Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 311

How can you say it if you follow the sneak shots of you yourself!

That would definitely be regarded as abnormal, right?

What should I do if I am hated?

So this secret must not be told.

"All in all, I like to study quietly by myself. That's it."


Eyes panicked, fingers pinched the corners of clothes, toes lightly have too much body language when lying!

Feng Xiaochun didn't want to say, Naoki Asakawa naturally didn't want to ask more. If he asked, it might be troublesome, "Eat lunch."


It was the afternoon in a blink of an eye.

In the library.

"Junior, you are here." Little Devil-senpai waved, "Come and eat dumplings."

"The udon at Ogata's is super delicious."

"I have red bean daifuku and banana chips here."

"Do you want to eat meat buns?"

"Matcha soda."


Seeing a few girls enjoying snacks together, Asakawa Naoki couldn't help but said, "It's a good study, you guys are clearly holding a snack meeting!"

"That's all about meat buns. Why is there a bowl of steaming udon?" Asakawa Naoki looked at Fumino Fumino, who was eating udon, "Where did you get it from!"

"Don't care about trivial things." Fumina Guqiao closed one eye, "Sharing snacks is the best way to increase the friendship between girls...Oh, the noodle soup is spilling out."

"Give you."

Sanjiu handed over a paper towel, and then helped wipe the soup on the table.

"Thank you Sanjiu." Guqiao Wennai folded his hands together, "I am very grateful."

Sanjiu turned his head, "No thanks."


After the snack sharing conference, the girls are all big appetites. There will be May, so there is no need to worry about eating them out.

Learning will continue.

"Asakawa, I don't understand here." Rizu Ogata approached and tilted her head and said, "You have to be obedient, not all fish live in the same sea... What is the special meaning of this sentence, I don't understand."

Naoki Asakawa turned his pencil, "This is a sentence from Haruki Murakami. It must be combined with the context..."

Sanjiu gently bulged her cheeks.

too close.

The arms are all touching, should you pay attention to the distance?

When Sanjiu looked at others, he didn't find anyone else was observing himself.

"The expression of Sanjiu's classmate just now..." Guqiao Wennai opened his eyes wide and hesitated, "Is it jealous?"

"Santa Sanjiu likes Asakawa?"

"I saw Sanjiu and the others in the park when school just started. It wasn't until two days ago that Sanjiu came to the library to study... Was it because of this?"

Fumino Furuhashi bit her lower lip silently, looking at Asakawa, fingers unconsciously fiddled with the hair around her ears, suddenly a little confused, "Asakawa who doesn’t look at the atmosphere at all, there will be girls who like this... thing……"

Chapter 232 I'm Sorry

"Old Bridge?"

In a daze, Fumina Guqiao heard a familiar voice in his ears.


Fumina Guqiao opened his eyes, and a particularly familiar face came into view.

"It's Asakawa classmate..."

The girl's eyes were sleepy, her voice was sweet and sweet, soft like cotton candy, "Shall we continue tonight?"

"I am extremely sorry for not letting Asakawa enjoy himself yesterday..."

A drop of cold sweat fell on Naoki Asakawa's head: "Don't talk in sleep!"

Hey, stop talking!In just a few minutes, you were so confused that you were talking in your sleep. Did you have a good rest last night?

Sure enough, when you are dozing off, you should use the method of pinching your face to wake you up, talk in sleep at every turn, and let others on the kill list of the Thorns Club if you are not careful!

"Hmph, I seem to have heard something amazing."

The whispering voice of the little devil rang from behind.

Fumina Guqiao woke up instantly, and turned around in a panic, "Sister Aicheng?!"

The familiar library came into view.

Gu Qiao Wen Nai stayed for two seconds, her pretty face flushed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ahhhhh! I fell asleep while studying again?"

"And also said such a shameful dream?"

"Just like the dust, I will suffocate and commit suicide when I get home tonight!"


"I'm sorry, Ai Cheng-senpai!" Fumina Guqiao's eyes flashed with tears, "Please forgive me who talks like a dusty dream!"

"Well, sleep is not important." Little Devil-senpai raised her hand and covered her mouth, with a narrow smile on her face, "I'm even more curious about what you and junior-jun did after working last night?"

"Hmph, I didn't let Asakawa enjoy himself, so I will continue tonight..."

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