Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 252

In fact, not only girls, but many boys will scream when they see cockroaches. If there are cockroaches in a concert in the future, they may be able to achieve 100% screaming achievements, and their name will go down in history!

Don’t look at Kirisu’s seriousness in school. He is called the [unsmiling cold beauty], but in front of the cockroaches, she is a weak person. As for the utility knife in her hand, she has to talk about Japanese garbage classification.

Japan can be said to be the country with the most stringent garbage classification requirements in the world. Not only has it formulated a number of laws and regulations related to garbage, but also the types of garbage are classified in detail.

For example, for an ordinary mineral water bottle, first unscrew the cap and put it aside separately, then the plastic label on the bottle, and finally throw the bottle, because the three are not a kind of garbage.

As for paper packaging such as milk cartons and ketchup, they must be cut, flattened, and dried before they can be thrown away as garbage.

Asakawa Naoki: "Should I help you catch cockroaches?"

Kirisu Masuu turned his head: "...Hmm."

Chapter 194 My Stupid Teacher Yo

"The room is messy."

Asakawa opened the door and walked into the entrance.

Kirisu Matsumoto followed him, clenched his right hand on his chest, pressed her pink lips tightly, and looked around with nervous eyes, as if not returning to his home, but breaking into the demon's lair. The monster jumped out of the shadows and pounced on people.

After half a month, Naoki Asakawa entered Matsumoto’s apartment for the second time. As expected, the room became messy again. If patients with both obsessive-compulsive disorder and hygienic disorder come in, blood pressure will definitely rise. At the same time, the hands and feet are not controlled, and the human is transformed into a sweeping robot!

The cold beauty with a glamorous appearance is actually a double idiot of housework and cooking at home. If those who look forward to know about it, she will definitely be disillusioned?

and many more.

It does not rule out that some people will be more excited after hearing the news.

People who have no weaknesses and are perfect in all aspects will only keep people away. The existence of weaknesses can erase the sense of distance. With the serious and serious character of the soft cat teacher, he will not become a submissive cat after marriage. At this time The existence of weaknesses is crucial!

As long as he is smart enough, he can take advantage of his weakness and ask Xiao Zhendong to do things that he would not normally agree to.

For example...

"I am back."

Carrying a briefcase and wearing a suit, he finished his day's work and returned home.

"Welcome home."

The soft cat teacher in an apron stood at the entrance and reached out to take the briefcase: "Thank you today."

"What to eat tonight?"

"Yes, I'm sorry." Mr. Soft Cat lowered her head in shame, "I planned to make tempura and tonkatsu, but accidentally broke the kitchen..."

"Choose one."


"It is obviously the wife's fault to let the husband who came back from get off work hungry, so you have to take responsibility."


"Show your belly first when you apologize."


"Don't ask so much, just do it, and, bunny girl suit and fruit apron, you choose one."

"No, no, that kind of clothes is too shame..."

"Why, are you irresponsible?"

"No, no..."

"Then choose quickly, and put on cat ears, as for this tail..."

"Don't even think about it, you don't have to make an inch!"


Plan through.

Using this trick to force Mrs. Zhendong to change clothes, the success rate is at least 50%. For the super responsible soft cat teacher, if he causes trouble to others because of his own fault, he will be responsible for whatever he is ashamed. what!

"What are you thinking?"

A cold voice like ice and snow rang in Naoki Asakawa's ears, and Kirisu Midwinter squinted his eyes, his azure blue eyes staring in confusion.

"I'm thinking……"

Naoki Asakawa paused for half a second, and said quietly, "Do you want to hire a domestic worker?"

"No need." Kirito shook his head and vetoed it.

The room is indeed a little messy, but I have hands and feet. Why should I hire a domestic worker?

The point is that it is very embarrassing. A girl in her twenties who has a messy room will definitely be looked at by the housekeeper with a strange look.

"From then on, every other week, I will come over to clean the room for you." Asakawa said.

"I don't need your help."

Kirsu Masuu instinctively refused and asked the students to do the housework for himself, which was not much different from a domestic worker.

"So..." Asakawa said quietly, "Why do you think cockroaches appear?"

Kirisu Masuu: "..."

"Anyway, clean the room first." Naoki Asakawa looked at Mr. Softcat, "Where did you see Xiaoqiang just now?"

"The entrance to the balcony."

Kirisu Masuu stuck out half of his pretty face from behind Naoki Asakawa, stretched out his white fingertips, and pointed to the balcony. There were many uncut paper beverage boxes scattered nearby, "The cockroach should still be there."

"I see." Asakawa Naoki nodded slightly, "If you are afraid, stay here and leave the rest to me."

Teacher Ruanmao didn't try her best, and nervously said, "You be careful."


Naoki Asakawa waved his hand, walked to the balcony door, and began to sort out the trash, looking for cockroaches, but it was a pity that Brother Xiaoqiang had already moved and was not under these paper boxes.

"I didn't find it, it should have escaped."

Naoki Asakawa said quickly.

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