Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 189

"Sanjiu, I'm helping with training in the track and field department. The newly bought shoes are a bit uncomfortable, so I wore your shoes for running. I forgot to tell you just now. You wear my shoes and go home."

Hey, you are actually a sloth, the reflection arc is too long!It took almost ten minutes to send a message, and Ultraman is already able to play three episodes of the little monster!

"We misunderstood Chiba classmate..."

Sanjiu bit her pink lips.

Naoki Asakawa was speechless: "I have not misunderstood from the beginning."

Although the bad girl has a grumpy temper, she likes to pay attention to the word "belief". Last time she played Street Fighter in the video game city and lost. In order to fulfill her promise, she can even do things like touching her thighs, of course for no reason. Will not start with your shoes.

"Let's go," Asakawa said, "I'll explain it clearly next time we meet."


Sanjiu walked to Siye's shoe cabinet and reached out to open the shoe cabinet. As expected, there was a pair of newly bought black leather shoes.

There is no chair in front of the shoe cabinet for people to sit down. Most of the shoes are changed by bending over, Sanjiu is no exception, covering the neckline with his right hand, bending over to take off the indoor shoes.

Among the five sisters, Nino has the longest hair. May is the second. Sanjiu happens to be in the middle, but it is also in the middle of the waist. When I bend down, my silky hair is pouring and flowing on my shoulders like running water, revealing what is usually rare. The slender waist at first sight seemed unexpectedly slender and exquisite.

"Frivolous shallow river."

San Jiu Qiao blushed and suddenly shouted.


"You...turn around."

Naoki Asakawa raised his hand to hold his eyebrows: "Your current mental activity is a typical focus effect. Actually I am not looking at you."

(Nonsense... Don't think you can't feel your gaze.)

Sanjiu puffed up her cheeks: "The river flows down."

"Why am I nasty again?"

"Anyway, turn around quickly."

"It's just a change of shoes." Naoki Asakawa couldn't help but said, "Are there no one you usually change shoes?"

"No one." Sanjiu was confident.

"how come……"

Halfway through the conversation, Naoki Asakawa suddenly reacted. The five sisters stepped on a dot to come to school every morning. Almost everyone else was already in the classroom. There was probably no one when they changed their shoes.

Naoki Asakawa turned around silently, "Farewell."

Walking out of the teaching building, except for the sound in the direction of the playground, everything else was quiet.

Asakawa Naoki and Sanjiu walked towards the school gate together. On the way, they passed the cherry blossom tree where they met for the first time. The girl raised her eyes to see that the cherry blossoms had already been quietly thanked, and the breeze had passed by, leaving only one place whirling. shadow.

the sky is very blue.

The sun is just right.

Mikau pursed her pink lips and looked down at the ground. Asakawa Naoki's shadow was just in front of her feet. For a while, she started to playfully chasing the shadow on the ground until she stepped on the shadow of Asakawa Naoki with her toes. Later, the corners of his lips couldn't help but lifted up slightly, revealing a shallow smile like the first melting of ice and snow.


There was a slight pain in the forehead.


Sanjiu raised his hand to cover his forehead, subconsciously bulging her cheeks, revealing a small angry expression.

That's too much!Obviously you ran into someone first, and you were so embarrassed to show an angry expression. I didn't expect you to have hidden'villain' attributes!

"The tram stop is here," Asakawa said.


Sanjiu blinked his eyes and looked around in surprise, only to realize that he had indeed reached the tram stop without knowing it, and muttered, "It's so fast today."

"Not fast at all, you keep bowing your head..."


Sanjiu puffed up her cheeks again, "Frivolous Qianchuan, don't talk."

Asakawa Naoki said: "Freedom of speech is a sacred and inviolable right granted to every citizen by law."

"Right can also be deprived?" Sanjiu raised his hand and pushed a strand of hair that fell in front of his eyes behind his ears, with his left hand behind him, his eyes were clear and bright, I wonder if it was an illusion, and the corners of his lips seemed to rise slightly. For a moment, "From now on, you are muted."

Asakawa Naoki: "..."

With nothing to do, Asakawa Naoki is preparing to part ways and go home separately, but the clothes corner is held back again.


Mikau gently grabbed Asakawa, and saw Naoki Asakawa turned his head and looked at him. He stretched out his fingers and said in a low voice, "That person...Is it May?"


Naoki Asakawa looked in the direction of Mikau's fingers, and soon saw a girl with long hair and waist on the opposite street. She was not wearing a school uniform, but a camisole with a red face. The rim glasses, although the dresses are quite different, but the iconic dull hair on the top of the head, and the very familiar profile face, are clearly Roubaoguai Wuyue.

"Why is May dressed like this?" Sanjiu was curious.

Naoki Asakawa vomited: "Maybe May's true identity is a magical girl, and is now preparing to save the world?"

"Not really." Sanjiu came over, "May occasionally go home very late, which makes people worry... Let's follow up and see."

"I also need to go?"

Sanjiu held the corner of Asagawa's clothes: "Hurry up."

(PS: Just one chapter today, take a break, and sort out the plot behind by the way, good night everyone. (*^▽^*))

Chapter 152

"Hurry up."

Mikao held Naoki Asakawa and sneaked across the road.

In May, he didn't go home after school, and he walked on the street in disguise. Maybe he was sneaking to see netizens, and he was a middle-aged uncle in his 30s or 40s.

If you really encounter that kind of thing, you can't do it alone, right?

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