook slightly with the movement, and the expression of approval soon appeared on his face: "It's May, there is no wrong drawing."

"What?" Wuyue couldn't help bulging her cheeks, a little embarrassed, "My eyes are not that big, and there are meat wraps or something, I don't need to write it out with a label!"

On the drawing board, May appears on the left side of Sanjiu. It is also a Q version of the character. His eyes are naturally large. The dull hair on the top of his head is a pillar of Optimus. Unlike Sanjiu, May has something in his mouth and raised his hands. Over my head, I held a sign in my hand with the words "Meat Bun" written on it.

"You have to eat at least three meat buns a day in May." Sanjiu easily revealed the secret of May.

"I, I don't want to." May hesitated, with a light crimson on her pretty face, to support her face, and argued, "Meat buns are not a staple food... Meat buns!... Girls eat snacks. Is it strange?"


Fortunately, Naoki Asakawa held back his laugh and didn't fill the classroom with cheerful air, otherwise May, when he became angry, might kill people.

After a stuttering, unconvincing explanation, May hurriedly changed the subject and said: "It's still early to finish class...If Asakawa is fine, why not draw Kazuka and Nino too?"

Sanjiu and Wuyue looked at each other and quickly said, "Agree."

The five sisters are blessed and shared, and when there are difficulties, they cannot be ashamed of themselves. Of course, the five sisters should be together.

Naoki Asakawa said silently, "Nino and the others are not in the classroom."

"Anyway, our five sisters look exactly the same, so just look at us?"

May's answer is well-founded and it is impossible to refute.

"let me try."

Naoki Asakawa turned the pencil on his fingertips, and he had already drawn Sanjiu and May. The characters in the Q version did not pay much attention to the shape of the face. The most important thing was the characters and the form, which made it possible to tell who is who at a glance.

After pondering for a few seconds, Naoki Asakawa quickly wrote.

After a while.

"It's finished."

Naoki Asakawa put down his pencil and turned the drawing board to Sanjiu and Wuyue. They were beside them, and the other three had completed it, and the five sisters stood neatly together.

Nino’s Q version of the character has a big head and a small body, with his hands on his chest, his chin raised high, to clearly show his usual arrogance, but there is a note on his forehead that says [I am so fierce]. At first glance, it looks like a talisman that seals zombies and vampires.

Yotsuba's portrait is wearing a sweatshirt, with a basketball in his left hand and a bottle of Fat House Happy Water in his right hand. He is looking up and drinking water. There is also a line of onomatopoeia beside him. ].

The last is a flower.

Naoki Asakawa had the least contact with Ichika. Because he never came to the library to study, his first impression was a smiling mature elder sister. That night, I met at the hotel entrance and was forced to buy underwear. The positioning in Asakawa Naoki's heart is finally clear.

On the drawing board, a Q-version character representing Yihua, with horns on top of his head, a trident in his hand, and a wagging tail behind him.

"Hey, this is..." Wuyue blinked and hesitated, "Little devil?"

"Yes." Asakawa Naoki replied.

Sanjiu was curious: "Why is Yihua a demon?"

"It's very simple..." Asakawa groaned for half a second, his fingers crossed his chin, and his voice was low. "In the comics, the characters with squinting eyes are terrible."



A fierce look came over,

Naoki Asakawa turned his head, and a blond hair came into view. Naturally Chiba Nanako, a girl like this kind of wide-eyed girl, compared to Ichihana, was not scary at all.

"Ha, pervert Asakawa."

Seeing Naoki Asakawa turned her head and looked, the bad girl immediately raised her chin with a provocative expression on her face, and then turned the drawing board in her hand. The characters above are the girl and the dog. To be precise, it is a girl with long hair squatting. Laughing and touching the head of a dog on the ground, leaving aside the content that is obviously deliberately picking things up, the style of painting is really exquisite, and it is better than Nanjo, who aspires to be a rotten girl cartoonist. Does Kirisu say that she has a talent for painting .

"Yes, it's you."

The elder sister of the bad girl showed a smug smile on her face.

Naoki Asakawa was expressionless, and silently wrote Chiba's name on the notebook in his heart.

Very good, you're on the cusp again.

In addition, Furuhashi... To be precise, it should be Rizuki Ogata who was also in the art classroom together, but Rizuma Ogata was surrounded by three girls from the Thorns Society, and there was no chance to make eye contact.

Then there was the silver-haired loliho Koharu, a legal loli who was slightly taller than Ogata Rizu, sitting in the corner. Because she was too petite, she could only see the top of her head a little bit, obviously hiding.

Chapter 144 Punishment in Public (second more)

"about there."

Naoki Asakawa glanced at the time, and then brought a blank sheet of paper. The Q version of the five sisters could not be used in the sketch class, and the teacher was not easy to explain.

Just as he was about to take the five sisters into the bag, May suddenly said, "Sao Chuan."


"That..." Wuyue gave a light cough, and the dull hair on top of her head shook slightly, "Give me the painting you just painted?"

"It looks interesting, you can take it home and show it to Yihua."

You can't give it to you by saying that!That's it for Yotsuba, never angry little angel, Ichika who is a devil, and Nino who has a firecracker temper, I will definitely be unhappy to see it!

But... after eating May's meat buns, it's hard to refuse such a small thing.

Naoki Asakawa pondered for two seconds, then handed the painting over: "Here you are."

There is nothing to be afraid of if there are two narrations and one flower.

"Thank you Asakawa."

May took the'painting', folded it, and put it away carefully.

Sanjiu gently pressed her pink lips, Q prints or something... She wanted it too, but it was a pity that May had already spoken, so naturally she couldn't fight with her sister.

"It's getting late," Asakawa reminded. "You two don't patronize in a daze, hurry up and draw a sketch."

"I'm not in a daze."

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