Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 347

Yotsuba: "Ninai has worked hard."

May: "Ninai is working hard."

Nino: "..."


After drinking the tea made by Nino himself, the next step is naturally learning time.

Time passed quietly.

The afternoon sun poured in from the balcony, which was clear and bright.

After studying together for an hour, during the break, Yihua raised her hand to cover her mouth and let out a breath. It turned out that the breath was indeed contagious. After Yihua, the other four yawned one after another.

So when Naoki Asakawa raised his head again, all the five fools in the Nakano family fell asleep.

The five sisters leaned against each other, Yihua pillowed on Nino's shoulder, her sleeping face was quiet and sweet.

Nino was holding Sanjiu’s arm, and a slipper on her foot fell because of dishonesty, revealing white, tender, round and lovely feet. The five cardamom-like toes were also smeared with pink nail polish. Looks like I can see people with my feet.

The earphones on Sanjiu's chest were still not taken off. A ray of sunlight just fell on Sanjiu's stockings. They were obviously black stockings, but they seemed to reflect the sunlight. The legs that were gently brought together seemed the thinnest among the five sisters.

Yotsuba was lying in May's arms, full of energy when he was awake, and after falling asleep at this moment, he showed a touch of weakness for some reason. It seemed that it was not the carefree, carefree exercise fool on the surface.

As for May...

Naoki Asakawa glanced, always worried that May suddenly came up with a scary sleepy saying "I have not eaten enough, I want to eat".

The afternoon sun is clear.

Naoki Asakawa silently retracted his gaze, and the sound of his pen scratching on the paper quietly lightened, and a subtle emotion suddenly appeared in his heart.

"It seems not bad to keep going like this..."

"and many more."

"When Faust sold his soul to the devil, it was this kind of self-willing thought!"

Naoki Asakawa raised his hand to hold his eyebrows, and drove the messy thoughts out of his mind.

"No, we must be more vigilant."

"If you are Faust, then the girl is the devil."

"Be careful that your soul is cheated away by these demons!"


The five fools of the Nakano family didn't know if they were unsuspecting or were too relieved of Asakawa. They actually slept until sunset, and opened their eyes sleepily.

"Hmm, so comfortable~"

Yihua clenched his fists with both hands, raised it above his head, and stretched her waist vigorously, "I can't sleep at home, I didn't expect that I would sleep well here in Asakawa-kun."

Naoki Asakawa said disgustedly: "As long as you lie down at night and don't play with your phone, you can sleep well."

"The sun has all set?" Nino looked at Asakawa vigilantly, "We actually slept for so long. Didn't you guy let us drink something weird?"

"This question should be asked to yourself." Naoki Asakawa crossed his fingers. "Why do you drool and talk in a boy's apartment..."

"You're talking nonsense!" Nina pretty flushed, and quickly raised her hand to wipe the corners of her lips, "There is no drooling at all!"

Naoki Asakawa looked at Mikau: "This question should be answered by Mikao, who is your pillow."

"Nino." Sanjiu bulged her cheeks, stretched out her hand and took up her sleeves, unhappy, "Shoulder is wet with your saliva."

"Who, who knows if it's saliva..." Nino turned her head, her voice lower and lower, and said in embarrassment, "Well, I'll go back and wash your clothes for you!"

"Hahaha, I've finished reviewing my homework. I didn't expect to sleep for so long." Yotsuba raised his hand and grabbed his hair, with a bright smile on his face, "I have lived up to Asakawa's expectations."

In May, I ate and drank enough to sleep soundly. Only then did I open my eyes in a daze, staring blankly at the sunset outside the balcony, rubbing my stomach with my right hand, and muttering:

"Well, it's dark...what shall we eat tonight..."

"Eat your meat buns."

Naoki Asakawa couldn't bear it, his face was full of black lines.

Studying for less than an hour, and then sleeping until the evening, the first thing to wake up is to worry about having dinner at night, you are not a foodie who is a foodie!

"Wake up in May and wash your face." Yihua said, "It's really not good to bother Asakawa-kun all the time. Let's go home."

Yotsuba scratched his head, and suddenly approached Asakawa, his eyes widened: "Stare—"

"What are you staring at me for?"

Yotsuba said, "Asakawa-san has not slept, right? Dark circles are coming out."

Naoki Asakawa said blankly, "I'm afraid of sleepwalking when I fall asleep, and then I will be broken my ribs by Nino."

"Hey, does Asakawa actually have sleepwalking? Isn't it serious? Do you want to take medicine? Will you bump into someone during sleepwalking?"

Asakawa Naoki lowered his head, the shadow covered his eyes: " know too much."

Yotsuba raised his hand and covered his mouth: "Don't worry, Asakawa-san, I will be tight-lipped and promise not to say anything!"

"What you want to say is tight-lipped!"

Chapter 255


Naoki Asakawa shouted at the five sisters who were about to go out, and handed over the notes I wrote in the afternoon: "This is the information I compiled in the afternoon and the question type that will appear with high probability. Remember to read it after you go back."

Sanjiu reached out and took the note, and said in surprise: "Asakawa wrote a lot."

"I often write reviews recently, and the speed has become faster again." Asakawa Naoki shrugged.

"Huh, review?"

"do not mind the details."

Yihua raised her hand to cover her mouth, sighed like a blue, and whispered: "It's impossible for a boy to move too fast."

Naoki Asakawa twitched his mouth: "Hey, I suspect you are driving."

Yihua raised her chin, her eyes bent into crescent moons: "It is not a crime without evidence."

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