Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 334

Anyway, the tutoring income is charged by the hour. I didn't go to tuition for the five sisters, so naturally I wouldn't take the money, so I can rest assured that I have a rest.

Picking up his mobile phone and calling May to ask for sick leave, Asakawa Naoki looked down at the pillow, then silently opened his right hand, and a few hairs flew to his palm without wind.

"...I'm stronger."

Naoki Asakawa quickly concluded that having a fever overnight was not a common cold, but an evolution of superpowers.

It's just that Naoki Asakawa couldn't get up at all, and even his heartache was so hard to breathe.

In his hand was the hair that had fallen all night yesterday. One of the pink hairs was obviously the hair of Teacher Xiao Zhendong. As for the other dozen...

"Asshole! How come you lose so much hair?!"

"Is it the so-called bald and stronger me?"

"This kind of super power in exchange for hair is not needed at all!!"

It’s sad to die young, and it’s even more heartbreaking to die young. It’s a high school student who has endured the hair crisis of middle-aged talent so quickly. Naoki Asakawa looked at the dozen or so hairs in his palm. The whole person is bad.

"Stay steady, don't panic."

Naoki Asakawa took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"In addition to the fact that baldness is related to staying up late and eating, family inheritance is more important."

"Fortunately, my father and grandfather are not bald. The future of being bald at an early age may not be unchangeable."

"As long as you stay in a good mood and don't need superpowers, you should be able to effectively curb hair loss... Hell if you are in a good mood!"

Naoki Asakawa walked into the bathroom, flushed the dead hair to the toilet, just walked out, suddenly heard the doorbell ring.

"Teacher Zhendong?"

Asakawa Naoki walked to the door and looked out from the cat's eye. A dull hair swayed in the wind, "It's May."

"Asakawa, excuse me."

One May walked in the door with his hands on his abdomen, standing dignified.

Asakawa Naoki was about to close the door, and May suddenly said, "Wait a minute, there will be more later."


Asakawa Naoki looked behind May.

A figure flashed in the corner, and another May came into view.

"Sao Chuan, good morning."

In the second May, when he walked into the entrance, the star hair ornaments on the temples shook lightly, then turned his head and said, "Come in."

Under Naoki Asakawa's expressionless gaze, the third May came into view.

Then came the fourth May.

The fifth May...

"One, two, three, four, five... All the staff are here!"

Five Mays lined up in the living room, standing in front of Asakawa Naoki, and began to talk.

"I heard that Asakawa and the student are sick, it must be lonely to be alone, let's see you."

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

"As long as Asakawa can tell who we are, there will be a mysterious gift for you."

"How is Asakawa-san's illness? His complexion really looks bad."

"Come and play Guessing!"


The five sisters have a tacit understanding of each other.

Naoki Asakawa crossed his fingers, supported his chin, and looked at the five Mays in front of him.

It's a quintuplets. They are all exactly the same in height, looks, hair, and accessories. You can't tell the difference with your eyes. So if you want to play, find the difference, have fun and eliminate the music!

With a snap of your fingers, the five sisters have successfully merged, maybe they can super-evolve!

Naoki Asakawa wanted to refuse. It was too troublesome for everyone to find faults. When the words came to his lips, he suddenly remembered the dozen hairs that had fallen. His heart ached again. In order to divert his attention and maintain a good mood, he said: What is a mysterious gift?"

"Asagawa-san guessed our identity and knew it."

The other May held out his finger: "As long as there is love, we can tell who we are."

Enough of you, and not the witch Xiao Miyan who controls time, she believes in the power of science more than love such a thing!

Naoki Asakawa crossed his fingers and glanced across the five Mays: "...Look at me using scientific power to distinguish you."

Chapter 246

Naoki Asakawa made the usual ten-finger cross gesture and silently looked at the five Mays in front of him.


"Don't call Ernai a fool."

"Never say cold jokes."

"Asakawa-san must be careful."

"As long as there is love, we can definitely recognize who we are."

Five sisters, one sentence, and three chapters with Naoki Asakawa.

Naoki Asakawa groaned for half a second: "If you don't shout, don't shout, Nino, I have grasped her weakness."


None of the five sisters spoke.

"Ninai is not angry?"

Naoki Asakawa was startled. He planned to say another sentence "It feels very good." When the words came to his lips, he hurriedly reined in the cliff and wiped his forehead with cold sweat.


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