Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 343

The five sisters were mighty, followed Asagawa to the supermarket to buy ingredients and rice, then returned to the apartment, and even wanted to help clean the ingredients, but the kitchen was too small to be crowded.

"Asakawa-kun, I'll leave the rest to you." Ichika clapped her hands, "I have a phobia of sharp objects, so I can't say with a knife."

"You said you can't take a knife. Have you sniped me many times with a hatchet?" Naoki Asakawa vomited.

"That's a special situation." Yihua tilted his head, smiling cheerfully, "Asakawa-kun, who wants to leave us alone, must be punished."

Asakawa Naoki looked at Nino Road:

"Nino, come to the kitchen to help."

"Hey, you guys don't want me to do everything!" Nino put his hands on his chest, sat on the sofa, turned his head and hummed, "I'm not going, you can do it yourself."

"Asakawa, let me help."

Sanjiu stood up and said softly.

Seeing Sanjiu who rolled up his sleeves and walked into the kitchen, Nina bit her pink lips silently, suddenly feeling irritated.

"Hey, Sanjiu will actually help..." Wuyue tilted his head, "I always feel that Sanjiu is different from before."

"It's probably because I found the target, so I got up brave?" Ichika sat next to Nino and stretched out her hand to peel the orange. "What do you think of Nino?"

Nino turned his head and said, "Of course I saw it with my eyes."

Yotsuba supported his chin with both hands: "Nino's complaints are like Asakawa-san."

Nino: "..."


In the kitchen.

"Your task is mainly to wash vegetables." Asakawa Naoki looked at Mikaku, "Don't touch the knife, be careful of injury."

"Frivolous Qianchuan, don't look down on people." When there is no one, Sanjiu always likes to call an exclusive address, and said, "I haven't used a knife before."

Naoki Asakawa said silently: "Then cut the potatoes into cubes?"

"You... how do you know?" San Jiu Qiao blushed and turned her head in embarrassment.

Naoki Asakawa said silently, "Of course I saw it with my own eyes when I was in the home economics class."

Many subjects will be combined in the class for teaching.Home economics class, art class, and music class are all like this. When taking a housekeeping class, Naoki Asakawa witnessed Mijiu cutting a potato into a square. It was the scene of a large-scale car accident. It was horrible.

"That's what happened before, don't underestimate people..."

"Senior goodbye for three days, should you look with admiration?"

"Yes, that's it."

"Here is the knife." Naoki Asakawa passed the knife. "You'll cut the potatoes."

"The wicked and frivolous shallow river."

Sanjiu bulged his bun's face, stretched out a finger, and lightly poked Asakawa's arm: "You go away, I don't want to talk to you."

Chapter 252

Naoki Asakawa thought that Sanjiu's culinary skills couldn't do well with knives, and that cleaning the ingredients would always be fine. It turns out that he was wrong.

"Sanjiu, pay attention to your hair."


"Hair fell into the water."

"Huh eh eh?"

Sanjiu hurriedly lowered his head to look, and after seeing a few strands of hair accidentally falling into the water, he suddenly puffed up his bun's face and opened his eyes to look towards Asakawa.


"Hey, you just have to be awkward, why are you staring at me?" Asakawa Naoki couldn't help but vomit, "Are you a three-year-old kid!"

Don't think that being cute can do whatever you want, it's obviously your fault, so hurry up and think about it!

"I don't help if I see it. Guilty."

"Well, I am guilty."


Sanjiu stood up straight, tilted her head to avoid getting her hair wet, and said, "Frivolous Asakawa, help me."


"Help me tie up my hair." Sanjiu was a little bit distressed, "It's uncomfortable for my hair to get in the water, and my hands are sticky and can't touch."

Among the five sisters of Nakano’s family, one flower has super short hair and can transform into a handsome boy in a suit. Nino has the longest hair. When riding the tram before, her hair was accidentally caught by the door, Sanjiu’s hair The length is the same to the waist, and the hairstyle has never changed. It is a very common shawl hair.

"Received." Naoki Asakawa wiped his hands with a towel, a little bit of interest, "What do you want to tie your hair into?"

"Um..." Sanjiu tilted his head for a moment, and said softly, "There is no special idea, let's make the decision by Frivolity Asakawa, as long as it doesn't touch the water."

"give it to me."

Naoki Asakawa stretched out his hand to take up Mikau's hair, only to feel that the first hand was silky and extremely delicate, as if accidentally it would run away from fingertips like running water.

It smells good.

It smells good.

A fruity scent of shampoo pours into the tip of the nose, fresh and timeless, making people want to stop.

It’s strange that they are all the same shampoo. Why do girls’ hair smell so much better than boys?

Asakawa thought carefully and quickly found the reason.

Because girls’ hair is too long, more shampoos are used when washing their hair, and the smell is naturally more fragrant!


The girl's trembling low moan suddenly sounded.

Sanjiu stretched out his hand to support the pool, his pretty face flushed and said, "No, no."

"What not?"

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