Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 194

"No, no way...I can't go back barefoot..."

"If you continue to hold on, you may wear out the skin, or even a bacterial infection..."

Mikau silently found the reason in her heart, looking at Asakawa Naoki's not wide but reassuring back, took a breath, bit her pink lips, leaned forward against Naoki Asakawa, and stretched out her arms. Slowly wrapped around Naoki Asakawa's neck.

"Hold firmly."

Naoki Asakawa reached out to support Mikau's legs and stood up.

It’s lighter than expected. It’s definitely less than 50 kilograms. You can only ask about the weight scale. But if you change to May, it must weigh more than two kilograms-the bowl of ramen includes soup and water. Two or three catties.


Sanjiu answered softly.

"I am not responsible for the fall."


Sanjiu puffed up her cheeks, unhappy: "I don't want you..."

Halfway through the conversation, Sanjiu's voice paused slightly and swallowed the second half of the sentence.

If you accidentally must be held responsible.

"Go, go home."

Asakawa Naoki stepped forward.

Sniffing the fragrance of the laundry detergent on Asakawa Naoki's body, Sanjiu bit her pink lips lightly and turned to look at the street lights on both sides of the road.

"One, two, three..."

In my memory, the last time I was carried home by someone was still very young. The person who carried me was my mother. It was also at night, and there seemed to be snow in the sky. Most of my memories were blurred, but Sanjiu clearly remembered that her mother was very warm at the time.

Now... also very warm.

Hugging Asakawa Naoki's neck with his hands, Mikaku could clearly feel the heat transferred from Asakawa Naoki, warm and hot, and even the cold evening breeze seemed to become gentle.

Pressing his chin lightly on Asakawa Naoki's shoulder, Mikau quietly turned his eyes to look at Asakawa Naoki's profile, then his gaze fell on the ground.

It's quiet all around.

As if there were only Asakawa and himself in the whole night, the shadow of the two fusion on the ground was slowly stretching and extending into the distance with the footsteps.

Sanjiu bit her pink lip lightly. Although she wanted to deny it, in fact, foot pain and bacterial infection were not the real reason.

If it is an ordinary person who wants to carry himself, Sanjiu would rather take off his shoes and walk back barefoot, rather than agree to help people, so there is only one real reason...not annoying.

Although I keep shouting frivolous Qianchuan, and occasionally say some strange things that make people unhappy and make me angry, but I can't hate it at all, or actually some...

"I'm dying."

Naoki Asakawa's voice suddenly sounded in the evening breeze.


Sanjiu quickly woke up from her own world, "What's the matter? Yes, I am too heavy?"

"It's not heavy, it's better to say that it's just right on your back." The girl will feel nothing if it is too light, Naoki Asakawa vomited, "If you don't let it go, I will be strangled by you."


This time Sanjiu found that she had tightened her arms unknowingly, from gently wrapping around to holding tightly. The temperature of her already hot pretty face rose again, and she quickly loosened her arm.

"Thank you Sanjiu for not killing." Asakawa took a breath and said slowly, "I'm alive again."

"Idiot Asakawa."

Sanjiu bulged her cheeks and was unhappy, because she didn't hold it so tightly. The frivolous Asakawa was clearly teasing people on purpose: "Guilty, cut your belly."

"It hurts too much, I refuse."

"Take painkillers and it won't hurt."

"Taking painkillers to cut the belly is cheating, so I still refuse."

While talking, the two walked forward, and quickly walked out of the residential area and came to a commercial street.

"There is a convenience store in front." Asakawa Naoki said.

"Huh?" Sanjiu puzzled.

"Shoes rub your feet, just stick a band-aid, do you want to go in and buy two band-aids?"

Don't think of band-aids as trivial gadgets, they are actually very useful. The most common function is to stick on the wound to prevent bacterial infections and speed up wound healing. In addition, stick a piece on the heel when rubbing the foot. Rubbing cushions can greatly reduce pain. Girls with second-degree disease can put band-aids on their faces as seals. Some poor-breasted girls can stick their photos on their chests to prevent them from getting out. The worst is Oshino in "The Story Series" Shinobu, it's unforgivable to use band-aids to do that kind of thing, it makes people vomit blood!

Sanjiu understood: "Well, go buy band-aids."

When he walked to the convenience store and there were still a dozen meters away, Sanjiu quickly said: "Idiot Asakawa, let me down quickly and I will go by myself."

The warm and sweet breath fell on the ears, making the ears slightly itchy.


Naoki Asakawa tilted his head slightly and put down the girl on his back.

With the thickness of Sanjiu's face, I am obviously embarrassed to let myself go all the way into the convenience store, but if I change it to a flower... I always feel that even if it is a princess, I can't get it off!

Mikau naturally noticed Asakawa Naoki's small movements, his face was hot, and he hurried away from Asakawa Naoki. After getting down, he walked less than two steps, and the hot pain hit again.

"Frivolous shallow river."

Naturally, Sanjiu would not bite his lip and hold on hard, reaching out and holding the corner of Asakawa Naoki's clothes, his pretty face was slightly red, and he turned to look far away. It seemed that there was something very attractive on the empty street: "Hurry up. ."


The two walked into the convenience store. Someone happened to be making marshmallows at the door. After the caramel was colored, the air-soft and fluffy marshmallows quickly became more colorful.

Miki looked at the marshmallows, and suddenly remembered the scene of going home with Asakawa Naoki on the day of the moon, and then eating marshmallows on the road, slowing down subconsciously.

"Want to eat cotton candy?" Asakawa Naoki said.

"Don't eat."

Sanjiu retracted his gaze, shook his head to deny, paused, then raised his hand to hold the Qingsi beside his ear, and whispered: "I just ate dinner, drank milk tea, and I will gain weight again... I'll talk about it next time."

Hey, the reason for refusal is that you will gain weight, not that your stomach is too full to eat?Sure enough, you didn't guess wrong, you are actually the same as May, you must have the big stomach king attribute, but you are in a hidden state!

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