Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 280

Naoki Asakawa said solemnly: "The task of cleaning the bathroom is left to you."



A falling thunder slashed down, letting Wuyue Petrochemical on the spot.

Cleaning the bathroom is arguably the most annoying thing. Few people are willing to deal with the toilet. In short, it is dirty and tired.

"Really clean the bathroom?"

With the last glimmer of hope, May asked in a low voice.

Naoki Asakawa crossed his fingers: "You can look at the duty list on the notice board."

"Luck is bad."

The dull hair on the top of May's head suddenly wilted, and even she was unwilling to clean the bathroom.

"It's getting late..." Wuyue glanced at the phone, bit her pink lip lightly, and said helplessly, "I'm going to clean the bathroom, the classroom... Please ask Asakawa."

"No problem." Naoki Asakawa nodded and accepted the order. "In return, I think..."

May's voice was crisp and decisive: "I refuse."

Naoki Asakawa was speechless: "I haven't finished speaking yet."

"No matter what Asakawa-san said, all refused." Wu Yue raised her hands and put them across her chest, with the corners of her lips slightly curled up, "Farewell, I'm going to the bathroom!"

Looking at the dull hair swaying lightly above May's head, Asakawa Naoki has figured out where the previous sense of sight came from.

Chapter 211

Lunch break.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Naoki Asakawa did not go to the cafeteria for lunch at noon. Instead, he went to the canteen to buy fried noodles and bread. Then he walked to the school atrium, and soon saw a silver-haired loli alone in the corner.

"It's not too late at all." Feng Xiaochun held the lunch box in her arms, shook her head and said, "I just came here too."

Naoki Asakawa sat next to the silver-haired loli, a distance of one person, "I told you to come out to eat lunch at noon, in fact, I want to tell you something."

"Ah, I, I'm listening."

The dull hair on the top of Feng Xiaochun's head trembled slightly, and a blush soon rose on her little face.

Boys and girls lunch together at school, and it is easy to be misunderstood as a relationship.


(Don't think too much.)

(Asagawa called out to have lunch, he must have something serious to say, so it would not be a confession.)

The silver-haired loli glanced at Asakawa Naoki secretly, and complained in her heart: "You should be very shy and nervous when you confess, how can it be so plain."

"Calling you out this time is mainly about your superpower conjecture."

Naoki Asakawa took a bite of the fried noodle bread, swallowed it and said, "I have some ideas."

"Huh?" Feng Xiaochun blinked and looked curiously, "What is it?"

"Do you recognize the next table sitting next to me?"

Asakawa Naoki asked.


Feng Xiaochun replied subconsciously, halfway through the conversation, hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth.

can not say.

I and Asakawa are not in the same class. If you call out the girl's name in one go, you will be exposed to follow the sneak shots of Asakawa!

"In...Nakano linkage!"

Feng Xiaochun closed her eyes and shouted shyly.

Asakawa Naoki: "..."

You just wanted to say May's name, right?

This can be turned back by you, amazing!

Having said that, if the reality is an OL game and the five sisters are gamers, what position are they suitable for?

The first is Nino, who has a violent temper and a gunpowder keg. He opens up when he doesn't agree with him. He is very suitable for the top laner who takes the lead in the charge.

Then there was Kazuka, fascinated, and she felt that the little devil's eldest daughter with many masks on her face was suitable for being an assassin in the wild area.

Yotsuba can play mid laner, transform into a blast, and support everywhere with super athletic ability.

May is serious and meticulous, very suitable for shooters.

As for Sanjiu... Silently, just behind the four sisters, don't expect her to save the world.

Naoki Asakawa took a bite of the bread and looked nervously holding the bento, as if stealing a candy and catching Feng Xiaochun: "Eat a bento and talk while eating."


Feng Xiaochun breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly opened the lunch box.

"Have you had any physical contact with Mays recently?" Asakawa continued to ask, "For example, accidentally touching my arm in gym class."

"No." Feng Xiaochun shook her head quickly, and said in a low voice, "Me and Nakano Wuyue are not familiar at all."

"The trigger condition should not be physical contact."

Naoki Asakawa's gaze shifted slightly, falling on the dull hair on top of Feng Xiaochun's head, and he muttered in his heart: "The position and outline are exactly the same as May's dull fur. The Lakers' extra'dumb personality' must have something to do with May. "

There are no two leaves that are exactly the same in the world, and everything is in order. Asakawa believes that the same is true for Duomo, and it will never appear out of thin air.

"What about the abdominal muscles?" Naoki Asakawa picked up the drink and took a sip of juice. "Have you been impressed with abdominal muscles in the last two days?"


Feng Xiaochun blinked, and a subtle expression quickly appeared on her little face, and he hesitated: "I am deeply impressed or something...this is true."

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