Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 244

"Ahem, I, I have eaten!" Wuyue flushed and hurriedly said, "Thank you Asakawa for your life-saving grace, I will repay you!"

Verbal rewards are meaningless. If you want to be convincing, you must at least list specific ways of rewarding, such as knotting a grass title ring, and agreeing with your body.

Naoki Asakawa put the empty box into his school bag and said slowly: "If you really want to repay me, let me touch it."

"No problem...Huh eh?"

May's eyes widened suddenly, with an incredibly shocked expression on her face: "Touch it?"

(What Asakawa said just now... Touch it?)

(I heard it right, just touch it!)

(Where does Asakawa want to touch me?)

(Difficult, can it be said that...)

May subconsciously covered her chest, "Even if you eat your chocolate bar, that kind of thing is too much!"

(Nina said that you are a pervert, and he explained to you. I didn't expect you to be such a Asakawa classmate!)

Asakawa Naoki continued: "Actually, I was very interested since the first day you transferred to school..."

"What, what?"

May bit her pink lips, and the blush on her face increased by two points.

(I was interested in me the first day I transferred?)

(what is this?)

(Is it a confession?)

(Asakawa-kun likes me secretly?)

"Hug, sorry." Wu Yue grabbed the skirt with both hands, her pretty face flushed, and she resisted the urge to panic and flee, "I haven't considered that kind of thing yet..."

It's too far to be with a boy, and I have only one current idea, that is to study the department well and get good grades that will not disappoint mom and dad!

"This kind of thing still needs to be considered?" Asakawa Naoki puzzled.

"Dang, of course!"

Raise your voice in May.

Communication is a very, very important thing. How can you be so-so? It will be regrettable in the future, right?

Asakawa Naoki quickly said, "If it's too much trouble, then forget it."

(Hey, you gave up too fast!)

Wu Yue couldn't help but bulge her cheeks, and the words with an anger value of +1 jumped out on top of her head: "Although I didn't intend to promise you, but you insist on it!"

"It's a pity that Yotsuba does not have it, otherwise I don't need to ask you." Asakawa Naoki continued.

"There is no Yotsuba..."

Maye blinked, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Four leaves are exactly the same as him, and four leaves have all the things they have. How could it be possible that there are none?

"Classmate Asakawa..." Wuyue pressed her lips together and said in embarrassment, "What do you want to touch?"

"Of course it's your dull hair." Asakawa's eyes moved up, looking at the dull hair on the top of May's head. "When I saw you the first day, I wondered if I could push the dull hair down. No chance to speak."


Looking at the girl who suddenly exuded darkness, Asakawa Naoki couldn't help but said, "May?"

"I'm okay." Maye wakes up, bulging her cheeks, turning her head and saying, "Dumb hair...every morning I will comb my hair, but it won't be long before I get up again. I can't help but I don't want to cut short hair. Up."

Naoki Asakawa pondered, "It really is a supernatural phenomenon that violates the laws of physics."

"No, it's just that the hair quality is special!" Wu Yue couldn't help but spit out, "Mr. Newton will jump out of the coffin with anger!"

In his later years, Newton devoted himself to the study of theology. He firmly believed that the entire universe was created by God. If you know that your dull hair is so special, you will not be angry even if you jump out, but will be very happy to study you!

"Hurry up." Wu Yue turned to say, "I'm going to buy meat buns."


Naoki Asakawa stretched out his right hand and lightly landed on the top of May's head, stroking the dull hair openly, and the hand feels really good.

Chapter 189: Meeting Again, Brother Xuejun

"Yes, okay?"

May sits upright, with a straight back, and her hands are pressed on her lower abdomen in a pretty ladylike posture. The girl who supplements her physical strength has a serious and serious face, as if she is not being studied by the boys but receiving the services of a barber in a barber shop. It's a pity that the crimson and fluttering eyelashes on his face revealed that his heart was far less calm than the surface.

(Okay, shameful.)

(It feels more ashamed than eating a chocolate bar.)

(So ​​why did I feel impulsive and agreed to let Asakawa touch his head!)

(The girl’s head is just like the butt, it’s not something you can touch casually!)

"I will stop here for the time being today."

Seeing the dull hair standing up stubbornly on May's head again, Naoki Asakawa said that it is really unscientific, but such things as superpowers exist in reality, but dull hair seems very ordinary.


After she noticed that the warm palm that was gently rubbing on top of her head retracted, Wu Yue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, raising her eyes and looking: "What did Asakawa-san have discovered?"

Naoki Asakawa pondered for half a second, and concluded, "Your hair is very good."

"anything else?"

May's face was speechless, saying that the research was dull, and the final conclusion was why the hair quality is good!I am not one of those programmers who work overtime all day and stay up late. I usually go to bed early and get up early, eat well and sleep soundly, and take care of my hair frequently. The quality of my hair is normal!

"The smell of shampoo is also very fragrant." Asakawa Naoki answered honestly.

"It doesn't matter what it tastes like!"

Wuyue couldn't help but sighed over her face, the blush on her face still remained, "Aren't you studying the cause of your hair curling up?"

"The time is too short. Research requires a lot of observation and experimentation." Asakawa Naoki shrugged, "If you want..."

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