Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 300

I have to say that Nino's blue eyes are actually pretty pretty.


A wisp of crimson quickly surged across Nina's white jade cheeks.

"Are you blushing?" Asakawa Naoki was surprised.

Just now he was fierce like General Crab, why did he blush in less than five seconds?

"Bah, who is blushing!"

Nino looked away and shouted in embarrassment. Looking at Naoki Asakawa's lips just now, he accidentally remembered the kiss last night... Isn't it normal to be angry?

Blushing is not only shy, but also flushed when angry.

Naoki Asakawa pondered, "That's shy?"

"Believe it or not, I'll break your five ribs!"

After Nina let out his cruel words, he turned around and left.

"Ninai has been unhappy since I got up this morning." Maye explained, pressing her pink lips, "I don't know what she is angry with."

Yihua stretched out her finger, "Well, are you worried that Asakawa-kun will turn away Sanjiu?"

"That's not the case." Sanjiu flushed, "Don't talk nonsense."

Naoki Asakawa said, "I didn't abduct Sanjiu, it was actually..."

"Don't say it!"

Sanjiu hurriedly shouted.

"Huh?" Yotsuba lifted up, "There is a secret!"

Asakawa Naoki, "I can't tell a secret, so don't ask too much."


Several people walked to the teaching building together.

"Are you so early today?" Naoki Asakawa asked curiously while walking on the road.

"Well, why does Asakawa-kun want to look at me?" Yihua tilted his head and looked.

"Because you are the last person to get up."

If the five sisters are barrels, you, as the eldest woman, are definitely the shortest piece of wood!

Yihua stretched out her finger and gently tapped her lips, "Because I had a nightmare last night, I couldn't sleep when I woke up."

After a pause, Ichihana approached her, smelling fragrant, and said in a low voice, "And I also dreamed of Asakawa-kun."

Drop a bomb, and it's a touch.If it is a young boy, it is estimated that his face is already blushing.

"Asakawa-kun is so cold." A flower bulged her cheeks, "It's too much."

"There is something more extreme, do you want to know?"

"Huh, what is it?"

"Don't leave after school."

"Do you want to lie to me to play a hotel?" Yihua covered her chest, pretending to be frightened.

Naoki Asakawa said blankly, "Come to the library to study."


After school in the afternoon, May and Sanjiu went to the library to study with Asakawa Naoki.

"It's May, please advise."

"Ha, brother Jun is very good."

Little Devil-senpai held her chin with her right hand, a narrow smile appeared on her face, "Sister Tweed."

You think too much, it's not a sister flower, but five equal parts, five people together, the body of iron can not handle it!

"Read the book quickly and don't whisper."

Senior Sister Xiao Meilang leaned over and said, "Senior Brother is so cold, there would be no friends to say."

Don't worry about you senior sister who takes pleasure in molesting people!

As the dusk approached, everyone left one after another.

"Sao Chuan, I'm back with Sanjiu." Mayue waved.

Sanjiu whispered, "See you tomorrow."

In the end, only Asakawa and Fumino Furuhashi remained.

"Ah, it's getting dark." Fumino Guhashi shook his chest with both hands, "Sorry, but I always don't learn trigonometric functions well. Let Asakawa stay with me until now.

"If you can't learn, you can learn slowly." Naoki Asakawa vomited, "As long as you don't have a fever."

"That, that's a special event!" Guqiao Wennai's face blushed slightly, "I usually exercise regularly, so I don't often catch a cold!"

"Understand, the girl who controls the wind, Guqiao joins."


As they walked, they said that they were about to go to the tram stop when Wen Nai Guqiao suddenly stopped.


Furuhashi reached out and grabbed Naoki Asakawa's sleeves, pointed to the other side of the road, and hesitated, "That person...isn't that Sister Meilang?"

Naoki Asakawa looked in the direction, and soon saw a small purple-haired girl standing at the entrance of a dark alley. She was braided and dressed in a school uniform. Who else could she be if she wasn't a little devil-senpai?

The problem is that there are two tall men in suits and sunglasses. The little Mei Nami Aicheng in between looks very petite.

"Who are the two men next to Xiao Meilang-senpai?" Guqiao Fumina became nervous.

The man in black in Detective Conan?

Senior Sister Xiao Meilang is actually a member of a secret organization. Now she was found by the man in black. She is about to bring it back to the organization for imprisonment?

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