Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 381

"In other words, in addition to physical strength, there are restrictions that you don't know about?" Asakawa thought in his heart.

"Good, so awesome."

May opened her eyes wide, and said in shock: "Asakawa-san actually won?"

Now I shouldn't be amazed, but wonder why such a big zombie warrior would be wiped out in ashes!

The three of you actually ignored this question, and there really is no logic in the dream.

"Asakawa also practiced samurai training?" Mikau's eyes sparkled, always feeling that the headset is Mikau's main body, even in a dream, he didn't take it off his neck. "It seemed like a duel between samurai just now."

"Sorry, the crime of duel is illegal and criminal." Naoki Asakawa couldn't help but spit out, "How much do you like samurai, you dream of such things as zombie samurai!"

"I don't like it that much..." Sanjiu's face was reddened, and he said vaguely, "Don't say such strange things suddenly."

Asakawa Naoki sighed.

He just said to Wu Yue that it is a dream now, but unfortunately there is no logic in the dream, and what he said was ignored, just thinking that he was talking nonsense that he didn't understand.

A Sanjiu joined the team, and a few people did not stop, leaving the classroom quickly, looking for Yihua and Siye.

"Yutaba is on the playground!"

With sharp eyes, May hurriedly pointed towards the playground.

Naoki Asakawa turned his head and looked at him with an expression on his face as he watched a tall zombie wearing a rugby jersey chasing Yotsuba.

Is this the rugby zombie from Plants vs. Zombies?

It's exactly the same!

Well said that the zombie crisis, things in this game are too contradictory!

"Yoshiba is about to be caught up, let's go to save Yotsuba quickly." Nina said nervously.

"I'll go alone." Asakawa Naoki shook his head. "The three of you are waiting for me here."

Sanjiu bit her pink lips: "Asakawa alone is too dangerous."

The danger is better than the three of you dragging oil bottles. How bad is your physical strength?

If Yotsuba can hold on for sixty seconds, you can’t hold on for ten seconds. Going up is just a gift!

Naoki Asakawa took a breath, ran towards the playground, and quickly came to Yotsuba.


Yotsuba's eyes lit up, he opened his mouth and took a breath, with a tangled expression on his face, and then waved his hands vigorously: "Don't come here, this zombie is too fast, you can't run it!"

Nonsense, I didn't come here to participate in the zombie track and field meeting, who would race against this kind of thing!

"If you can't run, then don't run."

Naoki Asakawa raised his right leg and stretched it forward.


The rugby zombies were unprepared, tripped by Asakawa Naoki, and fell directly to the ground.

Yotsuba opened his eyes wide, and subconsciously said, "Well, that, it's a foul to stretch your legs and trip people..."

Otherwise, how do you do it, do you have to take out a stopwatch to help you time, and see when you are caught up by the zombie?


Naoki Asakawa raised his hand and knocked a chisel on Yotsuba's head.

Yotsuba raised her pretty face, and said blankly, "Why did Asakawa hit me?"

Asakawa Naoki: "Does it hurt?"

Yotsuba shook his head: "It doesn't hurt."

"It doesn't hurt, right?" Asakawa raised his eyebrows and knocked again.

"Does it hurt now?"

Si Ye hugged his head and squatted, pitifully: "It hurts."

"If you were chased by that zombie just now, it will be ten times more painful than now. When you are worried about others, don't forget yourself!"

"Ding Dong—"

A four leaves join the team.

"Asakawa student, Yihua is not in the classroom." Wu Yue said nervously, "I can't find her anywhere."

Sanjiu bit her lower lip: "The phone can't get through."

It's a hell of being a generalist, the communications company hasn't been able to erect a signal tower in a dream!

Yotsuba was anxious: "Ichihua shouldn't..."

"Don't talk nonsense, there will be no accident at Yihua." Nino clenched her pink fist and looked at Asakawa, "Can you find Yihua?"

"It should be possible." Asakawa Naoki nodded.

The dream of this road to survival is obviously based on the school as the main area. As the protagonist of the dream, Yihua must be in the school.

"come here."

Nino pulled Asakawa to the side, a light blush rose on Qiao's face, and he whispered, "As long as you find a flower, I, I will promise you..."

"Promise what?"

"You guy, don't ask knowingly!" Nino stared in embarrassment, "Of course I reluctantly dated you!"

Chapter 280

"I promised to associate with you..."

Before Nino finished speaking, Asakawa Naoki waved his hand decisively: "100 million refused."

"You, how dare you refuse?"

If you say no, then refuse. Even if you call your father now, you will never agree to it!

Now it's the doomsday survival, what kind of girlfriend do you want? You can only drag a petrol bottle, not as useful as a bicycle!

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