Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 284

"Add another cabbage-wrapped meat."

"And lucky bag rice cake."



Kirisu Shinwon clipped it for a while, and finally reacted, Liu Mei raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you going to let me clip them all?"

"Is it discovered so soon..."

"It's weird if you can't find it!"

"Eating oden next time will be winter." Naoki Asakawa shrugged, "It's normal to eat all of them."

Kirito shook his head: "There are too many to eat."

Asakawa Naoki: "Two people can eat it completely."

Kirisu Masuu: "What two people?"

Asakawa Naoki: "You won't eat with me?"

Kirisu's pretty face condensed: "I want to eat and buy it myself, I won't eat with you."

"The last two days have obviously been eating together." Naoki Asakawa vomited, "You actually want to eat alone..."

"you shut up."


Asakawa couldn't eat the oden, Naoki Asakawa could only buy a pork chop rice bowl, and went back to heat it for one person. After the hamster escaped last night, Kirisu did not stay overnight and the room was cleaned again.

No words for a night.

the next morning.

Just after Naoki Asakawa got up, his phone vibrated.

"Asakawa, good morning, did you get up? The weather today is as good as yesterday. (*^▽^*)"

Silver-haired Loli Feng Xiaochun sent a good morning greeting.

"Good morning."

This silver-haired loli is only nonsense in reality. She speaks softly and timidly, and can't hear clearly if she doesn't listen carefully, but she is quite active on her mobile phone, and she likes to use emoji and emoticons, and she might become a unique keyboard man in the future. Teenage girl.

"Just got up." Asakawa Naoki replied.

"Well, do you want to have lunch together at noon today?"


"Ah, I'm wrong, it's sunbathing together!"

Chapter 214 The Crisis of Quintuplets

Lunch break.

After the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Sanjiu packed his notebooks and books into his schoolbag, and stood up silently, leaving the classroom through the back door, preparing to go to the cafeteria for lunch.


Someone shouted.


Sanjiu raised his eyes and looked at Wuyue alone. He couldn't help asking, "Where is Asakawa?"

"Asakawa-san is not going to the cafeteria today." Wu Yue replied, "It seems to be eating lunch with others."

"Others..." Sanjiu was curious, "I didn't come to the cafeteria yesterday. Is this the younger sister of Asakawa?"

"I don't know, Asakawa-san didn't tell me." May shook his head, "If you care, just send a message to ask."

"I didn't care."

Sanjiu didn't pass her pretty face, her eyelashes trembled lightly, her slanted bangs covered her eyes: "...Let's go, go to the cafeteria."

Walking out of the teaching building together with May, the corner of his eye suddenly caught a familiar figure.

"Frivolous shallow river."

Sanjiu turned his head and looked around, his eyes shimmering, and then the cheeks bulged in the next second.

"It's really Asakawa, and there is a very cute little girl beside her, not her sister Xiao Rin." Wu Yue raised her hand before her eyes, curiously, "Is it a junior high school student?"

Sanjiu: "It's not a middle school student."

May: "How do you know?"

Sanjiu replied silently: "Because it is my classmate."


"Classmates or something..." May blinked and tried to excuse Asakawa Naoki. "Maybe they knew each other in first grade, but now they just drop by?"

As soon as the voice fell, May saw the silver-haired loli handing a lunch to Asakawa, and blurted out, "Love lunch?"



at the same time.

"Classmate Asakawa." Feng Xiaochun handed the lunch over, her face flushed slightly, "I accidentally made too much lunch in the morning. If you don't mind...Is this lunch for you?"

"Then I'm welcome." Naoki Asakawa took the lunch, and looked at the silver-haired loli who started to blush again. "Did the dull hair disappear?"

"No, no."

Silver-haired loli turned her head with a guilty conscience and whispered, "It doesn't matter one day later, maybe it will disappear tomorrow... I'm so hungry, Asakawa-san hurry up and eat lunch."

Naoki Asakawa opened the bento box and he had to say that it was quite hearty, with lotus root slices, tomatoes, small sausages, two shrimps, fried cod, and half an egg. The appearance and cuteness coexist, but it is a cold bento. No fragrance.

"I forgot to ask Asakawa what he wanted to eat in the morning, so I only prepared these." Silver-haired Lolita blushed slightly, "Please don't mind."

"You still care about such a rich bento, it should be thrown into the Amazon rainforest to fend for itself!" Naoki Asakawa spit out, and then said, "It's hard to get up early to make such a rich bento."

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