Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Do Not Need Super Powers Chapter 27

"In the liberal arts, whatever you think is not to let you do whatever you want, say whatever you want." Naoki Asakawa sat next to legal loli, telling his own way of understanding, "the arts and science actually have a lot in common."

"For example, for the problem you are writing now, using the program algorithm, the title is an algorithm formula. If you want it to output the result, such as inputting a value first, the place where the value is located is generally the context of the program algorithm."

"Find the position of the program algorithm in the"

"Looking at the previous content is a person traveling alone, and then looking at the back content, tweeting birds, falling maple leaves, animals running on the path, flowers swaying in the wind, this is a description of the landscape from top to bottom. "

"Enter the'value' into the algorithm."

"The conclusion is that only by choosing a rugged trail can you see a unique landscape that is different from others."

Ogata Rizu widened her eyes, "How can this be?"

Asakawa Naoki said, "The other teachers didn't say it?"

"No." Rizu Ogata pressed her pink lips and said blankly, "They just told me what was wrong and how to write the correct solution. If it is a program algorithm..."

"Are you confident?" Naoki Asakawa pushed the exercise book in front of Rizuki Ogata, pointed to a junior high school reading comprehension question, "answer it."


Rizu Ogata tightened her face and pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose.


After a while, Rizuki Ogata finally began to write without blindfolded eyes.

Naoki Asakawa picked up the English vocabulary book and recited the words again.

"Poke poke--"

After a while, a light poke sensation spread across the arm.

Rizu Ogata raised her face and said calmly, "I'm finished."


Naoki Asakawa took the exercise book, looked at the answer that Rizuki Ogata had written after deleting it many times, and quickly nodded, "This question can give you four points."

"Got it."

Rima Ogata looked away calmly, seemingly indifferent, but Naoki Asakawa clearly saw that the legal loli's two hands were supporting the chair, and her legs swayed slightly under the table.

Wait... Why does it swing?

The table is so short that you can't put two legs up at all, right?

Naoki Asakawa looked down, only to realize that Rizuki Ogata was sitting on the chair, but his feet were not on the ground.

A tall person does not necessarily have a big chest. A short person must have short legs. This sentence uses the two of you as an example, which is not bad at all!


Ogata Rizuki keenly noticed the sight of Asakawa Naoki, and her cheeks bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her toes stepped on the ground.

"Asakawa-san, what are you looking at?"

"Look at your feet." Naoki Asakawa told the truth.

"Please take your gaze back, it sucks."


at the same time.

"I remember..." Sanjiu looked at the strange scenery in front of him with a calm voice, "This is it."

There was a small convenience store in the place where Naoki Asakawa picked up yesterday evening, so I can't admit it.

"This is the opposite of the direction of the tram station." Nino put his hands on his chest and spit out, "So why did you leave school in the evening?"

Sanjiu looked away and couldn't say.

If you say you forget the time because you are obsessed with reading, you must ask what book it is?

That will be exposed.

"I'm a little tired." Wuyue rubbed his stomach and suggested, "Shall we find a place to sit for a while?"

"Well, there is a park over there." With eyes shining, he pointed his finger across the road, "Let's go and rest for a while."

Chapter 22 The Five Sisters Arrived on the Battlefield

"Eh eh eh?" Fumino Fumino, who was struggling with heavier eyelids, suddenly woke up, opened his eyes and looked at Naoki Asakawa, "Rizuma-san actually got the answer?"

"Yeah." Naoki Asakawa said calmly, "It's just a simple junior high school topic."

"That's pretty awesome, okay!" Fumina Guqiao said pitifully, "I can't even solve elementary school math problems. An ant like me has no beauty in the world..."

If you are an ant, what are others?

The starfish without a brain is still a single-celled paramecium!


Fumina Guhashi held his hands in front of his chest, and the eyes that looked over were particularly shining. There were a few pieces of paper on his forehead, which looked a little funny, but also a little cute.

"Asakawa classmate~~"

Delicate and sweet, it can make the beautiful sound of spring budding.

Naoki Asakawa said calmly, "Say."

"I also want to learn programming algorithms."

"Didn't you just say that you want to be a quiet mushroom?"

"Mushrooms and mushrooms also need sunlight and rain." Fumina Guhashi stubbornly put his hands together, "Please, Asakawa-san, please be sure to get both rain and dew!"

"How's the formula recitation?" Asakawa put down the vocabulary book and looked at Fumino Furuhashi, "Start the topic."

"Eh, let me prepare again..."

"The invigilator won't wait for you."

Three minutes later.

Naoki Asakawa looked at the notebook: "So, just remember one of the five basic formulas?"

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