Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 359

Just know something in your heart, don't say it!

Naoki Asakawa glanced at the unremarkable old bridge at the Italian airport where the carrier-based aircraft can be parked, and casually vomited: "So the evolutionary direction of modern humans has gone, and the flat chest is the right future."

"Asakawa classmate!!"

Fumina Guqiao suddenly became angry with the ball beast, and he dared to say those two words unobstructed. Did you know that some things are taboos that cannot be mentioned!


Super excessive!

Guqiao wanted to punish him, but it was a pity that he soon discovered that his legs were too short now. Even if he tried to stand on his toes, he couldn't reach Asakawa's face, but his knees could barely reach him.

"Wen Nai sauce!"

"Funnai, good morning."

A clear and sweet shout sounded.

The trio of the Thorns Society waved and ran over. Asakawa Naoki wondered if these three people squatted at the gate of the school every day, guarding the ancient bridge, or how could they meet every day by coincidence.

"Good morning."

Rizu Ogata tilted her head and said calmly.

Although Furuhashi said that she should play a good role and don't reveal her identity, it is a pity that for Ogata Rizuki, who cannot understand the feelings of others, the kind of bright smile that can bring others warmth is simply impossible.

"Hey, Wen Naijiang feels a little strange today."

The three girls gathered together, chatting and chatting.

"Yes, much more serious than usual."

"It feels exactly the same as Wen Naijiang half a month ago."

"Hmm..." Ogata Rizuki tilted her head and said seriously, "Because I feel a little sick."

There is always a similar reason for a major change in temperament, and it's very easy to use it if you feel sick.

"That's it."

The three girls suddenly realized that they counted with their fingers: "Count the days, the days of Wen Naijiang did come..."

Asakawa Naoki heard halfway through, suddenly his knee hurts.

Fumino Furuhashi's face quickly turned red, holding a pink fist and knocking on Asakawa Naoki's knee: "Don't overhear, hurry up!"

What's so shy!It's just those few days, as long as you pay attention, you can remember most girls' special days!

Grumpy temper is not evidence. Some girls have been in heat for three hundred and sixty-five days...No, it is a irritable period. A typical example is Nakano Nino, who is probably not in harmony with each other. If you don't say a few words, you will get angry.

The real clues are in life, such as when a girl suddenly asks for leave during a swimming class, or one day she suddenly lays down on her stomach in class, it is a special day in all likelihood!

"I didn't eavesdrop, they were too loud."

"Don't say it!"


Separated from Fumino Furuhashi, Asakawa Naoki walked to the teaching building alone.

"Asakawa-san, wait for me."

A soft and sweet shout sounded like cotton candy.

Asakawa turned his head and looked, a petite loli with silver hair ran over from the club room with her short legs.

"Sao Chuan, good morning."

Silver-haired loli ran to Asakawa, raised her small face and looked in surprise, her azure blue eyes bluer than the sky above her head.

"Good morning." Asakawa Naoki replied warmly.

Feng Xiaochun took a few breaths, moved her short legs, and followed Qianchuan with her schoolbag, her beautiful silver hair swaying gently with her footsteps: "I'm going to take an exam today, I'm a little nervous."

Naoki Asakawa said, "Can you pass?"

"There is no problem with passing or passing."

Feng Xiaochun bulged her cheeks slightly. Although she likes sneak shots and doesn't study hard, she has never failed.

"That's okay. Passing is the biggest expectation of many college students."

Feng Xiaochun: "..."

When the two walked to the corridor, Asakawa Naoki suddenly remembered his awakened fantasy killer: "Wait a minute."

"Huh?" Silver-haired Lori raised her eyes, "What's the matter?"

"Let me touch it." Asakawa Naoki said.

Feng Xiaochun opened her eyes wide and stayed for two seconds, her small face quickly dyed crimson at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she hurriedly covered her butt with her hand: "Touch, touch?"

"I haven't seen you for a weekend, Asakawa finally couldn't bear it, do you want to do that kind of thing?"

"Asakawa-san, this ass control is too fucking!"

"No, no!"

The silver-haired loli quickly shook her head, her face flushed, and she stubbornly said: "That kind of have to date first..."

"Although I don't know what you are talking about." Asakawa stretched out his right hand and said speechlessly, "I just want to touch my head."

The right hand fell on top of Feng Xiaochun's head, gently smoothing the hair, and the soft and silky touch made people unbearable to let go.

Seeing the dull hair disappearing on top of Feng Xiaochun's head, Asakawa Naoki nodded in satisfaction.

Very good, the ability of a fantasy killer is also effective on Feng Xiaochun.


A blond girl with clothes tied around her waist and short hem of skirt, looming in the absolute realm, looked over sharply.

Chiba Nanako.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way." The elder sister of the bad girl carried her schoolbag on her shoulders, her eyes looked like looking at the carbon-based creatures at the bottom of the food chain.

Feng Xiaochun reached out and grabbed the corner of Asakawa's clothes and hid behind Naoki Asakawa. Now that he saw a few unscrupulous girls, he was still afraid.

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