Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 332

"Hurry up and put it on, this is the request of my life."

"That; all right."

"It doesn't look good to wear cat ears alone. Why don't you put on this maid outfit again?"

"Don't go too far."

"Please, this is the request of my life!"

"Woo Meow..."

The drunk soft cat teacher not only likes to praise people, but also like a classmate who entered the demon world as a grandson, unable to refuse others' requests, as long as this is my life's request, almost everything will be agreed!

"Aren't you thinking about strange things?" Tongsu Zhendong Liu frowned and looked vigilantly.

Naoki Asakawa said seriously: "Thinking is innocent."


Kirisu's anger rose, and his face was straightened: "Do you know why I knocked on the door?"

"Clean the room?" Asakawa guessed.

"No." Kirisu Midu shook his head.

As a housework insulator, it is estimated that Xiao Ma Dong will not be able to become a competent housewife in this life. Every time he cleans the room, the room becomes more and more chaotic, so now Asakawa Naoki has become a queen servant, cleaning the room once every two days——

It’s not long since the cockroach crisis has passed. In order to avoid Xiaoqiang's comeback, room hygiene is the top priority.

"Understood." Naoki Asakawa shifted his gaze down and looked at the flat and smooth lower abdomen of Mikami Kirisu. "You haven't changed your clothes. You just came back from the outside, are you very hungry?"

"You don't need to worry about you when you are hungry." Mr. Kirisu covered his stomach with his right hand, and his pretty face turned red. A student wanted to feed the teacher. It was disrespectful. "I bought cup noodles and came back to eat... the two girls who is it?"

"Ichika and Nino of the Nakano family."

Mr. Kirisu's expression became serious: "Why take the girl home so late?"

"To be precise." Asakawa pointed out a finger, "the two of them insisted on coming home with me."

Mr. Kirisu's eyes were subtle, and his lips softly opened: ""


What is your subtle tone of unbelief and dislike?

Believe it or not, take two girls home tomorrow to show you!

"I'm angry." Asakawa said with a straight face.

Mr. Kirisu was speechless: "Are you a kid?"

After speaking, Kirisu Matsumoto suddenly reacted, from the perspective of age, Asakawa is indeed an underage boy.

"From a physiological point of view, it now has all the functions of mammalian reproduction and reproduction. Throughout history, almost all ancients in the world were married at the age of thirteen or fourteen. The rule of adulthood at twenty is not scientific..." When the tree was halfway through, the dizziness in his head suddenly increased, and he subconsciously hugged the teacher soft cat next to him.

"What are you doing?!"

A panicked, shy and angry voice hurriedly sounded: "I am your teacher!"

If you dare to hold the teacher, you don't have the concept of respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao, right?

Kirisu was about to get angry when he suddenly found that Asakawa was short of breath, his face flushed, and his state was obviously not right.

"you are sick?"

Kirisu bit his lower lip and reached out to touch Asakawa's forehead.

"The forehead is hot."

"I have a fever."

Kirisu Matsuoka helped Asakawa on the sofa and whispered, "Have you taken cold medicine?"

"I just ate it." Naoki Asakawa pressed his forehead with his hand, closed his eyes and spit out, "I don't have the energy to write a review today."

"Then write it tomorrow." Kirsu Matsuya came over, "Sit down, I'll twist the towel."

Kirisu walked into the bathroom, twisted a wet towel, took an ice cube from the refrigerator, and put it on Asakawa's forehead.

"Do you feel better?" Kirisu Masuu asked warmly.

"It's not good, it's uncomfortable."

"Where is it?"

"The whole body is uncomfortable, but if you have Teacher Zhendong's knee pillow, you can instantly refresh yourself."


Kirisu was so angry that he bit her pink lips, "There is still thinking about talking, I think you are not uncomfortable at all."

Naoki Asakawa said solemnly, "This is the request of my life. Please promise me."

"Don't even think about it." Mr. Kirisu was expressionless. "Push up your own pillow."

What does the teacher look like when giving students a knee pillow?

What if someone else knows?

This kind of request for winter will not promise you!

Kirito changed a towel and frowned her eyebrows slightly. She had planned to go back when Asakawa yaki came down. The strange thing was that the yaki couldn't come down.

Seeing Naoki Asakawa frowning from time to time, Kirisu Matsuya hesitated for a while, finally made up his mind, and his pretty face blushed and said, "...Lie down."

Naoki Asakawa was slightly startled, seeing Xiao Ma Dong covering his chest with his right hand, turning his head to look to the side, of course he would not miss the opportunity, lying on the lap of Mr. Soft Cat.

Feel... Actually, there is no special feeling.

The main reason is that it is very fragrant. After entering the society, I have to use various cosmetics every day. The fragrance of Xiao Zhendong's body is particularly good, like a dream created by flowers and fruits, which makes people unable to help but sink into it and do not want to wake up Come.

Naoki Asakawa comfortably changed his posture: "Should I say a few words as usual at this time?"

"What is it?"

Mr. Kirisu was stunned, and only let you sit on your knees. How can there be such a thing as a convention?

Naoki Asakawa looked serious, and said solemnly: "Thank you for the hospitality."

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