Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 237

The girl in the mirror suddenly opened her eyes wide, her pretty face flushed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Euny sauce?!"

Chapter 184

"I remembered……"

The unscrupulous girl looked at herself flushed in the mirror and couldn't help showing her tiger teeth. She was ashamed and annoyed: "The dead lolicon pretended to sleep and cheat. After being exposed, she even dared to spank me. As a result, the whole person suddenly became strange."

"It must have done something shameless, otherwise, who would call him O'Neill."

"I don't even like that kind of stuff at all!"

"The bastard who pretended to sleep and cheat kisses quickly reincarnated and turned into a two-dimensional beautiful girl figure, let the abandoned house play all day long!"


Chiba Nanako took a deep breath, raised her hands and gently patted her cheeks, finally swallowed a decision: "This matter... temporarily sealed."

"When there is a chance in the future, let him repay it ten times."

Finished washing.

The bad girl had a pretty face and came out of the bathroom. She thought that Asakawa would kneel down and beg for forgiveness, or show a flattering smile like a pug to please herself. No matter how bad she is, she will feel uneasy and feel guilty and ashamed. Unfortunately, it turns out. She thinks too much.

Naoki Asakawa was already dressed, sitting on the sofa and playing with her mobile phone. When she came out, he just turned his head and glanced at her. Then his eyes fell on the phone again: "Bread and milk are on the table, hurry up and have breakfast."

"Eat bread for breakfast?"

"if not?"

It’s great to have breakfast. Many people who only get up at noon don’t even want to eat breakfast!

"I want to eat omelet rice." The bad girl was justified.

"I want to eat and do it myself."

"Too lazy to do it."

"Then don't eat."

Naoki Asakawa looked at the phone and said casually, "There is no free breakfast in the world."

"Obviously there is no lunch for nothing, don't talk nonsense." Chiba Nanako couldn't help but complain. "And who ate it for nothing? What did you say about bullying me last night?"

"Last night..." Asakawa groaned for half a second, stretched out his right hand and hooked his fingers.

"what are you doing?"

Chiba Nanako looked puzzled.

"Sleep with me and make money."


"I had to accompany you to bed last night. I didn't sleep honestly. I always like to rub around and kick the quilt from time to time." Naoki Asakawa sighed and complained, "Besides, I have been worried about your pee. ..."


A blonde girl who had evolved into a thunder hill rushed forward with lightning, and the hair on her head exploded. It was obvious that the killing intent had been decided: "Shamelessly! I even asked me for money after I slept. I will send it up to see God now!"

At best, other people just eat and don't admit it. You are ashamed to ask for money. How can there be such a brazen person in the world.


Naoki Asakawa stretched out his hand to grab the fan fist of the bad girl, with a serious expression: "To accompany the sleeping teacher is a legitimate profession, and the demand for payment is reasonable and legal."

Japan does have the profession of sleep escort, which is a new profession that has only appeared in recent years. As the name suggests, it is to accompany guests to sleep. However, unlike cowboys and female public relations, the two parties will sign an agreement before sleeping, and there will be no disharmony. the behavior of.

Naoki Asakawa worked harder than ordinary sleepers last night, at least others don't have to worry about bedwetting in the middle of the night.

"Do you want money?" The bad girl clenched her silver teeth, "When you go to hell, I will burn you again!"


Inujiro, who had just finished eating the dog food, was wagging his tail, jumping around Naoki Asakawa and Chiba, and it was very lively.

After evolving from a primary school student to a high school student, something similar to the evolution of a ball beast into a tyrannosaurus beast, the unhealthy girl's strength greatly increased, and Naoki Asakawa was somewhat unable to suppress it for a while.

"Kicking me again will have serious consequences."

"What are you doing?"

Chiba Nanako lifted her chin, her eyes provocative.

How to threaten a person?

Naturally, it is to attack the opponent's weakness.

Naoki Asakawa pondered for half a second, and quickly said, "I kissed you."

"You, dare you!"

The unscrupulous girl stepped back vigilantly, subconsciously covering her chest, and then felt that the action just now was a shame, and then changed to a posture of pinching her waist, pretending to be disdainful: "Kiss you, do you think I will care?"

"For the first kiss, there is no elementary school!"

"It's easier to change boyfriends in junior high schools than to change clothes. I can't count both hands."

Asakawa Naoki's face was calm: "I don't even have a boyfriend at school, so I don't want to talk big."

"I just look down on it." Chiba Nanako gritted her teeth in shame, "You wait, I will find a boyfriend at school today!"

Chiba Nanako regretted it as soon as he spoke.

If she could not refuse anyone, she would have had more boyfriends than the clothes in the closet. If she just said the water spilled out, wouldn't it be embarrassing to not find one?

"No way."

Naoko Asakawa breaks the mouth.

"You guy..."

Chiba Nanako snorted and put her hands on her chest: "I'm looking for a boyfriend, why do you refuse?"

(Does Lolicon Asakawa want to make me an idea?)

(Stop dreaming, actually even reached out and asked me to accompany me to sleep with money, lonely forever!)

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