Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 317

Ogata is most afraid of ghosts and ghosts. You asked her to help solve ghost incidents that are not true or false. You asked the wrong person from the beginning!

It's like letting Guqiao participate in the breast model contest, Sanjiu challenged the big stomach king in full view, it is impossible to do it!

"I thought it would be a boy who gave Udon..." The girl bowed and apologized, "I scared your girlfriend, so sorry!"

Brother and sister?

Definitely not, the name and face are completely different.

normal friend?

Looking at the girl who hugged the boy's arm tightly, and the boy who is lightly smooth, don't you look like ordinary friends would do?

"you misunderstood."

Asakawa Naoki explained, "I and Ogata are classmates."

"Hug, sorry, I thought you were..."

"Why did you misunderstand?" Ogata Rizuka tilted her head and looked up. "I don't understand.

Why do you say that I am Asakawa’s girlfriend?

Is it in the eyes of others that you and Asakawa are boyfriends and girlfriends?

Or is it that as long as boys and girls are alone, they will be misunderstood?

So complicated, I don't understand at all.


The girl's expression was blank and stunned.


Naoki Asakawa raised his right hand and tapped lightly on the top of Ogata's head, "Don't cause trouble to the guests, the most important thing is to solve the immediate problem."

The girl blinked, her face suddenly showed an expression of tension and expectation, and she asked in surprise: "Are you two willing to help?"

"I am enough." Of course, Naoki Asakawa cannot say that as a superpower, he is very interested in the existence of ghosts. "Udon will not taste good when it is cold."

"Thank you very much." The woman bowed in surprise, "Please come in."

Asakawa walked into the hallway, he looked at the little girl beside him, "Ogata, you are outside..."


Yui Kaku was once again caught by Ogata Rizuki.

There were tears in the corners of the girl's eyes, and the expression on her face was extremely firm, "I'm with you."

Forget it, leaving you alone is definitely a fear!

Naoki Asakawa nodded slightly, "Then let's be together."



"excuse me."

Naoki Asakawa and Ogata walked into the entrance together and greeted them politely.

This apartment is a very ordinary single apartment, with an area of ​​about 30 or 40 square meters. Although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, it looks a little messy... But compared with Xiao Zhendong's apartment, it was instantly clean!

"Please change slippers." The girl took out two pairs of slippers from the shoe cabinet. "Sorry, I have always lived alone, and I am not in the mood to clean the room today. Please just take a moment."

Naoki Asakawa was bending over to change shoes, and was suddenly hugged by someone's neck. A strong milky scent poured into his nose, mixed with the scent of udon noodles.

"Then, there is a human head there!"

Ogata Rizuki hugged Asakawa's neck tightly, as if to transform into a koala, hanging on Asakawa for life.

Naoki Asakawa took a deep breath, making sure that he would not suffocate and faint. Looking towards Ogata's finger, he did find a lone human head in the shadow of the light. A glance was indeed shocking.

Naoki Asakawa narrowed his eyes, "It seems that it is a human head..."

Ogata was even more frightened, "Sure enough, it's a human head, let's call the police!"

"Please don't call the police!" The glasses girl who had just taken out the fruit to entertain the guests hurriedly waved her hand, her feet were soft, and she almost apologized, "That is a plaster sculpture, not a human head!"

"My high school is a member of the Fine Arts Department. This sculpture is the first work I made by myself. I took it back after graduation. Please don't get me wrong!"

"Really sculpture?"

With tears hanging from the corners of Ogata's eyes, Ogata Rizuma looked nervously at Asakawa.

"It should be."

It's no wonder that the facial features are quite rough, it turns out to be a hand-practice work.

The glasses lady breathed a sigh of relief, "The two can check carefully... No, you must check carefully."

Suddenly a policeman knocked on the door, saying that he was hiding someone's head in his home, and he couldn't live anymore, right?

Naoki Asakawa approached and quickly said, "It is indeed a plaster sculpture."


Ogata Risa tightly grasped the corner of Asagawa's clothes. "I heard that there is a terrible movie called the Museum of Horror. Will it be the same as the movie?"

Naoki Asakawa groaned, "It shouldn't. There is no smell of formaldehyde, and the weight is different."

The glasses girl: "..."

very scary.

I seem to have accidentally called a terrible person into the apartment, do you want to call the police first?

Chapter 236: Shura Field Preview

"Fear will only make the situation more troublesome, so..."

"So we have to stay calm at all times?"

Rishu Ogata answered.

"The answer is wrong." Naoki Asakawa stretched out his hand, "So you have to let go of your hand first."

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