Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 293

"Never take it apart."


"The express delivery from a stranger is weird." Naoki Asakawa crossed his fingers and said in a low voice, "There might be a bomb inside..."

"The real world is nothing so terrible!"

Asakawa Naoki continued: "At least you have to wear a mask and gloves. It might be anthrax virus in it..."


Mikau bulged her cheeks high, reached out her hand and poked Naoki Asakawa's body, "Come over and watch the manga."


The cover of the manga is a girl with beast ears wearing a plaid apron and holding a stainless steel spoon in one hand. The corners of her mouth are half exposed and her painting style is quite cute. The first impression she gives is a beautiful girl manga.

"Um...My master Fox Fairy?"

Sanjiu read the name of the comic.

"There was an error." Asakawa Naoki said suddenly.


"The ears are drawn wrong." Naoki Asakawa stretched his fingers to the cover, and instantly found an error. "The fox looks closer to a cat, but it is actually a canine. The ears on the cover are clearly cat ears."

Sanjiu was curious: "How do you know it's cat ears?"

Of course, it was because I helped Nanjo draw the image of the cat ear girl, but at that time I carefully studied the difference between various animal ears!

Not to mention the iconic animal ears such as bear ears and rabbit ears, Asakawa Naoki also used two hamsters in his family as research subjects and painted the hamster ear beast mother. Unfortunately, Nanjo rejected it.

Fox ears and cat ears look similar in appearance, but cat ears have very few hairs in the ears, and the ears are very thin, looking slender and weak, petite and cute. Fox ears are just the opposite, with a lot of fluff and larger volume. Large toy headgear, Miss Fox Fairy on the cover clearly has a pair of cat ears. Is it because the Fox Fairy mother has derailed, or is it a cross-racial taboo love!


Sanjiu pursed her pink lips, her face showing disgust at the bottom carbon-based creature.

"What do you see me doing?"

"Beast ear control."

"I'm not."

"That's human external control."

"Hey, it's too much!"

I just collected some materials by the way when I was the assistant of the book painter. It was neither beast ear control nor human external control. You shouldn't be innocent out of thin air.

"It's better to control you than to control things that don't exist." Naoki Asakawa spit out his eyes, "At least you are by your side."

"You, what are you talking about."

Sanjiu was startled, and Qiao's face soon rose with a light blush, her cheeks bulging and she turned her head and hummed, "Frivolous Qianchuan, guilty."

"I am back."

The night is dark.

A crescent moon in the sky is like a hook.

Wearing a suit, holding a briefcase and holding a hedgehog's head, the tired-looking middle-aged uncle pushed the door into the house.

"Welcome home."

A Miss Fox Fairy wearing an apron with cat ears greeted her behind the door, her face showing the same vitality smile as Yotsuba, as if it could quietly disperse the haze in people's hearts.

"Thanks for today." Master Foxx reached out and took the briefcase. "The cooking is ready. Today, you have your favorite fried tofu. Go wash your hands and you can eat."

"Ah, thank you Master Fox Fairy."

"It is the happiest thing to be able to take care of Little Taiyi."

"So it's not a maid robot, who would be happy because of taking care of people!" Asakawa's eyes were emptied, and he couldn't help but vomit, "If you have the ability, don't use the dishwasher and wash the dishes by hand."

Reading the first two pages of the manga, Naoki Asakawa thought it was an ordinary girl manga, and then...

"I'm gonna start now."

The actor folded his hands together and began to eat dinner.

"Eat slowly, there is not enough."

"Because Miss Foxxian's food is so delicious."

"I really can't do anything with you." The fox fairy girl stretched out her right hand and pinched a grain of rice from the actor's cheek, "Wasting food is an excessive behavior."

Looking at Miss Fox Fairy who ate the rice with her mouth open, Asakawa Naoki suddenly felt that there was a big problem with this manga.

"too fast."

Asakawa's expression became serious.

"Hey, what's too fast?" Sanjiu raised his eyes curiously.

Of course it was driving too fast!

Most of the girly comics are filled with emotional entanglements that make people stomachache, and it is not possible to kiss until the end of the comic. This comic just eats rice on other people's faces at the beginning. It's not a girly comic anyway!

"Miss Foxxian should be the God of Inari?" Sanjiu obviously didn't have much experience, and tilted his head to raise an objection. "I heard that many animals often use their mouths to greet each other... Don't say so much, keep watching. Comics."

Sanjiu turned the manga to the next page and continued to read with relish.

The protagonist ate dinner, went to the bathroom to take a bath, and then started a high fever when required by the plot, and was carried to the bed by Miss Fox Fairy. The panicked Miss Fox Fairy ran around the house and quickly found a box of antipyretics.

"What, what to do?"

"Little Taiyi is already unconscious and can't take medicine by herself."

"There is no way, now I can only..."

Miss Foxxian took a deep breath, put the pill in her mouth, blushed and lowered her head, and kissed the actor's lips.

your sister!In other words, it is also a fox fairy, you waved your hand to heal people!Even if you don't know spells, you don't need to use such a stupid way to use stomach medicine!

Have you heard of jaw dislocation surgery?

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