Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 212

Asakawa Naoki replied.

"Really?" The bad girl was suspicious.

Naoki Asakawa said nonchalantly, "I don't believe you come out and meet."

"Hey, who will go out, pervert!"


Successfully survived the crisis.

Kirisu Matsuyama quietly breathed a sigh of relief, holding Naoki Asakawa's arm with his left hand, and supporting Naoki Asakawa's chest with his right hand, his pretty face tilted back slightly, and he was embarrassed: "Hurry up and let me go."

She was startled by Inujiro just now and almost tripped. Fortunately, she was hugged by Asakawa Naoki. Just now holding her breath and listening to the conversation between Asakawa Naoki and Chiba, she didn’t think there was anything. I feel ashamed of the posture in front of me-it is clearly the hug posture of the hero and heroine in the TV series when they are about to kiss!

The tip of his nose is lingering with the lemon-flavored shampoo scent, and his pretty face is blushing, but he is still pretending to be a majestic soft cat teacher, Naoki Asakawa's heart beats slightly, and he blurted out: "What if I refuse?"


Bad bad bad!I accidentally committed the crime of molesting the teacher, and I can't see the sun tomorrow!

Chapter 168 Schrodinger's Underwear

"……what did you say?"

The cold and solemn voice sounded faintly.

It seems that the snow girl who has returned from the world's cold extreme practice can freeze everything in the world with just one look.

very scary.

Willow frowns, her pretty face is frosty, and the soft cat teacher, whose eyes are as sharp as a hawk, is obviously held in his arms by himself, but his body exudes the terrible look of the hawk looking down on the ground and the hare, which makes people tremble and cold sweat. .


Naoki Asakawa took a breath.

What is fierce

I'm a superpower, I'm so angry, believe it or not, a snap of your fingers makes you kneel on the ground and call your master!By the way, the bad girl in the bathroom is pulled out again. The sisters are all weak and the teachers and students are more exciting!

"I'm wrong."

Naoki Asakawa decisively let go, bowed his head and apologized sincerely: "Please forgive me."

Mr. Kirisu raised his hand to pin a few strands of hair behind his ear, and said blankly, "Where is it wrong?"

"People have to learn to stand by and ignore things that are not their own."


Naoki Asakawa reviewed himself: "If the teacher did not stretch out his hands when he fell, the following things would naturally not happen, and all mistakes would be failure to control his hands..."

"To shut up!"

Toshiro Kiryu was embarrassed and annoyed, with an expression of guilt on his face, "Are you still sophistry?"

Is the place for you to review?

You are clearly changing the subject!

"Then where did I go wrong?" Asakawa asked rhetorically.


Mr. Kirisu bit his pink lips, and the words'teacher's molesting' came to his mouth, and he couldn't say it anyway, but his eyes turned to look at the lowest-level carbon-based creatures, and he turned and left: "Write one at night Give me a thousand-word review on Monday!"

"A thousand words are too much..."

Naoki Asakawa wanted to struggle a bit.

"Can't write it?" Teacher Soft Cat turned his head and looked at the death row inmates in prison, "Then you are ready to clean the bathroom for a week."


Naoki Asakawa quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally passed the blunder and escaped.

The impulse is indeed the devil, and his head is hot, and he blurts out to molest his teacher without thinking, which almost caused the world's nuclear peace!

Sure enough, human beings have their limits. If you want to completely control yourself, you can only stop being human!


The phone vibrated suddenly.

Naoki Asakawa picked up the phone, and it was a message from Kirisu.

"You haven't said why Nanako is in your apartment?"

"……you guess."

"Write a thousand more words for the review."

"That's what happened……"

Naoki Asakawa described the situation silently.

"Run away from home..." Tongsu Zhendong frowned slightly, everyone had already arrived, obviously he didn't plan to leave.

As for letting Chiba Nanako stay at her own home for the night... Kirisu Matsumi glanced at the messy room with nowhere to go, and silently dismissed the idea.

"It's okay to borrow an overnight stay," Mr. Kirisu said quickly. "It is forbidden to cross the line at night."

Asakawa Naoki: "The range is too large, please describe it in detail."

Xiao Zhendong: "Any physical contact will not work."

Lonely men and widows live in the same room, and they are high school students. What if you can't control yourself doing H's things?

Therefore, strict supervision is necessary to prevent the two from going astray. As students, it is natural to put learning first, and any behavior that has nothing to do with learning must be prohibited.

"Even if you say that..." Naoki Asakawa pondered for half a second. "What if Chiba suddenly faints and needs CPR?"

Xiao Zhendong: "Don't move, let me come."

Asakawa Naoki: "If Chiba sleeps very dishonestly, sleepwalking in the middle of the night, picking up a utility knife and trying to stab me, can you justify defense?"


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