Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 303

"Is it a test?" Xiaomei Lang Aicheng closed one eye, "Wen Nai-chan, look good and study hard."

Under Fumino Furuhashi's gaze, Little Devil-senpai stepped forward to Naoki Asakawa.


When Xiao Meilang Aicheng spoke, Fumina Guqiao shuddered slightly.

So sweet.

too sweet.

Little Meilang-senpai, who loves pranks and bullies in the library and smiles evilly from time to time, can actually make such a sweet and nice coquettish voice... Let alone boys, even girls blush.

"Master~little fairy maid Ai Cheng-chan is here for you." Xiao Meilang-senpai leaned forward with her hands behind her back, and leaned forward slightly, approaching Asakawa, and said with an aura, "You can tell me if you need it."

"too close."


"It's too close to me." Naoki Asakawa's complexion was calm, without blushing and heartbeat, his eyes were erratic, as if he was laughing with laughter, but he was a little disgusted. "The fragrance of shampoo and shower gel are both Smell it."

Xiaomei Lang Aicheng: "..."

Damn, super damn!This fellow student clearly doesn't give face!I have already shown my true ability. Even if you don’t know what to do, at least give me a blush!

"The master has a great sense of smell." Little Devil-senpai smiled dangerously.

"It is said that you are too close." Naoki Asakawa crossed his fingers and ordered, "Two omelet rice and two oolong tea, hurry up."

"Ha, did you really wake me up?"

Asakawa Naoki ordered, "Call the master."

Little Devil-senpai: "..."

Fumino Furuhashi stood by to learn from the experience, but naturally he didn't learn anything, so he followed the resentful little devil-senpai to pick up the omelet. After returning, he curiously asked, "Why does Asakawa want two copies?"

Isn’t Asakawa a big appetite?

It shouldn't be. When we had lunch together at noon that day, the appetite was quite ordinary.

"Because you haven't eaten yet." Asakawa Naoki said.


Fumina Guqiao was startled, his face quickly flushed with light red, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, "Asakawa-san... is it for me?"

"Hungry work resistance will decrease." Naoki Asakawa said the reason, "The decrease in resistance is likely to catch a cold again, and then I will take you to the drugstore..."


Fumino Furuhashi bulged her cheeks and turned into a rolling ball beast girl, "Return my touch back, bitter Asakawa classmate!"

The omelet rice came quickly.

"Master, what do you want Aichengjiang to paint?"

Little Devil-senpai held the tomato sauce in her hand and asked Tiantian, she was quite dedicated.

"I don't need anything. I'm going to eat it in one bite anyway." Naoki Asakawa told the truth, criticizing formalism. "No matter what you paint, the ketchup tastes like that, right?"

"That's not okay, painting things is a maid's job." Xiao Meilang Aicheng has a small cross-string beating on her forehead, "Such a cold school brother, you have to get a good treatment."

Speaking of using ketchup to draw a syringe pattern on the omelet rice.

Naoki Asakawa said expressionlessly, "Call master."

"No, I can't control my fist." Little Devil-senpai gently rubbed her silver teeth, raised her hand to cover her forehead and said, "Little Fumino, the last magic is handed over to you."

"Huh eh?" Guqiao Wen Nai suddenly panicked, "I can't."

"Hurry up." Little Devil-senpai urged, "If you don't use the younger brother as the object of practice, should you give it to other guests?"

(Too much.)

(Obviously it's just a maid working part-time, no one will care about this kind of thing for the first time!)

(But... after all, you have to practice, not to trouble others...)

Fumino Furuhashi bit his lower lip, walked to Asakawa, blushed and looked away, then stretched out his hands to compare love to the omelet, and the shame in his voice overflowed, "The delicious magic... eat……"

Magic you big head ghost!

It's the chef's contribution to whether it tastes good or not. Your formalism is not even icing on the cake. On the contrary, it will waste too much time and cause the taste of the cooking to deteriorate!

"Asakawa classmate..."

"Call Master." Little Devil-senpai reminded her from the side.

"Master, master..."

Gu Qiao Wen Nai froze, her pretty face flushed, her mouth turned into a wave pattern, "Please have a meal!"

"Thank you."

Naoki Asakawa silently took a bite of omelet rice. The sweet and sour tomato sauce spread on the tip of his tongue. He looked and pointed his finger across the table, "You also eat quickly and finish working."

Next is the working time.

It has to be said that human beings are extremely adaptable. From the frustration and panic at the beginning, Wen Nai Gu Qiao quickly adapted to the maid job.Coupled with a nice voice, a sweet smile, and the quality and cultivation of a literary girl, the popularity value is soaring, and it can't stop.

In contrast, Naoki Asakawa was much quieter, sitting alone in the corner and studying quietly, no one was disturbed, and he did not hear anything outside the window.

It was nine o'clock in the evening in a blink of an eye.

The work of the maid cafe finally came to an end.

Chapter 227 Ancient Bridge No. 1 in the World

"So tired..."

Fumina Guhashi lay on the table, the cat ears on top of his head trembling with breathing.

Because of its popularity, it’s almost uninterrupted and even a group of guests who gave full marks came to the Second Brush Ancient Bridge. In a few days, maybe someone will set up the Ancient Bridge Conservation Association and support group like a school.

"Thanks, Xiao Wennai."

Little Devil-senpai raised her hand and wiped the sweat from her forehead, and a narrow smile appeared on her face, "Let’s go to the back and change our clothes. We can’t wait to go back to junior."

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