Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 369

With the support of Naoki Asakawa underneath, Rizuki Ogata quickly touched the window, stretched out his hand and pushed it slightly, pushing the window open.

Push the window open, and the next step is naturally to turn over the window.

Naoki Asakawa supported Ogata's feet with both hands, and looked up. As for Furuhashi... She just turned into short legs as a lighting tool next to her, and she couldn't reach it if she wanted to help.

The lights flickered.

A touch of white and delicate absolute realm came into view, and Naoki Asakawa even clearly caught the shallow sock marks drawn on the girl's thigh at the end of the stockings. In the indistinctness above, there seemed to be a pink flash.

"Asakawa-san, close your eyes!"

Fumina Guqiao shouted in shame.

Naoki Asakawa narrowed his eyes and said, "Hold the phone firmly and don't shake it, I can't see anything."

After swapping his bodies and getting rid of the ten-jin Opie limiter, Ogata Rizuki was like a little Li who unloaded his load. Not only did he move fast, his agility value also rose, and with the help of Asakawa Naoki, he quickly turned the window.

"Li Zhujiang, be careful when you jump down, so that you don't fall." Fumina Guqiao shouted nervously.

The window is still some distance from the ground. Jumping off rashly may cause injury.

"Don't worry." Rizuki Ogata sat on the window with confident eyes, "I am very light now, so there will be no problem."


Fumina Guqiao puffed up his bun's face: "I'm really sorry for being so light> People<!"


A soft sound.

"Successfully landed." Rizuki Ogata's voice soon sounded outside the door, "I'll go to the teacher for help, you two wait for me."

"That's good." Fumina Fumina sighed in relief, "please please Li Zhujiang."

As Ogata Rizu left, the warehouse suddenly became quiet.

Fumino Furuhashi's eyes were erratic, with a light crimson on her face quietly climbing up. Although she was only holding her mobile phone to illuminate from the beginning to the end, she looked at her body on the shoulders of Asakawa, and she felt ashamed.

"So hungry." Naoki Asakawa clapped his hands, took out a box of emergency chocolate bars from his school bag, broke the silence and said, "Would you like some snacks?"

"Don't eat."

Fumina Guqiao turned his head, just now such a shameful thing happened, so he won't forgive you so easily.

Naoki Asakawa pulled out a chocolate bar, "Then I will eat it myself."


Gu Qiao Wen Nai puffed up his bun's face, even more unhappy.

At this time, the light suddenly disappeared, and endless darkness enveloped.

"Eh, what, what's wrong?"

Fumina Guqiao was taken aback and hurried to order his cell phone, but there was no response.

Humans are typical visual creatures. Most of the information is received by the eyes. Once the eyes are invisible, they will immediately fall into panic.

"Asa, Asakawa students?!"

"I'm here."

Listening to the familiar voices ringing around, the panic in Fumina Guqiao's heart disappeared in half.

Then one hand stretched out and took her right hand.

Feeling the familiar warmth, Fumina Guqiao hesitated for two seconds, pressed her pink lips, and silently held Asakawa.

"Just... just take it... as long as it's not seen by others..."

Chapter 271

"Asakawa-san, the phone seems to be broken."

Fumino Furuhashi grasped Asagawa's hand tightly and quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Asakawa was by her side, she might cry out if she was the only one in the warehouse.

"Have you ever thought of another possibility?" Asakawa Naoki said quietly.


Gu Qiao was startled, and couldn't help shrinking his neck: "Difficult, can it be said..."

The gloomy sports warehouse and the dark environment where you can't see your fingers always make people involuntarily think of supernatural events.

"Your phone is dead."


Fumina Guqiao puffed up his bun's face, and quickly reacted, "I remember, when I turned on the flashlight just now, the battery was really low. It should have been turned off after a dead battery... Asakawa student, where's your phone?"

"In the pocket." Asakawa Naoki replied.

"Hurry up and bring out the lighting."

Related to his childhood experience, Fumino Guhashi has always been very afraid of the dark, and must turn on the lamp to sleep at night.

"I haven't finished the snacks..."

"Then eat quickly." Guqiao Wennai urged.

Asakawa Naoki looked down, "Open your mouth."


Gu Qiao Wen Nai raised her small face.

The next moment, a thing was handed into the mouth.

Fumina Guhashi subconsciously bit down, and with a soft "click", the sweetness and aroma of matcha chocolate spread on the tip of his tongue.


The food girl whose taste buds were captured by the chocolate quickly turned into crescent moons, like a little hamster getting melon seeds, and began to eat.

A chocolate bar was quickly consumed.

"Would you like another one?" Asakawa asked Naoki.

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